Beginning in fiscal year 2011, the National Institute of Justices is combining the DNA Backlog Reduction Program and the Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program into a single program — the DNA Backlog Reduction Program.

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Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Grant Program

This site offers general information about this program based on the fiscal year 2010 solicitation (pdf, 23 pages), which contains further detail and instruction but has closed. Requirements for funding in future years may differ.

The objective of the Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program is to accelerate the analysis of convicted offender samples, arrestee DNA samples or both collected by States pursuant to applicable law for databasing purposes (hereinafter, "DNA database samples"), in order to provide timely Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)-compatible data for all 13 CODIS core STR loci ("profile") for State and national DNA databases. Funds are to be used by a State's designated existing and accredited DNA database laboratory ("DNA database laboratory") to reduce the number of DNA database samples pending DNA analysis ("backlog") in one of three ways:

  1. Through in-house analysis. The DNA database laboratory will determine what its backlog is and may apply for no more than $35.00 per sample to be analyzed.
  2. Through sending samples to be tested by accredited fee-for-service laboratories. The DNA database laboratory will determine what its backlog is and may apply for up to $35.00 per sample to be analyzed.
  3. Through data review of sample profiles generated by an accredited laboratory. If the database laboratory lacks funding to ensure timely review of the profiles generated, it may apply for up to $5.00 per DNA profile reviewed.

All profiles obtained from DNA database samples with funding provided under this announcement must be entered into CODIS within 90 days of completion of analysis and uploaded to the National DNA Index System (NDIS).

Who Can Receive Funding

"States" Defined

For purposes of this announcement, the term "State" includes the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. For those States that use a laboratory operated by a unit of local government for analysis of the State's DNA database samples, the application must be submitted by the unit of local government having oversight of the DNA database program.

Eligible applicants are states with a designated existing crime laboratory that conducts analysis of DNA database samples, provided the designated DNA database laboratory meets all of the following requirements:

  • Is accredited by a nonprofit professional association of persons actively involved in forensic science that is nationally recognized within the forensic science community.
  • Is a participant in the National DNA Index System (NDIS).
  • Undergoes external audits, not less than once every 2 years, to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Quality Assurance Standards for DNA Databasing Laboratories established by the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  • If the laboratory requests assistance with analysis of samples in-house, then the laboratory must possess sufficient in-house DNA analysis capacity to analyze at least 50 percent of its annual receipt of DNA database samples or a minimum of 5,000 DNA database samples per month.

How Funding Is Allocated

Funds for DNA Analysis of DNA Database Samples
In general, funds for sample analysis, by either in-house testing or testing by accredited fee-for-service laboratories, will be awarded on the basis of the eligible backlog of DNA database samples awaiting analysis that can be analyzed during the project period using funds provided under this solicitation. Calculate the eligible backlog of DNA database samples by adding the current backlog existing at the time of application to the anticipated receipt of samples through March 31, 2011, then reducing this number by the number of samples that will be analyzed using existing State or local funding sources and/or other Federal assistance. The number of samples that can be analyzed during the project period should reflect the laboratory's known or anticipated capacity at the time of project initiation and the total eligible estimated backlog. Applicants should base the amount of their requests under this solicitation on their actual cost estimates, but may not request more than $35.00 per sample analyzed (or per sample processed if no profile is generated but reasonable attempts were made).

Funds for Data Review & Upload to NDIS of DNA Profiles
Applicants that have a backlog of database profiles requiring review and upload to NDIS may apply for assistance if adequate funding is not available from existing state and local funding sources or from other Federal assistance. Applicants should base the amount of their requests under this solicitation on their actual costs to review and upload the profiles, but may not request more than $5.00 per profile reviewed and uploaded to NDIS. 

Total awards will not exceed $40.00 per DNA database sample analyzed, reviewed, and uploaded to NDIS. Funds will be awarded only for sample analysis and data review above and beyond that which a State can accomplish using current sources of funding. The total amount of funding requested by eligible States may also affect award amounts.

All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law. Total funding for this solicitation and the number of awards made will depend on the availability of funds, the quality of the applications, and other pertinent factors.

