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Joint University - Fermilab Doctoral Program in Accelerator Physics and Technology

Joint University

Accelerator Physics and Technology is an exciting and challenging field with a growing number of diverse career options ranging from basic research in elementary particles to medical technology. The design, construction and operation of accelerator systems use techniques from physics, electrical and mechanical engineering and computer science.

The Joint University- Fermilab Doctoral Program was established in 1985 as a way to encourage students to pursue a career in accelerator physics and technology by providing research opportunities using facilities and expertise available at Fermilab. The Ph.D. Program works in a joint agreement with universities. Fermilab reimburses the university for the student’s salary, provides the research project and supervisors while the student maintains a relationship with their home institution’s advisers who oversee the students progress toward the PhD degree from their university.

Please click here for information about how to apply. There is significant flexibility in the start dates for individual students. For more information, please contact Slava Yakovlev.

Information concerning accelerator and accelerator technology at Fermilab can be found on the websites of the Accelerator Division, Technical Division and the Computing Division.

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