Environmental Impact Assessment Reports



(From: Annex II, OECD Common Approaches)

An EIA's scope and level of detail should be commensurate with the project's potential impacts. The EIA report should include the following items (not necessarily in the order shown): 

  1. Executive Summary: concisely discusses significant findings and recommended actions.
  2. Policy, legal and administrative framework: discusses the policy, legal, and administrative framework within which the EIA is carried out.
  3. Project description: describes the proposed project and its geographic, ecological, social, and temporal context, including any offsite investments that may be required (e.g. dedicated pipelines, access roads, power plants, water supply, housing, and raw material and product storage facilities). Indicates the need for any resettlement or social development plan. Normally includes a map showing the project site and the project's area of influence.
  4. Baseline data: assesses the dimensions of the study area and describes relevant physical, biological, and socio-economic conditions, including any changes anticipated before the project commences. Also takes into account current and proposed development activities within the project area but not directly connected to the project. Data should be relevant to decisions about project location, design, operation, or mitigatory measures; the section indicates accuracy, reliability and sources of the data.
  5. Environmental Impacts: predicts and assesses the project's likely positive and negative impacts, in quantitative terms to the extent possible. Identifies mitigation measures and any residual negative impacts that cannot be mitigated. Explores opportunities for environmental enhancement. Identifies and estimates the extent and quality of available data, key data gaps, and uncertainties associated with predictions, and specifies topics that do not require further attention.
  6. Analysis of alternatives: systematically compares feasible alternatives to the proposed project site, technology, design and operation-including the "without project" situation- in terms of their potential environmental impacts; the feasibility of mitigating these impacts; their capital and recurrent costs; their suitability under local conditions; and their institutional, training and monitoring requirements. For each of the alternatives, quantifies the environmental impacts to the extent possible, and attaches economic values where feasible. States the basis for selecting the particular project design proposed and justifies recommended emission levels and approaches to pollution prevention and abatement.
  7. Environmental Management Plan: describes mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to be taken during construction and operation to eliminate adverse impacts, offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels.
  8. Consultation: Record of consultation meetings, including consultations for obtaining the informed views of the affected people, local non-governmental organizations and regulatory agencies.


1. This Annex is based on the World Bank Operational Manual, OP 4.01