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MSB Registrant Search Web page

The MSB Registrant Search Web page contains entities that have registered as Money Services Businesses (MSBs) pursuant to the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) regulations at 31 CFR 1022.380(a)-(f), administered by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).

The Web site, which is current as of October 11, 2012, contains data on 37,519 registered MSBs*. This is an increase of 140 MSB registrations from the October 5, 2012, total of 37,379.

*On May 25, 2012 6,464 entities were dropped from the MSB Registrant Search Web page for nonrenewal of registration. Entities that continue to provide activities which would require them to be registered with FinCEN but have been dropped from the MSB Registrant Search Web page should renew their registration immediately. MSBs are strongly encouraged to use FinCEN's BSA E-Filing System to renew their registration.

The MSB Registrant Search Web page reflects information exactly as provided by the registrant. Posted entries should include: (1) Registrant's legal name, (2) Registrant's "doing business as" name (if applicable), (3) Registrant's address, (4) MSB activities in which the Registrant engages, (5) states in which the Registrant engages in MSB activities, (6) number of branches, (7) date the registration form was signed, and (8) date the registration form was received.

For more information about the MSB Registrant Search Web page, please read Questions and Answers.

You cannot register as an MSB on this Web site. The most efficient way to register as an MSB is to electronically submit FinCEN Form 107 through the BSA E-Filing System. Please visit the BSA E-Filing System site at:; this link will also allow you to register for the BSA E-Filing System.

(MSB Services Key List)


View/download all currently registered MSBs in Excel. FinCEN is providing the information contained in this spreadsheet for the benefit of the financial institutions who use this site and requested a media type to integrate into their data processing systems. It is not intended to be a substitute for the information contained on the Web site and should not be relied on in lieu thereof.

The inclusion of a business on the MSB Registrant Search Web page is not a recommendation,
certification of legitimacy, or endorsement of the business by any government agency.

The MSB Registrant Search Web page, which is updated on a weekly basis, contains entities that have registered as Money Services Businesses (MSBs) pursuant to the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) regulations at 31 CFR 1022.380(a)-(f), administered by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).

Information contained on this site has been provided by the MSB registrant. FinCEN does not verify information submitted by the MSB. Information provided on this site reflects only what was provided directly to FinCEN. If an error or incomplete information is detected on this site, the registrant should follow the appropriate instructions for correcting a Registration of Money Services Business (RMSB) form.
