FHFA Regulatory Interpretations

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Regulatory Interpretations

+ 2012
- 2010
  November 9 2010-RI-05: Investments in Unsecured Debt Issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  August 23 2010-RI-04: Bridge Depository Institution as Member of a Federal Home Loan Bank
  August 23 2010-RI-03: Acceptance of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Guarantee as Collateral for Advances
  April 9 2001-RI-06: Use of residential mortgage loans held by an applicant through a repurchase agreement toward satisfaction of the "10 percent of assets in residential mortgage loans" requirement for Federal Home Loan Bank Membership; rescinded by Order, dated March 9, 2010.
  February 3 2010-RI-02: Effect of Foreign Government Guarantees on Unsecured Credit Exposure
  January 12 2010-RI-01: Effect of SFAS 166/167 on Enterprise Statutory Minimum Capital Requirement
+ 2009