Policies and Requirements

Credit Standards

Ex-Im Bank has adopted credit standards to simplify and expedite the processing of applications for short-term export credit and medium-term transactions. The credit standards define the criteria Ex-Im Bank will apply in evaluating the creditworthiness of the international buyer or the primary source of repayment in a transaction. Ex-Im Bank conducts significant quantitative and qualitative due diligence when analyzing a potential transactions, particularly in high risk markets. View the standards below:

Used and Refurbished Equipment

Ex-Im Bank will extend financing to support U.S. exports of equipment that has been previously owned or placed into service. To be eligible, used equipment (including equipment that has been refurbished in the United States) must meet certain criteria: the country of operation and the ownership status prior to Ex-Im Bank support, and the original place of manufacture. More detailed product information on Used and Refurbished Equipment.

Foreign Content

Ex-Im Bank's mission is to support U.S. jobs through exports. Accordingly, there are foreign content eligibility criteria and limitations on the level of foreign content that may be included in Ex-Im Bank's financing package. Learn more about Foreign Content.

Shipping Requirements

Ex-Im Bank's shipping regulations are subject to Public Resolution 17 of the 73rd Congress (PR 17), which indicates that in any loans made by Ex-Im Bank to support the export of U.S. made products a provision be made that such products be carried exclusively on U.S. vessels. The purpose of PR 17 is to support the U.S. strategic objective of maintaining a merchant marine sufficient to carry a substantial portion of its waterborne export and import foreign commerce. Read more about Shipping Requirements.

page last updated  2012-Sep-26