United States Election Assistance Comittee

Register to Vote!

Use the National Mail Voter Registration Form to register to vote, update your registration information with a new name or address, or register with a political party.

Note: If you wish to vote absentee and are a uniformed service member or family member or a citizen living outside the U.S., contact the Federal Voting Assistance Program to register to vote.

EAC Newsletters
and Updates

Sign up to receive information about EAC activities including public meetings, webcasts, reports and grants.

Give Us Your Feedback

Share your feedback on EAC policy proposalsElection Resource Library materials, and OpenEAC activities. Give feedback on general issues, including the Web site, through our Contact Us page.

Military and Overseas Voters

EAC has several projects under way to assist states in serving military and overseas citizens who register and vote absentee under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. Learn more

Certified Voting Systems


Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite 4.0

There are currently no System Advisory Notices for Dominion Democracy Suite 4.0. Visit our Quality Monitoring Program page for more information.

There are currently no Approved Changes to this system.


05/10/12 -- Certificate of Conformance

05/10/12 -- EAC Final Decision Granting Certification

05/10/12 -- Final Test Report - Rev. A (Wyle)

05/09/12 -- EAC Initial Decision Granting Certification

05/09/12 -- Final Test Report Requirements Matrix

Draft Testing Documents

05/02/12 -- Draft Test Report - Rev. A (Wyle)

03/23/12 -- Draft Test Report (Wyle)

11/30/11 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. C (Wyle)

10/25/11 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. B (Wyle)

09/26/11 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. A (Wyle)

04/19/11 -- Draft Test Plan (Wyle)

12/06/11 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Rev. D

12/06/11 -- Approved Test Plan - Rev. D (Wyle)

04/20/10 -- Approval Letter of Voting System Testing Application Package


Dominion Voting Systems Assure 1.3 Modification

There are currently no System Advisory Notices for Dominion Assure 1.3. Visit our Quality Monitoring Program page for more information.

There are currently no Approved Changes to this system.


06/29/12 -- Certificate of Conformance

06/29/12 -- EAC Final Decision Granting Certification

05/25/12 -- EAC Initial Decision Granting Certification

05/18/12 -- Final Test Report - Rev. 1.3 (SLI)

05/04/12 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Rev. 1.6

04/27/12 -- Approved Test Plan - Rev. 1.6 (SLI)

11/22/11 -- Approval Letter of Voting System Testing Application Package 

Draft Testing Documents

05/11/12 -- Draft Test Report - Rev. 1.2 (SLI)

04/05/12 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. 1.5 (SLI)

03/02/12 -- Draft Test Report - Rev. 1.1 (SLI)

01/24/12 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Rev. 1.4

01/24/12 -- Approved Test Plan - Rev. 1.4 (SLI)

01/20/12 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. 1.3 (SLI)

01/10/12 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. 1.2 (SLI)

12/22/11 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. 1.1 (SLI)


Election Systems and Software Unity

To view the System Advisory Notices for ES&S Unity, visit the Resource Library or visit our Quality Monitoring Program page for more information.

To view Approved Changes to this system visit our Changes to Certified Systems page.


04/04/11 -- Certificate of Conformance

03/29/11 -- EAC Final Decision Granting Certification 

03/22/11 -- EAC Initial Decision Granting Certification

03/22/11 -- Final Test Report Requirements Matrix (Wyle)

03/10/11 -- Final Test Report - Rev. A (Wyle)

02/28/11 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Rev. B 

02/28/11 -- Final Test Plan - Rev. B (Wyle)

03/24/10 -- Approval Letter for Reuse of SysTest Prior Testing

03/24/10 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Ver. 5.0

03/24/10 -- Final Test Plan - Ver. 5.0 (iBeta)

Draft Testing Documents

02/28/11 -- Draft Test Report  (Wyle)

01/25/11 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. A  (Wyle)

12/13/10 -- Partial Draft Test Report - Ver. 1.0 (iBeta)

01/25/10 -- Draft Test Plan - Ver. 3.0 (iBeta)

11/12/09 -- Draft Test Plan - Ver. 2.0 (iBeta)

09/18/09 -- Draft Test Plan - Ver. 1.0 (iBeta)


01/11/11 -- EAC letter to ES&S granting their request to replace iBeta Lab

12/10/10 -- ES&S letter to EAC requesting permission to change VSTL

09/11/09 -- EAC Approval of iBeta ESS Unity Source Code Reuse

08/13/09 -- iBeta Recommendation to EAC on ESS Unity Source Code Reuse (iBeta)


Election Systems and Software Unity Rev. 3 Modification

There are currently no System Advisory Notices for MicroVote EMS Ver.4.0. Visit our Quality Monitoring Program page for more information.

