The Week Ahead: House Committee on Homeland Security

Washington, D.C. (Sunday, March 6, 2011) – Today, ­U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, announced the following Committee events for the coming week:

Wednesday, March 9, 

9:30 am      Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications
Gus M. Bilirakis (FL), Chairman

“Ensuring Effective Preparedness and Response - An Assessment of the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Request for the Federal Emergency Management Agency”

311 Cannon House Office Building


The Honorable W. Craig Fugate
Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Department of Homeland Security

Chairman Bilirakis on the hearing:

"This hearing will provide Subcommittee Members with an opportunity to question Administrator Fugate about President Obama's Fiscal Year 2012 budget request for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and ongoing operations at FEMA.  I will stress the need for continued communications and information sharing between FEMA and state and local law enforcement, emergency response providers, and emergency management officials.  I am also interested in learning more about FEMA's efforts to efficiently administer and monitor its many first responder grant programs to ensure that funding is directed on the basis of risk and used in a manner that best enhances our security."


2:00 pm     Subcommittee on Transportation Security
Mike Rogers (AL), Chairman

“Securing Air Commerce from the Threat of Terrorism.”

311 Cannon House Office Building


Mr. John P. Sammon
Assistant Administrator
Transportation Sector Network Management,
Transportation Security Administration

Mr. Stephen Lord
Homeland Security and Justice Issues,
Government Accountability Office


Chairman Rogers on the hearing:

"The strength of our economy depends on the safe and secure flow of commerce. Ensuring the security of air cargo is an important element in this effort. In the wake of the air cargo terrorist attempt originating out of Yemen last October, as well as the recent Jamaica scare, we must ensure that both our public and private sector security resources are developed and allocated in an intelligence-driven, risk-based manner to prevent a terrorist attack in this vital sector of our economy"


Thursday, March 10

9:30 am     Full Committee Hearing
Peter King (NY), Chairman

“The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and that Community's Response.”

311 Cannon House Office Building


Full witness list to be announced

Chairman King on the hearing: 
“We will examine al Qaeda’s latest and dangerous tactic of radicalizing members of the American Muslim community and recruiting them to engage in jihadist attacks against innocent Americans.  We will also examine the American Muslim community’s response to the growing threat.  Last month, Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano declared that the terrorist threat level is at its most ‘heightened state’ since 9/11; National Counterterrorism Center Director Michael Leiter called al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) the most significant threat to our homeland; and Attorney General Eric Holder recently said that radicalization in this country by AQAP’s Anwar al Awlaki and other terrorist recruiters is what keeps him awake at night. 
“At the hearing, we will hear from American Muslims, including those with first-hand, devastating experience with the effects of al Qaeda’s radicalization efforts.  This life-and-death issue is too important to ignore in the name of political correctness.”   

