Total Energy

Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012
Next Update: August 2013

Table 5.14b Heat Content of Petroleum Consumption Estimates: Industrial Sector, 1949-2011 (Trillion Btu)
Table 5.14b  Heat Content of Petroleum Consumption Estimates:  Industrial Sector, 1949-2011
                          (Trillion Btu)

Industrial Sector
Road Oil

Fuel Oil



Gasoline 1

Petroleum Coke

Fuel Oil

Petroleum 2

1949 380 564 254 123 80 231 87 1,225 530 3,475
1950 435 698 274 156 94 251 90 1,416 546 3,960
1951 480 784 269 202 103 272 87 1,449 633 4,279
1952 517 823 262 220 93 284 84 1,458 633 4,373
1953 523 817 239 239 98 298 106 1,485 685 4,491
1954 556 889 247 264 93 306 119 1,471 698 4,643
1955 615 991 241 323 103 332 147 1,573 798 5,123
1956 660 1,051 237 358 107 341 150 1,608 839 5,350
1957 638 1,049 205 367 100 347 163 1,507 875 5,249
1958 679 1,172 170 395 96 356 187 1,477 891 5,422
1959 721 1,174 164 475 104 370 214 1,614 920 5,756
1960 734 1,016 161 507 107 381 328 1,584 947 5,766
1961 754 1,018 133 523 104 364 404 1,520 954 5,774
1962 804 1,064 140 572 119 369 426 1,536 986 6,016
1963 825 1,055 137 621 119 354 418 1,532 1,189 6,249
1964 841 1,071 156 683 125 341 424 1,559 1,371 6,571
1965 890 1,150 165 712 137 342 444 1,582 1,390 6,813
1966 936 1,223 196 744 143 321 444 1,626 1,502 7,135
1967 917 1,234 227 715 132 303 453 1,590 1,550 7,121
1968 984 1,224 205 816 145 305 460 1,569 1,681 7,388
1969 1,009 1,247 197 951 152 295 487 1,594 1,758 7,690
1970 1,082 1,226 185 953 155 288 446 1,624 1,817 7,776
1971 1,108 1,266 165 971 152 275 463 1,618 1,825 7,844
1972 1,137 1,381 160 1,148 163 254 513 1,761 2,001 8,518
1973 1,264 1,469 156 1,215 195 255 558 1,858 2,114 9,083
1974 1,165 1,346 126 1,208 187 235 506 1,728 2,172 8,674
1975 1,014 1,339 119 1,123 149 223 540 1,509 2,109 8,127
1976 998 1,530 123 1,192 166 211 535 1,822 2,413 8,990
1977 1,056 1,719 143 1,203 182 196 586 1,937 2,724 9,747
1978 1,160 1,750 156 1,203 195 178 550 1,716 2,928 9,835
1979 1,153 1,764 177 1,681 204 162 533 1,655 3,217 10,548
1980 962 1,324 181 1,559 182 158 516 1,349 3,278 9,509
1981 828 1,389 108 1,530 175 160 549 1,081 2,446 8,265
1982 829 1,313 141 1,575 159 138 541 1,047 2,030 7,772
1983 904 1,142 66 1,510 167 112 495 791 2,202 7,390
1984 992 1,203 43 1,666 178 160 538 889 2,319 7,987
1985 1,029 1,119 44 1,664 166 218 575 748 2,152 7,714
1986 1,086 1,160 32 1,582 162 206 581 736 2,315 7,860
1987 1,130 1,141 28 1,687 183 206 646 582 2,439 8,042
1988 1,136 1,130 30 1,749 177 193 675 546 2,682 8,317
1989 1,096 1,139 30 1,728 181 199 660 410 2,656 8,098
1990 1,170 1,150 12 1,582 186 185 714 411 2,839 8,251
1991 1,077 1,078 11 1,720 167 193 693 334 2,685 7,958
1992 1,102 1,107 10 1,833 170 194 798 387 2,951 8,552
1993 1,149 1,117 13 1,763 173 180 725 446 2,822 8,388
1994 1,173 1,111 17 1,969 181 192 723 419 2,988 8,773
1995 1,178 1,131 15 1,990 178 200 721 337 2,837 8,588
1996 1,176 1,187 18 2,054 173 200 757 335 3,121 9,020
1997 1,224 1,203 19 2,100 182 212 727 291 3,298 9,256
1998 1,263 1,211 22 2,016 191 199 858 230 3,093 9,083
1999 1,324 1,187 13 2,217 193 152 936 207 3,129 9,357
2000 1,276 1,200 16 2,228 190 150 796 241 2,979 9,076
2001 1,257 1,300 23 2,014 174 295 858 203 3,056 9,181
2002 1,240 1,204 14 2,160 172 309 842 190 3,040 9,171
2003 1,220 1,136 24 2,030 159 324 825 220 3,264 9,202
2004 1,304 1,214 28 2,141 161 372 934 249 3,428 9,831
2005 1,323 1,264 39 2,009 160 356 889 281 3,318 9,640
2006 1,261 1,263 30 2,104 156 376 934 239 3,416 9,780
2007 1,197 1,265 13 2,106 161 306 906 193 3,313 9,461
2008 1,012 1,277 4 1,823 150 250 868 199 2,941 8,523
2009 873 1,107 4 1,950 135 244 799 106 2,611 7,829
2010 R 878 R 1,188 R 7 R 2,121 149 R 281 682 R 120 R 2,800 R 8,227
2011P 860 1,207 4 2,097 141 273 674 113 2,712 8,081
1Finished motor gasoline.  Through 1963, also includes special naphthas.  Beginning in 1993, also
includes ethanol blended into motor gasoline.
Notes:  -  Data are estimates.  -  For total heat content of petroleum consumption by all sectors, see data
for heat content of petroleum products supplied in Table 5.12.  For petroleum, product supplied is used as
an approximation of petroleum consumption.  See Note 1, "Petroleum Products Supplied and Petroleum
Consumption," at end of Section.  -  Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent
2Pentanes plus, petrochemical feedstocks, still gas (refinery gas), waxes, and miscellaneous products. 
Beginning in 1964, also includes special naphthas.  Beginning in 1983, also includes crude oil burned as
Web Pages:  -  See for updated monthly and
annual data.  -  See for related information.
R=Revised.  P=Preliminary.   Sources:  Tables 5.12, 5.13b, A1, and A3.
Total Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)