There are currently no Approved Changes to this system.


05/16/12 -- Certificate of Conformance

05/16/12 -- EAC Final Decision Granting Certification

05/10/12 -- EAC Initial Decision Granting Certification

05/08/12 -- Final Test Report Rev. A (Wyle)

03/29/12 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Rev. B 

03/27/12 -- Approved Test Plan - Rev. B (Wyle)

01/27/12 -- Approval Letter of Voting System Testing Application Package

Draft Testing Documents

04/24/12 -- Draft Test Report (Wyle)

03/09/12 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. A (Wyle)

02/09/12 -- Draft Test Plan (Wyle) 


MicroVote General Corporation EMS Voting System Ver. 4.0B Modification 

To view the System Advisory Notices for MicroVote EMS Ver.4.0B Modification, visit the Resource Library or visit our Quality Monitoring Program page for more information.

There are currently no Approved Changes to this system.


08/23/10 -- Certificate of Conformance

08/17/10 -- EAC Final Decision Granting Certification 

08/12/10 -- EAC Initial Decision Granting Certification

06/21/10 -- Final Test Report - Rev. C (Wyle)

09/28/09 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan 

09/08/09 -- Final Test Plan (Wyle)

Draft Testing Documents

02/24/10 -- Draft Test Report (Wyle)


MicroVote General Corporation EMS Voting System Ver. 4.0

There are currently no System Advisory Notices for MicroVote EMS Ver.4.0. Visit our Quality Monitoring Program page for more information.

There are currently no Approved Changes to this system.


02/06/09 -- EAC Final Decision Granting Certification 

02/06/09 -- Certificate of Conformance (updated)

12/31/08 -- EAC Initial Decision Granting Certification 

03/02/09 -- Final Test Report - Ver. 5.0 (iBeta) (PDF 13MB -- Includes Hardware Environmental Report)

01/22/08 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Ver. 3.0 

10/23/07 -- Final Test Plan - Ver. 3.0 (iBeta)

Draft Testing Documents

12/19/08 -- Draft Test Report - Ver. 4.0 (iBeta)

09/26/08 -- Draft Test Report - Ver. 2.0 (iBeta)

09/19/08 -- Draft Test Report Requirements Matrix Rev. 5.3

06/25/08 -- Draft Test Report - Ver. 1.0 (iBeta)

09/27/07 -- Draft Test Plan - Ver. 2.0 (iBeta)


02/03/09 -- MicroVote letter to EAC on Trusted Build and System Identification Tools

02/02/09 -- iBeta letter to EAC on Trusted Build for MicroVote EMS V.4.0 


Premier Election Solutions, Inc. Assure 1.2

To view the System Advisory Notices for Premier Assure 1.2, visit the Resource Library or visit our Quality Monitoring Program page for more information.

There are currently no Approved Changes to this system.


08/06/09 -- EAC Final Decision Granting Certification

08/06/09 -- Certificate of Conformance

08/03/09 -- EAC Initial Decision Granting Certification

08/06/09 -- Final Test Report - Ver. 3.0 (iBeta)

04/07/09 -- Approval Letter -Test Plan  Ver. 2.0 

04/06/09 -- Final Test Plan - Ver. 2.0 (iBeta) 

05/13/08 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Rev. 09 (SysTest)

05/01/08 -- Final Test Plan - Rev. 09 (SysTest)

Draft Testing Documents

07/30/09 -- Draft Test Report - Ver. 2.0 (iBeta)

07/22/09 -- Draft Test Report - Ver. 1.0 (iBeta)

03/05/09 -- Draft Test Plan - Ver. 1.0 (iBeta)

