*Please note the Archived News Releases listed below were originally published to OFHEO.gov.  Some links provided within them may no longer exist. 
If you need assistance finding any document or link mentioned please contact FHFAInfo@FHFA.gov for assistance. 

News Releases Archive (OFHEO) - RSS 2.0

News Releases Archive (OFHEO)

+ 2008
+ 2007
+ 2006
+ 2005
+ 2004
+ 2003
+ 2002
- 2001
  December 14 OFHEO Issues Quarterly Minimum Capital Classification Report Including Critical Capital for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  December 13 OFHEO Announces Final Rule on Flood Insurance
  December 11 OFHEO Announces Proprosed Improvements to Risk-Based Capital Rule
  November 30 OFHEO Releases Third Quarter 2001 House Price Index; Washington, D.C. Tops in U.S for Third Consecutive Quarter 6.21% Appreciation from Second to Third Quarter 2001; California’s Silicon Valley Experiences Below Average Price Growth for First Time in Four Years
  November 7 OFHEO Extends Comment Period for Corporate Governance Regulation
  October 3 OFHEO Issues Quarterly Minimum Capital Classification Report Including Critical Capital for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  September 13 Media Advisory: Publication of OFHEO's RBC Rule
  September 12 OFHEO Releases Three Regulations Under Regulatory Infrastructure Project
  August 31 OFHEO Releases Second Quarter 2001 House Price Index
  July 26 OFHEO Issues Report "Mortgage Markets and the Enterprises in 2000"
  July 19 OFHEO's Risk-Based Capital Rule Now Available on OFHEO Web Site
  July 16 OFHEO's Risk-Based Capital Rule Cleared by Office of Management and Budget
  June 28 OFHEO Hires Seasoned Regulator as Deputy Director
  June 27 Risk-Based Capital Rule Deadline Extended to July 16, 2001
  June 15 OFHEO Submits Its 2001 Report to Congress
  June 1 OFHEO Releases First Quarter 2001 House Price Index; U.S. House Prices Grew 8.8% Since First Quarter 2000; District of Columbia Tops in House Price Appreciation in U.S.; OFHEO Lists Top and Bottom 20 Metropolitan Statistical Areas in House Price Appreciation
  April 4 OFHEO Solicits Comments on Two Rules: Prompt Supervisory Response and Corrective Action and Corporate Governance
  April 2 OFHEO Issues Two Final Rules and One New Policy Guidance
  March 15 OFHEO Issues Quarterly Capital Classification Report Including Critical Capital for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  March 8 Grupo de Trabajo Interagencial publica folleto en español para el consumidor sobre cómo comparar y negociar la hipoteca más favorable
  March 8 Interagency Task Force Publishes Spanish-Language Consumer Brochure about Shopping for and Negotiating the Best Mortgage
  March 1 OFHEO Releases Fourth Quarter 2000 House Price Index; U.S. House Prices Grew 8.1% Since Fourth Quarter 1999; New Hampshire, District of Columbia Tops in House Price Appreciation in U.S.; OFHEO Lists Top and Bottom 20 Metropolitan Statistical Areas in House Price Appreciation
  February 13 OFHEO Announces Critical Capital Disclosure and FAS 133 Clarification
  January 3 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Safety and Soundness Regulator OFHEO Issues Quarterly Capital Classification Report
+ 2000
+ 1999
+ 1998
+ 1997