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AACN Brief Baccalaureate Nursing Curriculum Survey


The survey was conducted in the Fall 2008 by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing to provide data regarding the current state of the nation in increasing clinical prevention and population health content in entry-level baccalaureate nursing education programs.

Data Years Available





Online survey of all schools that had an entry-level baccalaureate nursing program.

Selected Content

Information was obtained on whether the entry-level baccalaureate nursing curriculum included content in a required learning experience that: (1)Prepares the graduate to evaluate health sciences literature; (2) Focuses on patient education/teaching appropriate to the age, gender, and cultural status of the patient; (3) Addresses the impact of race/ethnicity/culture on health status, health beliefs and behaviors, and health care utilization; (4)Includes the impact of the environment on population health; (5) Discusses the functions of the local, state, and national Public health System. In addition, the survey included a school ID code that linked it to the data in the AACN Institutional Data System that includes such information as types of programs offered, enrollments, graduations, Carnegie Classification, geographic location.

Population covered

All schools in the country with an entry-level baccalaureate nursing education program


In the fall 2008 the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) conducted an online survey of all schools that have an entry-level baccalaureate nursing degree program. The electronic survey was sent to the dean/director at each school in the country (618) with an entry-level baccalaureate nursing education program. The comprehensive list of schools and types of programs offered was obtained from the AACN Institutional Data System. The dean/director was asked to forward the email and survey link to the individual in the school of nursing who is most knowledgeable about the baccalaureate nursing curriculum. A link to the online survey was provided in the email. A reminder was sent to non-responders after one month.

Response rate and sample size

The overall response rate was 73% (N=451).


Fang, D., Htut, A., Bednash, G.D. (2008) 2007-2008 Enrollment and Graduations in Baccalaureate and Graduate Programs in Nursing. Washington, DC: American Association of Colleges of Nursing