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2011 News and Announcements

Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | Jul | Jun | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan

December 16, 2011

Updated ERRP Program Guidance: Allocating Post-Point of Sale Negotiated Price Concessions to Individual Early Retirees Under the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program

CMS has updated the June 7, 2011 guidance entitled Allocating Post-Point of Sale Negotiated Price Concessions to Individual Early Retirees Under the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program, to clarify that plan sponsors should not take into account price concessions that are associated with any claims incurred after December 31, 2011. This is due to CMS' policy, announced earlier this month, that plan sponsors must not submit any claims to ERRP that are incurred after December 31, 2011.

Please reference this document on the Regulations and Guidance page.

December 9, 2011

Update on ERRP Payment Processing and Announcement of End Date for Newly Incurred Claims

As of December 2, 2011, the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) disbursed over $4.5 billion to a variety of businesses, including for-profit companies, schools and educational institutions, unions, State and local governments, religious organizations and other nonprofit Plan Sponsors, to help reduce their health plan benefit costs and those of their plan participants, including early retirees and their spouses, surviving spouses, dependents, and active workers.

Given the approach of the $5 billion funding limit, the ERRP Center has instituted an incurred date cut-off as outlined in the Federal Register ( Plan Sponsors must not include in their Claim Lists any claim lines for which the incurred date is after December 31, 2011. If health benefit items or services with later incurred dates are submitted, the entire Claim List will be deemed invalid and the Claim List Response File will return errors for those claim lines which have incurred dates after December 31, 2011.


December 9, 2011

Early Retiree Reinsurance Program: Reimbursement Update

The information in the December 9 report includes all payments made to approved plan sponsors through December 2, 2011.


November 18, 2011

Update on ERRP Payment Processing

As of November 3, 2011, the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) disbursed nearly $4.1 billion to a variety of businesses, including for-profit companies, schools and educational institutions, unions, State and local governments, religious organizations and other nonprofit plan sponsors, to help reduce their health plan benefit costs and those of their plan participants, including early retirees and their spouses, surviving spouses, dependents, and active workers. The following is an explanation of how the reimbursement process and related operations will continue as ERRP approaches the disbursement of the temporary program's $5 billion appropriation.


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November 18, 2011

Early Retiree Reinsurance Program: Reimbursement Update

The information in the November 18 report includes all payments made to approved plan sponsors through November 3, 2011.


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November 18, 2011

ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Reminders Webinar Recording and Transcript Available

The ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Reminders webinar recording and transcript are now available on the Training Library page.

We encourage you to monitor this website for the latest program information and new educational materials. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the ERRP Center.

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November 11, 2011

New Claim List Training: Mainframe Version of the Claim List Example and a New Reporting Bundled Claims Illustration

The ERRP Center has published a Mainframe version of the Claim List Training Example and has added a new illustration to the current Secure Website Claim List Example on how to report bundled claims.

Mainframe Claim List Training Example

The Mainframe Claim List Training Example, which is found on the Reference Materials page, contains all of the illustrations included in the Secure Website Claim List Training Example tailored specifically for Mainframe Claim List submission. Similar to the Secure Website Claim List Training Example, the Mainframe Claim List Training Example is presented using a Mainframe Claim List Example Reference Guide. The Claim List Example Reference Guide provides detailed explanations of each illustration and links to illustration worksheets in a linked Excel workbook.

Reporting Bundled Claims

Both the Secure Website and Mainframe Claim List Training Examples contain an illustration on how to accurately report bundled claims. The bundling illustration covers the following items:

  • Defines bundling

  • Explains where to enter Unit Quantity

  • Explains how to denote a bundled claim

Note: The naming scheme, for several illustrations in the Secure Website Claim List Training Example, has been updated:

  • Illustration 6 is the new bundling illustration

  • Former Illustration 6 (A) is now called Illustration: Claim List Headers and Formatting

  • Former Illustration 6 (B) is now called Illustration: Claim List No Headers and Formatting

  • Former Illustration 7 is now called Illustration: .CSV.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the ERRP Center. Visit both the Reference Materials page and Training Library page often for new and updated ERRP educational materials.

