Forensic DNA Research and Development

The Office of Justice Programs' National Institute of Justice (NIJ) funds research to improve the use of forensic DNA. This program's goal is to direct advances in human genetics, molecular biology, and biotechnology toward the development of novel tools and technologies that will permit DNA to be used in all areas of criminal investigation.

NIJ provides opportunities for scientists from universities, crime laboratories, and other public and private sector agencies to compete for research and development grant funds. Examples of projects funded under NIJ's Forensic DNA R&D Program include mini-STRs for the examination of degraded DNA, mtDNA coding region SNPs for resolving the common mtDNA haplotypes, and novel real-time PCR assays for DNA quantitation and evidence screening.

Solicitations are announced on, the NIJ Web site, and If currently there are no open research funding opportunities, you can:

Past Awards

The table below presents awards funded since fiscal year 2008.[1] View on the NIJ web site awards made in prior years: 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2004.

Sort the table by selecting a column head. Sort multiple columns by holding down "Shift" as you select heads.

Year   TitleCategory(ies)AwardeeAmountAward Number
2010 Molecular Characterization of Trace Biological Evidence for the Optimized Recovery and Analysis of 'Touch DNA' General Tools and Information University of Central Florida $304,657 2010-DN-BX-K139
2010 Resolution of DNA Mixtures and Analysis of Degraded DNA Using the 454 DNA Sequencing Technology Compromised DNA Evidence, Mixture Separation, General Tools and Information Children's Hospital & Research Center at Oakland $699,230 2010-DN-BX-K141
2010 Assessing Deep Sequencing Technology for Human Forensic mitochondrial DNA Mitochondrial DNA Western Carolina University $397,098 2010-DN-BX-K171
2010 Tools for improving the quality of aged, degraded, damaged, or otherwise compromised DNA evidence Compromised DNA Evidence Board of Regents University of Wisconsin $999,825 2010-DN-BX-K190
2010 Targeted Non-Destructive Evidence Detection and Collection General Tools and Information  Bode Technology Group, Inc $348,175 2010-DN-BX-K191
2010 Development of a Proteomic Assay for Menstrual Blood, Vaginal Fluid and Species Identification Alternative Genetic Markers, General Tools and Information NY City Office of Chief Medical Examiner $418,824 2010-DN-BX-K192
2010 Effective Long-Term Preservation of Biological Evidence General Tools and Information  Bode Technology Group, Inc $353,186 2010-DN-BX-K193
2010 Detection and remediation of PCR inhibition using real time PCR melt curves as a diagnostic tool. Compromised DNA Evidence  Florida International University $294,800 2010-DN-BX-K204
2010 A Microfluidic Microarray Instrument to Type SNPs for Physical Appearance Alternative Genetic Markers, Miniaturization and Automation Akonni Biosystems Inc. $499,198 2010-DN-BX-K209
2010 Trace DNA from Fingernails: Increasing the SuccessRate of Widely Collected Forensic Evidence General Tools and Information  Michigan State University $132,046 2010-DN-BX-K224
2010 Further Development of SNP Panels for Forensics Alternative Genetic Markers  Yale University $1,351,352 2010-DN-BX-K225
2010 Developing a Forensic Resource/Reference On Genetics knowledge base Alternative Genetic Markers, General Tools and Information  Yale University $643,771 2010-DN-BX-K226
2010 Addressing Quality and Quantity; the Role of DNA Repair and Whole Genome Amplification in Forensically Relevant Samples Compromised DNA Evidence UNT Health Science Center at Fort Worth $363,613 2010-DN-BX-K227
2010 Evaluating the Use of DNA and RNA Degradation for Estimating the Post-Mortem Interval General Tools and Information  The University of Tennessee $167,414 2010-DN-BX-K228
2010 Developing an Empirically-Based Ranking Order for Bone Sampling: Examining the Differential DNA Yield Rates between Human Skeletal Elements over Increasing Post Mortem Intervals General Tools and Information  University of Tennessee Knoxville $200,316 2010-DN-BX-K229
2010 Genetic Markers Associated with Sudden Unexplained Death or Sudden Infant Death Alternative Genetic Makers, General Tools and Information  County of Harris $254,521 2010-DN-BX-K230
2009 Application of Microfluidics and Automation in Holographic Optical Trapping for Forensic DNA Research and Development: Relevance to Rape Kit Analysis. Mixture Separation Arryx, Incorporated 2009-DN-BX-K260 $362,800
2009 Automated Processing of FTA Samples General Tools and Information General Electric Company $499,967 2009-DN-BX-K187
2009 Automated Processing of Sexual Assault Cases Using Selective Degradation General Tools and Information Paternity Testing Corporation $294,360 2009-DN-BX-K039
2009 Denver Police Department, Crime Laboratory Bureau: Forensic DNA Research and Development - Sperm Capture Using Aptamer Based Technology Sperm Detection and Separation Denver Police Department $405,812 2009-DN-BX-K043
2009 Predicting the Biological Age of a Bloodstain Donor General Tools and Information The University of Central Florida $300,450 2009-DN-BX-K179
