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Your HR Career Road Map
Your HR Career Road Map is a tool that allows you to start thinking more strategically about your HR career. You should start with an understanding of where you are currently in your HR career and where you want to go. One way to do this is by using the HR Professional Framework, where you can learn more about the various HR roles, where you currently fit, and where you may want to go in your career. You can easily create a personalized HR Career Road Map and work towards your career goals by making effective use of training and other developmental activities, including courses on the HRU, to close competency gaps. Your road map should be a partnership between you and your manager, involving careful preparation and continuous feedback. It should always be considered a “work in progress” that can be updated as needed.

You can complete your HR Career Road Map in the five easy steps outlined below:

  1. Complete the Self Assessment to identify your current role and proficiency level. You could also review the HR Professional Framework to understand the role definitions and you can self-select where you believe you currently fall.
  2. Determine where you want to be in relation to the roles identified in this framework.
  3. Review the competencies identified with each role.
  4. Review HR Specialty Career Maps to determine your career path.
  5. Once you have identified your current and desired roles, you will be ready to develop your road map. To do this, you may want to:
    • Search through the Course Catalog to select appropriate courses;
    • Review Critical Developmental Activities and choose which experiences you want to include in your road map; and
    • Discuss the many other options for developmental activities with your supervisor
Remember that your HR Career Road Map is a continuing cycle of planning, implementation, evaluation and adjustment between the employee and supervisor, for the mutual benefit of both the employee and the organization. For optimal success, you must have a conversation with your supervisor to discuss your HR career goals, and identify competencies and developmental activities. It requires more than a quick review of course catalogs and developmental resources. The critical factors throughout all phases of this process are interaction and effective communication between the employee and supervisor. For this process to be effective and meaningful to all parties, each phase must be approached as a joint endeavor.

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