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Living shoreline at Lardner's Point

Urban Waterfront Restoration Celebration Held in Philadelphia

A ribbon-cutting event for the opening of Lardners Point Park was held on May 14, 2012 in Philadelphia, PA. This new 4.5-acre riverfront park includes a river overlook, fishing pier, connections to a trail system, and riverbank forest. NOAA and co-trustees from USFWS, PA, NJ and DE partnered with the Delaware River City Corp., Pennsylvania Environmental Council and several other agencies and community groups to provide funds from the Athos Oil Spill settlement to add a living shoreline with tidal wetlands. The event was well attended, with dignitaries including Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, Rep. Allyson Schwartz, former Rep. Robert Borski, and other state and local officials and groups. Enthusiasm was expressed for coordination and partnership on future projects along the Delaware Riverfront Greenway in Philadelphia. NOAA is also coordinating with other federal agencies, the city, and community groups in preparing an application for Philadelphia to become a Federal Urban Water Partnership site, an initiative under America’s Great Outdoors.

Response workers wash oil from rip-rap during the M/V EVERREACH Oil Spill (photo courtesy of SCDHEC)

Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment Issued for the M/V Everreach Oil Spill in Charleston, SC

May 15, 2012 - Federal and state trustee agencies have released the Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for the M/V Everreach Oil Spill. The plan summarizes the injuries to natural resources that occurred as a result of the 2002 discharge of fuel oil into the waters of Charleston Harbor in South Carolina. The plan also provides details of the approximately 12 acre saltmarsh and upland habitat restoration project selected to compensate for those injuries. The project is located within the recently established Noisette Creek Preserve in North Charleston, SC and will involve the reintroduction of tidal flow into a formerly impounded area. On the ground restoration of the site is expected to commence in the fall of 2012.

Oiled Marsh Barataria Bay, Louisiana

Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Trustees Announce Major Progress in Gulf Restoration Effort

April 18, 2012 - An estimated $60 million in early restoration projects soon will begin along the Gulf Coast following the nation’s largest oil spill, the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Trustee Council announced.

With finalization of the “Deepwater Horizon Phase I Early Restoration Plan & Environmental Assessment” (ERP/EA), eight restoration projects will be implemented. The projects provide for marsh creation, coastal dune habitat improvements, nearshore artificial reef creation, and oyster cultch restoration, as well as the construction and enhancement of boat ramps to compensate for lost human use of resources.

The ERP/EA is the first early restoration plan under the unprecedented April 2011 agreement with BP to fund $1 billion in early restoration projects. The funding enables the trustees to begin restoration before the completion of damage assessment activities.

M/V Cosco Busan

Restoration to Begin after 2007 Oil Spill in San Francisco Bay

In September 2011, NOAA and our partners reached a settlement for the 2007 M/V Cosco Busan oil spill, which dumped 53,000 gallons of oil into San Francisco Bay. Now, we are ready to start restoring the habitat and other natural resources that were affected by the spill.

After the settlement was reached, we asked for public comment on our restoration plan. We—along with our federal and state partners—revised the plan based on those comments. Now, we have a final restoration plan in hand and we are ready to get to work.

The oil killed thousands of birds, impacted the bay’s 2008 herring spawn, oiled thousands of acres of shoreline habitat, and closed the bay and area beaches to recreation and fishing. More than $32 million of the settlement funds will go toward restoration projects to address these impacts.

Read the press release about this announcement or listen to NOAA experts in a recent podcast about the effort to restore the environment in the aftermath of this spill.

The Kalamazoo River

Public Comments Requested on Kalamazoo River Restoration

The week of April 2nd, a plan was released to provide restoration to offset a portion of the environmental injuries caused by the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site in Michigan. This Draft Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment (Draft RP/EA) presents proposed restoration actions to address public natural resource losses caused by the release of hazardous substances from the Allied Paper Property. It was released by Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Michigan Attorney General, USFWS, and NOAA. This Draft RP/EA provides information regarding the affected environment, the natural resource injuries caused by releases of hazardous substances from property, the restoration actions proposed to compensate for these injuries, and the anticipated impacts of the restoration actions. This RP/EA does not address restoration projects to compensate for injuries resulting from releases from the rest of the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site; such efforts will be conducted in the future. The purpose of this Draft RP/EA is to inform and solicit comments from members of the public, which are due by June 1, 2012. Learn more about how to submit comments and public meeting information.