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November 11, 2011

New ERRP Guidance

The ERRP Center published new and updated program guidance:

  • New – Supplemental Guidance: Revenue Codes Ineligible for Reimbursement in the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program

  • Updated – Supplemental Guidance: Additional Coding Details for Ineligible Items and Services

Please reference these documents on the Regulations and Guidance page of the program website. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the ERRP Center.

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November 11, 2011

Early Retiree Reinsurance Program: Reimbursement Update

The information in the November 4 report includes all payments made to approved plan sponsors through October 14, 2011.


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November 2, 2011

ERRP Webinar – Claim List: Reminders

The ERRP Center is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a new LIVE webinar: ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Reminders. This training will review helpful Claim List reminders to assist Plan Sponsors in submitting an error-free Claim List. The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Review Claim List Response File

  • Common Claim List Errors

  • Report Bundled Claims

  • Claim List Information Located on PWS

  • LIVE! Questions and Answers


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October 20, 2011

Early Retiree Reinsurance Program: Reimbursement Update

The information in the October 14 report includes all payments made to approved plan sponsors through September 22, 2011.


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October 1, 2011

ERRP Claim List Response File Functionality Now Available

On September 12, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced important changes to improve and streamline the process of submitting claims data for ERRP reimbursement requests. As part of that process, the ERRP Center has implemented a new, fully-automated review system to provide Plan Sponsors with more detailed and expedited feedback about their Claim List submissions and improve the integrity of the ERRP program.


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October 1, 2011

New ERRP Guidance

On the Regulations and Guidance page, the ERRP Center published new program guidance:

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the ERRP Center.

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September 23, 2011

New "How Do I...?" Training Videos Available in the ERRP Secure Website Help System

The following ERRP Secure Website (SWS) help system How Do I...? topics now include links to step-by-step training videos:

  • How do I view a reimbursement adjustment?

  • How do I view Current Covered Early Retiree Counts?

  • How do I view a reimbursement determination?

  • How do I view a reimbursement request?

  • How do I view a reimbursement transaction?

The help system can be accessed via an accordion menu on all ERRP SWS pages.

Additional SWS help system training will become available when the ERRP Center implements the automated Claim List review functionality on October 3. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the ERRP Center.

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September 12, 2011

Important Updates Regarding the Submission of Claim Lists

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing several important changes that will improve and streamline the process of submitting claims data for ERRP reimbursement requests. A new, fully-automated review system will give detailed feedback on Claims Lists, helping plan sponsors submit error free Claim Lists starting October 3. CMS is also introducing new flexibility in the permitted layouts for Claims Lists, and CMS has extended the deadline for submitting detailed Claims Lists for prior reimbursements. These changes will simplify the experience for plan sponsors submitting Claim Lists to CMS while helping to improve the integrity of the ERRP program.


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August 24, 2011

ERRP Secure Website Claim List Training Example Now Available

In response to Plan Sponsor requests for a sample Claim List, the ERRP Center has published a Secure Website Claim List Training Example on the Reference Materials page. The SWS Claim List Training Example demonstrates how to:

  • Identify Professional, Institutional, and Prescription claim record data in the required format as indicated in the Claim List layout. (Illustration 1)

  • Report Costs Paid by Early Retiree (Illustration 2)

  • Report claim data for applications with a transition plan year, i.e., plan year beginning prior to 6/1/2010, with Early Retiree claim data exceeding the cost threshold prior to 6/1/2010 with cost adjustments. (Illustration 3)

  • Report claim data for an Early Retiree meeting the limit reduction with cost adjustments.
    (Illustration 4)

  • Report claim data for applications with a transition plan year, i.e., plan year beginning prior to 6/1/2010, with Early Retiree claim data exceeding the cost threshold prior to 6/1/2010, meeting the cost limit with cost adjustments. (Illustration 5)

  • Compile all claim list record types (Professional, Institutional, Prescription, Cost Adjustment, and File Trailer) and all early retiree claim records into single Claim List and correlate to the ERRP SWS Summary Cost Data. Illustration 6 (A) contains Claim List values with column headers and the Illustration 6 (B) contains Claim List values without column headers. (Illustrations 6A and 6B)

  • Convert Claim List data in Claim List layout to a .CSV format for upload to the ERRP SWS. (Illustration 7)

The SWS Claim List Training Example is presented using the Claim List Example Reference Guide, a detailed instructional document supported by realistic claim data. The Claim List Example Reference Guide provides detailed explanations of each Illustration and links to Illustration worksheets in a linked Excel workbook. The linked Excel workbook contains claim data worksheets to support each of the Illustrations discussed in the Reference Guide. The ERRP Center recommends that you print a hard copy of the Reference Guide for review while you are studying the claim data in the workbook online.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the ERRP Center.

