Video Contest Helps Service Members and Overseas Citizens Vote Absentee

May 30, 2012 – Today, the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) launched Gallantly Streaming, a worldwide video search for new FVAP public service announcements and how-to videos to help service members and overseas civilians vote absentee. The contest, which can be found at gallantlystreaming.challenge.gov, runs from May 30 through July 29, 2012 and is open to all U.S. citizens, government employees, and military members, 18 years and older living at home or abroad.

"As the 2012 election begins in earnest, we want to tap the vast, creative resources of Americans around the world to help deliver the message of our mission, which is to provide service members and overseas citizens with voting assistance," said FVAP Director Ms. Pam Mitchell. "Make it funny or make it serious, either way you’ll help make a difference in the democratic process."

The contest will award $1,000 for the winning filmmaker in each of five categories, including:

  1. How to use FVAP’s online Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) and Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) tools
  2. Explaining the absentee voting process and how FVAP.gov makes the process easy
  3. PSA-style video geared toward American citizens (nonmilitary) living overseas
  4. PSA-style video geared toward service members and their voting age dependents
  5. Open/creative

The winning videos will be featured by FVAP to support the organization’s voter assistance activities around the world. FVAP works to ensure military and overseas voters are able to cast a valid ballot, which is counted in the election, from anywhere in the world as easily as if they were at a polling place.

"Voting is a fundamental part of who we are as a nation and we are thrilled to launch this endeavor," said Mitchell. "We hope that aspiring filmmakers around the world will take up this challenge and give their voice to the vote."

General Rules

  1. Each video must be 30 to 90 seconds in length and apply to one of the five contest categories listed above. Videos outside of this length requirement window will not be accepted.
  2. Videos must be submitted within the time frame listed below.
  3. Avoid language that is profane, violent, sexual, harassing, or that personally attacks or targets a person, group, or organization.
  4. Each video must incorporate the FVAP.gov logo which can be found at: http://www.fvap.gov/contest.html. Use of the FVAP.gov logo, or any Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) trademark, is limited to your contest video. You may not use the logo or other trademark for any other purpose or in any other context without the express written permission of FVAP.
  5. Avoid violating copyright laws or using brand names or logos other than FVAP.gov’s in your video. Entrants agree to indemnify the U.S. Government and FVAP for any claim, demand, judgment, or other allegation arising from your possible violation of someone's trademark, copyright, or other legally protected interest in any way in your video.
  6. Videos may not contain any endorsement, solicitation, commercial, or similar content advocating for or against candidates for office, political issues, services, or products.
  7. Videos must be original content for this contest. Do not submit a video that has been submitted elsewhere.
  8. The video must be submitted through Challenge.gov and comply with the Challenge.gov terms.
  9. Videos must end with the message, “Get more information at FVAP.gov.”  This must be printed on a closing slide or scene.
  10. Winners will be required to submit a transcript of their video.
  11. Winners will be required to provide the raw file of their video.

For a full list of rules and requirements, please visit the contest website at: gallantlystreaming.challenge.gov.

Videos will be judged by a panel of FVAP employees, Voting Assistance Officers, and a representative from the Department of State. Judging criteria include compliance with the general rules, as well as accuracy and usefulness of the information, message and ease of understanding and overall creativity. Winners will be announced on August 17, 2012.


If you’d like more information on the Federal Voting Assistance Program or need help with the absentee voting process please go to the www.FVAP.gov web portal or contact the FVAP at 703-588-1584 (toll free 1-800-438-VOTE). Email the program at VOTE@FVAP.GOV and don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DoDFVAP and follow @FVAP on Twitter for election updates throughout 2012.

PDF version of FVAP News Release #17

Last updated: 07.16.2012