The Kalamazoo River has been closed to the public since the spill in 2010. We're examining how this has affected public recreation and tribal cultural uses.

Restoration Planning to Begin for 2010 Kalamazoo River Oil Spill

March 1, 2012 -- NOAA and other agencies will start planning restoration efforts to address the impacts from a 2010 oil spill into Talmadge Creek and the Kalamazoo River. After a 30-inch diameter pipeline owned by Enbridge Energy failed, approximately 819,000 gallons of crude oil were released into a tributary creek of the Kalamazoo River in southern Michigan. Oil traveled approximately 40 miles downstream in the Kalamazoo River.

The discharged oil injured aquatic organisms, birds, wildlife, and habitat, while also impacting recreational use of the river. NOAA along with other agencies will evaluate these environmental injuries to determine the amount of restoration needed as a part of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment process. During this process, there will be multiple opportunities for the public to comment on proposed restoration activities.

For a closer look at how NOAA scientists are investigating the environmental impacts of this spill, read a post on our Response and Restoration BlogLinking to a non-federal government web site.This link does not imply endorsement..

The container ship M/V Cosco Busan after striking the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge (Photo provided by US Coast Guard District 11 Public Affairs)

New Podcast: Restoring San Francisco Bay

Listen to NOAA experts in a new podcast about a multi-year effort to restore the environment in the aftermath of a spill that dumped 53,000 gallons of oil into San Francisco Bay. While we're focusing on this one spill, you'll get a good idea of how we deal as a nation with big spills wherever and whenever they occur along our coasts. Guests for this episode include Greg Baker, regional resource coordinator with NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration, and Natalie Cosentino-Manning, restoration program manager for the Southwest region of the U.S. with NOAA's Fisheries Restoration Center.

Listen to podcast.

Port Arthur wetlands

Are you a financial whiz or a federal grants guru? If so, we need your help!

When a disaster occurs--like an oil spill or ship grounding on a coral reef--NOAA works to restore the injured natural resources. We work with remedial agencies, responsible parties, and teams of state, tribal, and federal agencies to conduct Natural Resource Damage Assessments (NRDAs) to determine the impact of the disaster. We then cooperate with the public to identify restoration projects, and partner with non-profit groups, local governments, and other organizations to carry out the restoration.

That's where you come in. We are currently soliciting applications for organizations that can implement trustee-selected NRDA restoration projects, or competitively solicit projects to meet specific restoration goals (determined by trustee councils). Funding is expected to be provided on an as-available basis for up to 7 years. We anticipate that typical awards will range from $350,000 to $2,000,000 within the first year and that approximately $750,000 to $15,000,000 may be available over the life of the selected awards.

The deadline to apply is February 23, 2012. Learn more about this funding opportunity.

Planting marsh vegetation

Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Trustees Call for Public Input on Early Restoration of the Gulf

On December 14, 2011, the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustees released the Deepwater Horizon Draft Phase 1 Early Restoration Plan & Environmental Assessment (DERP/EA) for public input and suggestions. It is the first in an anticipated series of plans to begin restoration of the Gulf of Mexico to compensate for the natural resource injuries, including loss of human use of Gulf resources impacted by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.

The DERP/EA describes the initial projects proposed to receive funding from the $1 billion Early Restoration agreement announced by the Trustees and BP on April 21, 2011. The Trustees will hold 12 public meetings in January and February 2012 throughout Gulf Coast communities and in Washington, D.C. to solicit public input on the DERP/EA. Please visit the Gulf Spill Restoration website for more information.







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