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August 19, 2011

CMS Clarifies Key Maintenance of Contribution Concept in Guidance Paper

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has revised Guidance on Complying with the Prohibition on Using Early Retiree Reinsurance Program Reimbursements as General Revenue, originally published on July 20, to clarify a key point with respect to the maintenance of contribution requirement discussed in the guidance. The revision clarifies that, in all instances in the guidance that discuss the amount a plan sponsor would have to allocate or spend in any given plan year for which the maintenance of contribution requirement applies, either in terms of dollars or percentages, the amount is net of any ERRP reimbursement received that the sponsor uses toward that contribution, and the percentage is calculated net of any ERRP reimbursement received that the sponsor uses toward that contribution.

This revision to the guidance clarifies CMS original intent, and does not reflect new or revised policy.

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August 12, 2011

Cost Threshold and Cost Limit Amounts for Plan Years Starting on or After October 1, 2011

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing that, for ERRP plan years that start on or after October 1, 2011, the Cost Threshold is $16,000, and the Cost Limit is $93,000.

CMS is announcing these figures several weeks in advance of when plan sponsors will first start to accumulate costs and submit reimbursement requests for plan years starting on or after October 1, 2011. This advance notice is intended to give plan sponsors, and the vendors that support their ERRP activities, sufficient time to build or change their systems to accommodate the new Cost Threshold and Cost Limit.


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August 12, 2011

ERRP Training - Claim List: Dos and Don'ts Online Module and Help System Videos

ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Dos and Don'ts Online Module

The ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Dos and Don'ts webinar is now available as an online training module to facilitate use as a quick reference. Plan Sponsors can refer to the module’s Table of Contents to quickly access individual slides with the specific information desired.


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July 25, 2011

ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Dos and Don’ts Webinar Recording Available

The recording of the ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Dos and Don'ts webinar is now available in the Training Presentations and Videos section of the homepage. The transcript for the webinar will be available within the next week. In addition, the ERRP Center will be adding the most frequently asked questions from the webinar to the ERRP Common Questions.

We encourage you to monitor this website for the latest program information and new educational materials. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the ERRP Center.

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July 20, 2011

New ERRP Guidance Published: Guidance on Complying with the Prohibition on Using Early Retiree Reinsurance Program Reimbursements as General Revenue

On the Regulations and Guidance page, the ERRP Center published a new guidance document, Guidance on Complying with the Prohibition on Using Early Retiree Reinsurance Program Reimbursements as General Revenue. The Early Retiree Reinsurance Program statute and regulation prohibit the use of ERRP reimbursements as general revenue for Plan Sponsors. The ERRP regulation also states that Plan Sponsors are expected to fulfill a maintenance of contribution requirement (i.e., Plan Sponsors are expected to provide at least the same level of contribution to support the applicable plan, as they did before applying for the ERRP).

The document is intended to give Plan Sponsors guidance in applying the maintenance of contribution requirement, while also helping to ensure that Plan Sponsors do not violate the prohibition against using ERRP reimbursement as general revenue. The guidance includes the following topics:

  • Plan Years to Which the Maintenance of Contribution Requirement Applies

  • Costs Used to Determine a Sponsor’s Level of Contribution Toward the Plan

  • Baseline Period Sponsors May Use for Determining Their Contribution Level

  • Permissible Maintenance of Contribution Methodologies

Plan Sponsors are encouraged to review the guidance in its entirety. If you have questions or need additional information, contact the ERRP Center.

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July 20, 2011

Early Retiree Reinsurance Program: Reimbursement Update

The information in the July 15 report includes all payments made to approved plan sponsors through June 10, 2011. These data include reimbursement requests received through March 31, 2011, prior to the implementation of the new claims list submission requirement in April.


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July 18, 2011

New Early Retiree Reinsurance Program Reimbursement Guidance: Claims Eligible for Reimbursement

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has published supplemental program guidance and has updated existing program guidance under the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP).


