
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in accordance with 10 CFR 851: Worker Health and Safety Program,  has charged the Institutional Biosafety Committeee (IBC) with the planning and implementation of a Laboratory-wide biosafety program to ensure the health and safety of all personnel working with biohazardous agents. The IBC makes certain that research conducted at Argonne is in compliance with the following:

Meetings and Minutes

The IBC meets regularly to review new research applications and discuss biosafety issues relevant to the Laboratory. Minutes of past meetings are available upon request. Please send all requests to the IBC Chair, Dan Schabacker.

Protocol Review Process

Before a researcher can work with rDNA or biohazard material at Argonne, an application for review (see below) must be submitted to the IBC through Argonne's Biosafety Office. The committee meets regularly to review the protocols and suggest any required revisions. Applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the scheduled IBC meeting to be placed on the agenda.

The applications should be submitted as soon as possible to ensure that the review process does not impede research activities. The protocol will not be reviewed until a signed form is received.

  • Registration Form for Recombinant DNA Experiments (ANL-810)
  • Registration Form for Pathogens, Cells, Tissues and OPIM (ANL-812)
  • Registration Update Form for the Use of Biohazardous Materials (ANL-811)

Once approved by the IBC, protocols need not be reviewed for one year, unless approval is contingent upon

  • The possession of a valid permit from a federal or state agency,
  • The availability of special safety equipment, or
  • IRB-approval from the University of Chicago or other relevant review board.

Advanced Photon Source (APS) users are subject to an additional safety review by the APS.

Additional Information