Application Process

An exporter may apply for Ex-Im Bank Medium-Term Export Credit Insurance in two ways.

  1. "Documentary" Policy: A small business exporter may apply through a lender that has been granted a master guarantee agreement (MGA) from Ex-Im Bank. To find a lender that will finance your export sales, please contact your nearest Ex-Im Bank office or our Lender Referral List.
  2. A "Non-Documentary": A small business exporter may apply directly to Ex-Im Bank for Medium-Term Export Credit Insurance Policy. This policy is assignable to financial institutions and a documentary assignment will be made available to provide the same protection to the assignee financial institution as the documentary policy. The non-documentary policy will be available to accommodate both single sale and repetitive sales transactions.


Do not be intimidated by policy application paperwork. Small business exporters can apply directly online or have a Ex-Im Bank staff or registered Ex-Im Bank broker assist with the application steps.

Step 1: Free Consultation

Contact the nearest Ex-Im Bank office to you for a free consultation with a Export-Import Bank Trade Finance Manager. This individual will work with you to understand the Medium-Term Export Credit Insurance Policy and subsequent application process and if needed can refer you to a Ex-Im Bank broker to assist you with an application submission. Additionally, your Ex-Im Bank Trade Finance Manager can discuss with you the requirements to submit a Medium-Term Export Credit Insurance Application: they are Country Limitation Schedule (CLS) and Medium-Term Credit Standards.

Step 2: Ex-Im Online Registration

Create an User Account in Ex-Im OnLine: Get registered in Ex-Im OnLine. To complete your registration in Ex-Im OnLine you will need to provide your company's Dun & Bradstreet Number. If your company does not have a Dun & Bradstreet number, contact your nearest Ex-Im Bank Trade Finance Manager to obtain instructions.

Step 3: Ex-Im Online Application Submission

Submit your Medium-Term Export Credit Insurance Policy application via Ex-Im OnLine.


  • Buyer information - The applicant must also provide information about the buyer and guarantor, if any. In general, the following guidelines apply:
  • Credit report from an agency, dated not more than 6 months from the application date.
  • Commercial bank reference, dated not more than 6 months from the application date.
  • Three years of financial statements and an interim statement if the latest fiscal year end statement is dated more than 9 months from the application date.
  • Audited financial statements are preferred and generally will be required when Ex-Im Bank's total potential exposure exceeds $1 million. If unaudited statements are provided, they must be signed and accompanied by a summary of significant accounting practices used in their preparation.

Ex-Im Bank has published its Medium-Term Credit Standards for buyers that may be consulted to determine the information necessary and the likelihood of approval.

More Information

Please visit the nearest Ex-Im Bank office for a free consultation with an Export-Import Bank Trade Finance Manager, call 202-565-3946 or email us at