BEA : Catalog of Major Revisions to the U.S. International Accounts, 1976 - 2008
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Catalog of Major Revisions to the U.S. International Accounts, 1976 - 2008

This catalog summarizes the major statistical and methodological improvements to the U.S. international accounts for 1976-2008. Detailed discussions of these improvements were previously presented at the time of the annual revisions, but the discussions appear over many issues of the Survey of Current Business (SCB) for thirty years. This listing by year and subject matter provides an index of these improvements in one location.

The listing is presented chronologically but can also be organized by subject categories related to the major sections of the accounts by clicking on one or all of the categories listed at the bottom of the page. Each year also contains a reference to the original issue of the Survey in which the detailed discussion occurred. In nearly all cases, the references are to the June issues (1979-1995) and the July issues (1996-2008); most of those discussions also contain data on the size of the revisions. The rankings within each year and category are approximately in order of importance and significance with the most important appearing first in the list.

Preparation and maintenance by Christopher L. Bach, International Accounts

Revision categories are:

Goods  •  Services  •  Income  •  Current Transfers  •  Capital Account  •  Direct Investment  •  Portfolio Investment  •  Bank and Nonbank Investment  •  Geography and Presentation

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