Assistance with In-house Analysis, Data Review and Upload of Data to NDIS

Permissible uses of funds for agencies applying for assistance with in-house analysis, data review and upload of data to NDIS may include the following:

  1. Overtime. Funds may be used for overtime of existing in-house laboratory employees directly engaged in (a) handling and analyzing DNA database samples, including handling and analyzing quality assurance samples,[1] and (b) data review of profiles generated by an accredited fee-for-service laboratory from DNA database samples that, due to the lack of laboratory resources, have yet to be reviewed and entered into NDIS. Any payments for overtime must be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the OJP Financial Guide.
  2. Salary and Benefits of Additional Laboratory Employees.Funds may be used to hire additional full-time or part-time laboratory employees who will be directly engaged in the handling or analysis of DNA database samples or the data review of DNA profiles generated from such samples (including profiles generated by accredited fee-for-service laboratories). Matching funds are not required.
    An employee hired using award funds must meet the definition provided in the Quality Assurance Standards for DNA Databasing Laboratories established by the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The employee must be a person (1) in the service of the applicable State or local government, subject to the terms, conditions and rules of State/local employment and eligible for the State/local benefits of service; or (2) formerly in the service of a State or local government who returns to service in that agency on a part-time or temporary basis.
    Note: NIJ makes no assurance that funds will be available for this purpose in future award announcements.
  3. Certain Supplies. Funds may be used to acquire commercially available PCR kits accepted by NDIS and other laboratory supplies for analysis of DNA database samples, including analysis of quality assurance samples.[2]
  4. Administrative Expenses. Up to 3 percent of the Federal portion of an award under this program may be used for direct or indirect administrative expenses specifically related to grant administration and management. Applicants submitting budgets that include indirect costs must submit documentation of their federally approved indirect cost rate, but may not request indirect costs or direct costs in excess of 3 percent.

[1], [2] The number of these quality assurance samples may not exceed 10 percent of the total DNA database samples for which funding is awarded.

Assistance with Analysis of DNA Database Samples by an Accredited Fee-for-service Laboratory

Permissible uses of funds for eligible applicants for assistance with analysis of DNA database samples by an accredited fee-for-service laboratory and data review of the resulting profiles may include the following:

  1. Overtime. Funds may be used for overtime of laboratory employees directly engaged in data review of DNA database profiles generated by an accredited fee-for-service laboratory. Any payments for overtime must be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the OJP Financial Guide.
  2. Contracts. Funds may be used to establish a contract for analyzing DNA database samples with an accredited fee-for-service laboratory. Procurements are subject to the standards set forth in 28 C.F.R. section 66.36 and other applicable Federal law, including the provisions of 28 C.F.R. section 66.36 that relate to competition. Prior approval from OJP is required for all sole-source procurements in excess of $100,000. In the event that only one accredited fee-for-service laboratory can provide the needed service due to specific platform/genetic test kit specifications, applicants must comply with this requirement. Approval may be obtained in the form of a sole-source request with adequate justification submitted directly to GMS with the application for funding. Contracts may only be established under this solicitation with accredited fee-forservice
    laboratories that are on the General Services Administration (GSA) Blanket Purchase Agreement list for Convicted Offender DNA Backlog Reduction Program (Outsourcing) used by the OJP Acquisition Management Division (Contract Office).
    As of February, 2010, these laboratories are:
    • The Bode Technology Group
    • Chromosomal Laboratories, Inc.
    • Laboratory Corporation of America
    • Orchid Cellmark
    • Strand Analytical Laboratory
    Accredited fee-for-service laboratories not listed here that are interested in participating in the GSA Blanket Purchase Agreement list should contact Brenda Worthington, Program Operations Specialist, at 202-305-7844 or for additional information on the process.
  3. Administrative Expenses. Up to 3 percent of the Federal portion of an award under this program may be used for direct or indirect administrative expenses specifically related to grant administration and management. Applicants submitting budgets that include indirect costs must submit documentation of their federally approved indirect cost rate, but may not request indirect costs or direct costs in excess of 3 percent.

