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USCGA On the Road Programs
For questions regarding the following events or to see if any events are scheduled in your area, please call the Campus Programs Coordinator at 860-701-6780 or the Admissions office toll-free at 800-883-8724. If you are interested in attending an off-campus event, please log in to access our event calendar. For all other questions, please contact your Admissions Officer.

Admissions Workshops 

Join us at a hotel or conference center near you for a slide-show presentation about the Academy followed by a Q&A session. Guests will learn about the unique advantages, opportunities and challenges of a service academy education, get to know their Admissions Officer and depart prepared to take the next step in the admissions process. Registration is requested, though last minute arrivals are also welcome. Parents and friends are encouraged to attend. 

Students of All Races (SOAR) 

The Students of All Races (SOAR) On the Road Diversity program is designed to expose a diverse population of students and their families to the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Academy. This program is offered at various Coast Guard units throughout the nation to allow the public greater personal contact with cadets, Admissions staff, and graduates. Guests are allowed aboard a Coast Guard Sector to experience a slide show, receive a tour of a local Coast Guard unit, participate in panel meetings/Q&A with officers and cadets, and enjoy lunch at a Coast Guard Galley. This program provides an excellent opportunity to decide if a Coast Guard Academy education is the right choice for you and allows you to depart the base with a better understanding of "the Coast Guard family". This program is free to attend. Registration is required. 

High School Visits 

Meet with a U.S. Coast Guard Academy Admissions Officer or Partner in your very own high school. These visits are scheduled during the school day, often during lunch period, and are an opportunity to receive materials and ask questions individually or in a small group. Note: Not all schools allow on-site visits. 

College Fairs 

The U.S. Coast Guard Academy attends a number of college fairs throughout the country. Make a point to visit our USCGA booth or table to talk with a U.S. Coast Guard Academy Admissions Officer or Partner, ask questions and learn how to get started in the application process. 

Military Academy Days (Congressional Events)  

Though the U.S. Coast Guard Academy is merit-based and does not require congressional nomination, USCGA attends many local Military Academy Days. These gatherings are designed as open houses for the U.S. service academies and are sponsored by your local Senator or Congressperson. This is a unique opportunity to compare and contrast the service academies and learn just what makes America’s smallest service academy the most distinctive! Feel free to bring a friend or family members. 

Eagle Visits (Seasonal)  

By Invitation Only - Join U.S. Coast Guard Academy staff aboard America’s tall ship, the Coast Guard Barque Eagle, during local port calls. Learn what life at sea is like first-hand from cadets and crewmembers. Discover how the Captain and crew train cadets to lead. Participants will depart understanding why many consider the Coast Guard Academy the “best kept secret” in undergraduate education, and why Coast Guard Officers enjoy one of the most adventurous careers in America!