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July 18, 2011

Claim List Education and Training: Updated Claim List Layouts, New Claim List Common Questions, and Claim List Webinar Presentation

The ERRP Center has released new and updated Claim List educational information and training materials to assist Plan Sponsors in submitting error-free Claim Lists.

Updated Claim List Layouts

The Claim List Layouts found on the Reference Materials page have been updated to include enhanced field descriptions. In addition, the ERRP Center has reduced the number of required fields. All of the fields containing updated information are highlighted within the layouts. Plan Sponsors are encouraged to carefully review the updated layouts for valuable guidance on submitting Claim List data.

Claim List Common Questions

A new Claim List section has been added to the Common Questions. Many of these questions relate to specific data fields within the Claim List layouts and further clarify Claim List requirements. Monitor the Recent Changes section of the homepage for future additions to the Claim List Common Questions.

Claim List Webinar Presentation

The PowerPoint presentation for the upcoming ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Dos and Don'ts webinar is available in the Training Presentations and Videos section of the homepage.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the ERRP Center.

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July 15, 2011

ERRP Webinar – Claim List: Dos and Don’ts

The ERRP Center is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a new LIVE webinar: ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Dos and Don’ts. This training is designed to assist Plan Sponsors in submitting an error-free Claim List resulting in a successful reimbursement. The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • General Claim List Submission Reminders

  • Specific Claim Detail Field Pointers

  • Reimbursement Timeframes

  • Q&A Period


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July 15, 2011

Updates on ERRP Center Claim List Reviews, Enhancements to Educational Materials, and Upcoming Training Events

This announcement provides information about:

  • The quality assurance review that the ERRP Center is currently performing on Claim Lists

  • Forthcoming educational materials and training events that will clarify the Claim Lists submission process and requirements.

In addition, this announcement clarifies that submitted Claim Lists that contain errors will not preserve a place for a plan sponsor in the processing of payments.

Further, Plan Sponsors should note that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) routinely monitors the inquiries received at the ERRP Center in an effort to continuously improve educational materials and simplify or clarify, whenever possible, the operational requirements to participate in the program. As evidence of CMS' effort to be responsive to program participants' feedback, we will announce by July 29 on this website new information about some Claim List fields that will change from required to optional.


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July 8, 2011

New Secure Website Help System Training Videos: Change or Reset Security Questions, View Application Information, Delete a Designee

Since the beginning of June, the ERRP Center has released twenty-two training videos in the ERRP Secure Website (SWS) help system to assist Plan Sponsors in completing tasks in the SWS. Three new training videos are now available in the How Do I...? section of the SWS help system:

  • How do I change or reset my security questions?

  • How do I view application information?

  • How do I delete a Designee?

After logging into the ERRP SWS, Plan Sponsors can access the help system via an accordion menu found on all SWS pages. The ERRP Center encourages Plan Sponsors to refer to the SWS help system, not only for step-by-step instructions on completing tasks, but also for answers to many of the Common Questions Plan Sponsors may have while using the ERRP SWS. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the ERRP Center.

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July 1, 2011

Additional Secure Website Help System Training Videos Now Available

The ERRP Center has released new ERRP Secure Website (SWS) help system training videos providing step-by-step simulations for completing SWS tasks. The following videos are now available in the
How Do I...? section of the SWS help system:

  • How do I change my password?

  • How do I view and change banking information?

  • How do I view and change Plan Sponsor information?

  • How do I view and change user information?

  • How do I reset my password?

  • How do I complete Affirmation by Authorized Representative?

  • How do I assign Designee privileges?

  • How do I view and change Designee privileges?

More training videos will be released as new ERRP SWS functionality is implemented. Continue to monitor this website for the latest program information, including announcements, educational materials, and more.

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June 21, 2011

Early Retiree Reinsurance Program: Reimbursement Update

The information in the June 17 report includes all payments made to approved plan sponsors through May 27, 2011. These data include reimbursement requests received through March 31, 2011, prior to the implementation of the new claims list submission requirement in April.


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June 16, 2011

New Secure Website Help System Training Videos Released

As previously announced, the ERRP Secure Website (SWS) help system offers a number of training videos to assist users in completing SWS tasks. The following new training videos are now available:

  • How do I report costs?