Review and Upload of DNA Profile Data Generated from DNA Database Samples by Fee-For-Service Laboratory

Permissible uses of funds for eligible States applying solely for assistance with review and upload to NDIS of DNA profile data generated from DNA database samples by an accredited fee-for-service laboratory may include the following:

  1. Overtime for Existing Laboratory Employees. Funds may be used to pay overtime for existing laboratory employees who will be directly engaged in the review of DNA profiles generated by an accredited fee-for-service laboratory. Any payments for overtime must be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the OJP Financial Guide.
  2. Administrative Expenses. Up to 3 percent of the Federal portion of an award under this program may be used for direct or indirect administrative expenses specifically related to grant administration and management. Applicants submitting budgets that include indirect costs must submit documentation of their federally approved indirect cost rate, but may not request indirect costs or direct costs in excess of 3 percent.

Expenses That Are Not Permitted

Federal funds awarded under the FY 2010 Convicted and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program may not be used for:

  1. Salaries and Benefits for Existing Staff. Funds may not be used to pay salaries and/or benefits for existing staff, other than overtime as discussed above.
  2. Consultant and Contractor Services for In-House Sample Analysis.
  3. Payment for Technical Review of Data to Individuals Who Do Not Meet Standard 17.5.2 of the Quality Assurance Standards for DNA Databasing Laboratories Established by the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This standard currently states, "A technical review of a vendor laboratory's DNA data shall be performed by an analyst or technical reviewer employed by the NDIS participating laboratory who is qualified or was previously qualified in the technology, platform and test kit used to generate the DNA data and participates in the laboratory's proficiency testing program."
  4. Travel.
  5. Construction.
  6. Training or Continuing Education.
  7. Accreditation.
  8. Laboratory and Computer Equipment for the DNA Database Laboratory.*
  9. Renovations.*
  10. Other Capacity Enhancement Expenses.* Funds may not be used to purchase software, such as expert systems and Laboratory Information Management Systems.
  11. Administrative Expenses That Exceed 3 Percent. Direct or indirect administrative expenses that exceed 3 percent of the Federal portion of the award are not permitted.

*For Items 8, 9 and 10: Federal assistance for capacity enhancement projects for DNA Database Laboratories may be available through the FY 2010 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program. Note that the FY 2010 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program is subject to the availability of appropriated funds.

Results and Reporting

Each applicant that receives funding under this program must submit quarterly financial status reports, semi-annual progress reports, semi-annual performance metrics reports (with the semi-annual progress reports) and, if applicable, an annual audit report in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133. Each award recipient also must submit a final report. The report must include a summary and assessment of the program carried out with the FY 2010 award, including performance metrics. Future awards and funding drawdowns may be withheld if reports are delinquent.

Program Objective and Measures

To assist in fulfilling the Department's responsibilities under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), P. L. 103-62, award recipients are must provide data that measure the results of their work.

Program Objective: To reduce the backlog of convicted offender and/or arrestee DNA samples (DNA database samples)

Performance Measures:

  • Percent reduction in DNA backlog — DNA database samples.
  • CODIS hits resulting from Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program funds.

Data Grantee Provides

For In-House or Contracted Analysis of DNA Database Samples:

  1. The number of DNA database samples awaiting DNA analysis at the beginning of the award period.
  2. he number of DNA database samples analyzed using FY 2010 Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program funds.
  3. The number of DNA profiles from DNA database samples developed using FY 2010 Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program funds entered into CODIS and NDIS.
  4. The number of CODIS hits resulting from profiles developed with FY 2010 Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program funds.

For Data Review of DNA Profiles:

  1. The number of DNA profiles from DNA database samples awaiting data review at the beginning of the award period due to lack of laboratory resources.
  2. The number of DNA profiles from DNA database samples reviewed using FY 2010 Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program funds.
  3. The number of reviewed DNA profiles from DNA database samples entered into CODIS and NDIS using FY 2010 Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program funds.
  4. The number of CODIS hits resulting from DNA profiles from DNA database samples reviewed with FY 2010 Convicted Offender and/or Arrestee DNA Backlog Reduction Program funds. 
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