2009 Development of Linkage Phase Analysis Software for Resolving mtDNA Mixtures Mitochondrial DNA University of Denver – Colorado Seminary $42,646 2009-DN-BX-K047
2009 Microchip Analyzer for Forensic Short Tandem Repeat Typing of Single Cells Miniaturization and Automation Regents of the University of California - Berkeley $241,117 2009-DN-BX-K180
2009 Development of a SNP Assay Panel for Ancestral Origin Inference and Individuals Somatic Traits Alternative Genetic Markers George Washington University $255,918 2009-DN-BX-K178
2009 Application of Proteinases for DNA Isolation of Challenged Bone Specimens Compromised DNA Research Foundation of CUNY $33,037 2009-DN-BX-K209
2009 Identification of Forensically Relevant Fluids and Tissues by Small RNA Profiling General Tools and Information University of Central Florida $328,962 2009-DN-BX-K255
2009 DNA Analysis of LCN Samples: Towards Fully Integrated STR Profiling Miniaturization and Automation Network Biosystems, Inc $496,991 2009-DN-BX-K256
2009 Validation of Highly-Specific Protein Markers for the Identification of Biological Stains General Tools and Information University of Denver– Colorado Seminary $243,427 2009-DN-BX-K165
2009 A Low Cost Microfluidic Instrument for Typing SNPs Miniaturization and Automation Akonni Biosystems Inc $495,031 2009-DN-BX-K189
2009 Improved Tools and Interpretation Guidelines for Examining Limited Low Copy Number DNA Obtained from Degraded Single Source Samples: Bones, Teeth, and Hairs Low Copy Number University of North Texas Health Science Center $935,992 2009-DN-BX-K188
2009 Identification and Separation of Evidence Mixtures Using SNP-Based FISH Techniques and Laser Microdissection Mixture Separation The Bode Technology Group, Inc $320,021 2009-DN-BX-K250
2009 Next Generation Sequencing-based STR Mixture Deconvolution and STR Profiling of Degraded Samples Mixture Separation Science Applications International Corporation $243,368 2009-DN-BX-K181
2009 Application of Raman Spectroscopy for an Easy-to-Use, on-Field, Rapid, Nondestructive, Confirmatory Identification of Body Fluids General Tools and Information The Research Foundation of SUNY $374,395 2009-DN-BX-K186
2008 Identifying and Communicating Genetic Determinants of Facial Features:Practical Considerations in Forensic Molecular Photofitting Alternative Genetic Markers Pennsylvania State University $500,000 2008-DN-BX-K125
2008 Microdevice for Sperm and Sperm DNA Isolation Sperm Detection and Separation Oak Ridge National Laboratory $445,673 2008-IJ-R-134
2008 Global mtDNA Databasing Project Mitochondrial DNA Armed Forces Institute of Pathology $2,572,553 2005-DN-R-086
2008 Closed System DNA Purification for Degraded and Compromised Evidence in Microfluidic Devices Miniaturization and Automation University of Virginia $480,000 2008-DN-BX-K144
2008 Human Specific DNA Quantitation for Fully Integrated Microfluidic STR Analysis Miniaturization and Automation Network Biosystems Inc. $494,319 2008-DN-BX-K009
2008 De-convolution of Body Fluid Mixtures: Cell Type Identification and Single Source Genetic Profiling of Micro-Dissected Cells General Tools and Information University of Central Florida $415,776 2008-DN-BX-K007
2008 NIJ Proposal to Enhance Methods for Studying Degraded DNA Compromised DNA Evidence Washington State University, Spokane $595,196 2008-DN-BX-K008
2008 Identification and Separation of Same Gender Mixtures of Various Cell Types Using Interphase FISH Techniques and Laser Microdissection General Tools and Information Bode Technology Group Inc $125,773 2008-IJ-CX-K016
2008 High Throughput Mass Spectrometry to Exploit Genetic Differences in Same-Length STR Alleles Alternative Genetic Markers Ibis Biosciences, Inc $649,821 2008-DN-BX-K304
2008 Development of a DNA-Based Real-Time PCR assay for Identification of Semen, Blood and Saliva General Tools and Information Towson University $170,643 2008-DN-BX-K137
2008 Sample Collection Systems for DNA Analysis of Forensic Evidence Samples Miniaturization and Automation Network Biosystems, Inc. $498,563 2008-DN-BX-K010
2008 Rapid STR Prescreening of Forensic Samples at the Crime Scene General Tools and Information Midwest Research Institute $498,064 2008-DN-BX-K012
2008 Establishment of a Fast and Accurate Proteomic Method for Body Fluid/Cell Type General Tools and Information New York City, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner $426,080 2008-DN-BX-K011
2008 Development of a DNA-Based Multi-Species Identification and Quantification Assay Non-human DNA University of California, Davis $538,653 2008-DN-BX-K288
2008 Holographic Optical Trapping in Forensic Research and Development: Application to Rape Kit Analysis Sperm Detection and Separation Arryx, Inc $251,026 2008-DN-BX-K123
2008 Detection and quantitation of spermatozoa Sperm Detection and Separation Paternity Testing Corporation $361,651 2008-IJ-CX-K007
2008 Taq Mutants Engineered for Forensics General Tools and Information DNA Polymerase Technology, Inc $200,621 2008-DN-BX-K299

[1] Not included in this list are projects funded under broad Interagency Agreements, only a portion of which was used for forensic DNA research and development.

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