  • How do I request reimbursement?

  • How do I complete Early Retiree List setup?

  • How do I download the Early Retiree List Response File?

These and other training videos are available in the How Do I...? section of the ERRP SWS help system.

For more information about the SWS help system, review the June 3, 2011 announcement, ERRP Secure Website Help System Training Videos Now Available. If you have questions or need additional information, contact the ERRP Center.

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June 7, 2011

New ERRP Program Guidance: Allocating Post-Point of Sale Negotiated Price Concessions to Individual Early Retirees Under the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program

On the Regulations and Guidance page, the ERRP Center published new program guidance, Allocating Post-Point of Sale Negotiated Price Concessions to Individual Early Retirees Under the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program.

In addition, the Claim List Layouts found on the Reference Materials page have been updated with an additional Cost Adjustment Layout for reporting price concessions applied to costs incurred before June 1, 2010. The existing Cost Adjustment Layout should only be used for reporting price concessions applied to costs incurred on or after June 1, 2010. In order to ensure proper reporting, price concessions should be separated into two categories, as applicable: costs incurred prior to June 1, 2010 and costs incurred on or after June 1, 2010. Price concessions should then be reported on the two Cost Adjustment Layouts respectively.


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June 3, 2011

ERRP Secure Website Help System Training Videos Now Available

The ERRP Secure Website (SWS) help system now contains links to training videos for completing tasks in the SWS. After logging into the ERRP SWS, Plan Sponsors can access the help system via an accordion menu found on all SWS pages. The ERRP SWS help system contains two categories of help topics:

  1. Common Questions - Contains many of the Common Questions found on the ERRP Public Website, as well as questions specifically related to SWS roles and functions

  2. How Do I…? - Provides step-by-step instructions for completing SWS tasks


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May 20, 2011

Application Information on

On April 1st, CMS announced that the ERRP Center would stop accepting new ERRP applications effective May 6, 2011. Plan Sponsors should note that any references to applications and the application process in Common Questions, training materials, and other content on is superseded by CMS' decision to no longer accept new applications. For more information related to this decision, review the announcement ERRP to Stop Accepting New Applications.

If you have questions or need additional information, contact the ERRP Center.

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May 16, 2011

Early Retiree Reinsurance Program: Reimbursement Update

The information in the report includes all reimbursements to approved plan sponsors through May 3, 2011. These data include reimbursement requests received through March 31, 2011, prior to the implementation of the new claims list submission requirement in April.


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May 9, 2011

ERRP Reimbursement Training: Claim List Online Training Updated for Quick Reference

The ERRP Reimbursement Training: Claim List Online Training Module posted on April 1 has been updated for use as a quick reference. First, the four lessons contained in the original module have been broken out and reposted as four separate links in the Training Presentations and Videos section of the homepage. This update will improve overall load time and will give Plan Sponsors the ability to access information more quickly. Secondly, the slide names in the Table of Contents for each lesson have been renamed to help Plan Sponsors identify slide specific information easily. Finally, a navigation slide at the end of every lesson gives Plan Sponsors the ability to either replay the lesson they just completed or navigate to a different lesson.


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April 29, 2011

Helpful Reminders and Tips: Early Retiree List and Early Retiree List Response File

Prior to submitting each reimbursement request, Plan Sponsors must submit an Early Retiree List containing potential early retirees and their spouses, surviving spouses, and dependents for whom it is seeking, or has sought, ERRP reimbursement for the plan year. Plan Sponsors should review the following reminders and tips for resolving the most common Early Retiree List questions.


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April 22, 2011

Important Update Made to Claim List Layouts

Today CMS posted updated versions of the Secure Website Claim List Layouts and Mainframe Claim List Layouts found on the Reference Materials page. In previous versions of the layouts, the Description/Value for ERRP Institutional Layout Field No. DI16 (Principal ICD Procedure Code) included the following statement: "Include decimal points in value." However, Plan Sponsors can submit this data without decimal points. This statement has been removed from both Claim List layout documents. Plan Sponsors should reference these most recent versions of the Claim List layouts in order to format the detailed claims data now required for ERRP reimbursement.

If you have questions or need additional information, contact the ERRP Center.

