Defense Threat Reduction AgencyDefense Threat Reduction Agency
Research Partnerships

Truck Photo Caption: A truck passes through detection equipment through an Advanced Spectroscopic Portal test at the Nevada Test Site in Mercury, Nev. The portal detectors are just one of the many innovations developed through DTRA’s Research and Development efforts. (DTRA photo)

DTRA accomplishes its mission by investing in basic research efforts at universities, non-profit organizations, national labs and Department of Defense service labs, to enable future capabilities to better counter threats posed by weapons of mass destruction. We also facilitate productive relationships with other scientific organizations and seek to identify promising research efforts overseas. Through the Basic Research Program, DTRA recruits and trains scientists and engineers to develop a talented workforce for the future.

DTRA is committed to investing in Basic Research. Our technical experts foster basic research projects that could eventually transition to research results that support our ability to counter the threat of weapons of mass destruction. Using carefully balanced research portfolios, our technical leaders seek to create opportunities for revolutionary scientific breakthroughs that will enable the U.S. to better addressfuture threats.

Click here to see the Basic Research for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction brochure .

Current Research Announcements

Broad Agency Announcement - FY2011-2013 - Chemical/Biological Technologies Department New Initiatives Program Build: The Defense Threat Reduction Agency's Chemical and Biological Technologies Department has released a Broad Agency Announcement (announcement number HDTRA1-12-CHEM-BIO-BAA). This announcement is available on

Broad Agency Announcement - FY2011-2016 - Basic Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has released Amendment 1 of the "FY2011 - 2016 Basic Research for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)" (announcement number HDTRA1-11-16-BRCWMD-BAA Amendment 1). This announcement is available on

Service Call - FY2012-2017 - Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD): The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has released the "HDTRA1-12-17-FRCWMD-Call".

To download the announcement, please click here.  

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has released an amendment to the "FY2009-2014 Fundamental Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (C-WMD) Broad Agency Announcement" (announcement number HDTRA1-09-14-FRCWMD-BAA). This announcement is available on and (select "Full Announcement" near the top of the page, then select "Revised Full Announcement (Amendment 7) 15Aug12" towards the bottom of the next page).

Broad Agency Announcement – FY2009-2011 – Basic Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction: This BAA is closed and is no longer accepting white papers.

Service Call – FY2009-2011 – Basic Research to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction: This Service Call is closed and is no longer accepting white papers.

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