10/20/08 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. 11 (SysTest)

04/30/08 -- Premier Letter to EAC Regarding Voting System Testing Application (PRM0701) Amendment #5 Changes to the Assure 1.2 Submission

04/14/08 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Rev. 08

04/01/08 -- Approved Test Plan - Rev. 08 (SysTest)

02/22/08 -- Draft Test Report (SysTest)

11/05/07 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. 04 (SysTest)

06/27/07 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. 03 (SysTest)


03/18/11 -- Letter to EAC regarding deployment of Assure 1.2 Systems

10/20/09 -- EAC letter concerning consideration of California's TTBR in Premier Assure 1.2 test plan

02/10/09 -- EAC letter to iBeta on reuse of prior testing conducted by SysTest Laboratories

02/03/09 -- EAC letter to iBeta Quality Manager on reuse of testing

01/16/09 -- EAC letter to iBeta on reuse of prior testing

01/08/09 -- iBeta letter to EAC on reuse of prior testing

11/20/08 -- EAC letter to Premier on reuse of prior testing

10/31/08 -- EAC letter to Premier granting their request to replace SysTest Lab

10/29/08 -- Premier letter to EAC requesting permission to change VSTL


Unisyn Voting Solutions OpenElect Ver. 1.1 Modification  

There are currently no System Advisory Notices for Unisyn OpenElect Ver.1.1 Modification. Visit our Quality Monitoring Program page for more information.

There are currently no Approved Changes to this system.


04/09/12 -- EAC Final Decision Granting Certification

04/09/12 -- Certificate of Conformance

04/04/12 -- EAC Initial Decision Granting Certification

03/16/12 -- Final Test Report - Rev. A (Wyle)

12/01/11 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Rev. A

11/17/11 -- Approved Test Plan - Rev. A (Wyle)

07/28/11 -- Approval Letter of Voting System Testing Application Package

Draft Testing Documents

02/29/12 -- Draft Test Report - Section 1 & Section 2 (Wyle)

10/13/11 -- Draft Test Plan (Wyle)


Unisyn Voting Solutions OpenElect Ver. 1.0.1 Modification  

There are currently no System Advisory Notices for Unisyn OpenElect Ver.1.0.1 Modification. Visit our Quality Monitoring Program page for more information.

There are currently no Approved Changes to this system.


07/21/11 -- EAC Final Decision Granting Certification

07/21/11 -- Certificate of Conformance

06/28/11 -- EAC Initial Decision Granting Certification

06/21/11 -- Final Test Report Rev. A (Wyle)

04/21/11 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Rev. A

04/15/11 -- Approved Test Plan - Rev. A (Wyle)

03/24/11 -- Approval Letter of Voting System Testing Application Package

Draft Testing Documents

06/07/11 -- Draft Test Report (Wyle)

04/08/11 -- Draft Test Plan (Wyle)


Unisyn Voting Solutions OpenElect Ver. 1.0

There are currently no System Advisory Notices for Unisyn OpenElect Ver. 1.0. Visit our Quality Monitoring Program page for more information.

There are currently no Approved Changes to this system.


01/13/10 -- EAC Final Decision Granting Certification

01/13/10 -- Certificate of Conformance

01/12/10 -- EAC Initial Decision Granting Certification

01/14/10 -- Final Test Report - Rev. B (Wyle)

08/12/09 -- Approval Letter - Test Plan Rev. B

07/23/09 -- Final Test Plan - Rev. B (Wyle)

Draft Testing Documents

01/07/10 -- Draft Test Report - Rev. A (Wyle) and Summary and Appendix

12/29/09 -- Draft Test Report (Wyle) and Appendices

07/23/09 -- Draft Test Plan - Rev. A (Wyle)

06/05/09 -- Draft Test Plan (Wyle)

09/19/08 -- Draft Test Report Requirements Matrix Rev. 5.3


11/10/08 -- EAC letter to Unysin granting their request to replace SysTest Lab

11/06/08 -- Unisyn letter to EAC requesting permission to change VSTL

07/24/08 -- Certification Application for Unisyn’s OpenElect Voting System (OVS) version 1.0