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April 17, 2011

New Claim List Functionality Available

Plan Sponsors are now able to complete Claim List setup in the ERRP Secure Website (SWS) and submit Claim Lists via either the ERRP SWS or the Plan Sponsor's or specified Vendor's mainframe to the ERRP Mainframe. As previously announced, Plan Sponsors are now required to submit a Claim List with all reimbursement requests. For detailed information regarding Claim List setup and submission, Plan Sponsors are encouraged to review the ERRP Reimbursement Training: Claim List Online Training Module posted in the Training Presentations and Videos section of the homepage.


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April 1, 2011

ERRP to Stop Accepting New Applications

Effective May 6th, 2011, the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) will no longer accept new ERRP applications. This is consistent with section 1102(f) of the Affordable Care Act that allows this limitation based on the availability of funding. A Federal Register Notice regarding this decision has been released and can be found in the following link: External Link Icon.


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April 1, 2011

ERRP Reimbursement Training: Claim List Online Training Module Now Available

Starting April 2011, Plan Sponsors will be required to submit Claim Lists in order to request reimbursement. To prepare Plan Sponsors to submit Claim Lists, the ERRP Center has posted the ERRP Reimbursement Training: Claim List Online Training Module. This module can be found in the Training Presentations and Videos section of the homepage. Due to an expected high volume of website traffic, the Claim List Online Training Module may take several minutes to load. Upon completion of the training module, Plan Sponsors will be able to:

  • Describe how the Claim List requirement will be phased from April to August 2011

  • Discuss how the Claim List component fits into the ERRP Reimbursement Flow

  • Identify claims eligible for ERRP reimbursement and determine the most appropriate claim submission method

  • Understand the ERRP Claim List Layouts and their respective field requirements

  • Describe how ERRP processes the Claim List


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April 1, 2011

Early Retiree Reinsurance Program providing key support to millions of retirees

Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a new report announcing that the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) has provided more than 1,300 employers across all 50 states with nearly $1.8 billion in reimbursements.


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March 25, 2011

ERRP Claim List Submission Preparation: Submission Method Setup

Starting April 2011, the ERRP Center will require plan sponsors to submit a Claim List with each reimbursement request. The Claim List must include the new health benefit items or services for which the plan sponsor is requesting reimbursement, as a well as all items or services for which the plan sponsor has previously requested reimbursement for that plan year. Specifically, the detailed claims data included in the Claim List must be cumulative, with each new Claim List replacing the previously submitted Claim List(s) for the plan year.


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March 25, 2011

ERRP Secure Website Unavailable: March 31, 2011 – April 17, 2011

The ERRP Secure Website (SWS) will be unavailable due to system updates from 7:00 PM ET on Thursday, March 31 through approximately 8:00 PM ET on Sunday, April 17. Users will not be able to perform any SWS actions (e.g. submit early retiree lists, submit cost reports or request reimbursements) or view SWS data during this time. Also, for plan sponsors wishing to submit reimbursement requests during the first quarter of 2011, such reimbursement requests must be submitted by 7:00 PM ET on Thursday, March 31, 2011. HHS' ERRP Center apologizes for any inconvenience.

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March 2, 2011

Report: Affordable Care Act controls costs for early retiree coverage

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today released a new report showing that the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) created by the Affordable Care Act is reducing health care costs for early retirees.


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February 28, 2011

New Report Details Affordable Care Act Resources and Flexibility for States

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a new report showing that the Affordable Care Act provides states with significant flexibility and resources to improve health care benefits and protect consumers.


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January 21, 2011

Account Manager and Authorized Representative Role Reassignment Features Now Available

The Account Manager and Authorized Representative roles can now be reassigned in the ERRP Secure Website (SWS). Account Managers and Authorized Representatives may reassign user roles for a Plan Sponsor. However, Designees cannot reassign roles.


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January 13, 2011

New RSS Feed

Plan Sponsors can now stay informed about updates to by subscribing to the new RSS feed. The RSS feed will deliver a summary of changes and important updates to ERRP News and Events, Common Questions, Reference Materials, and Regulations and Guidance right to your desktop.
To subscribe, click the RSS icon RSS Icon in the Recent Changes or News and Announcements sections of the homepage.

Click here to learn more about RSS feeds. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact HHS' ERRP Center.

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Page last updated July 20, 2012 at 3:00 PM EST