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2007 Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study
(2007 White Book)
     (updated February 28, 2008)

The 2007 Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study (2007 White Book) is BPA's latest projection of the Pacific Northwest regional retail loads, contract obligations, contract purchases, and resource capabilities. The 2007 White Book is a snapshot of conditions as of March 31, 2007, documenting the loads and resources for the Federal system and region for the 10-year study period OY 2008 through 2017. The White Book contains projections of regional and Federal system load and resource capabilities, along with relevant definitions and explanations. The White Book also contains information obtained from formalized resource planning reports and data submittals including those from individual utilities, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (Council), and the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee (PNUCC).

The 2007 White Book consists of a Summary Document and a 2-volume Technical Appendix. The Summary Document is available in both printed copy and electronically. The Technical Appendices are only available electronically.

To request a printed copy of the 2007 White Book Summary Document, please contact the BPA Public Information Center and ask for the 2007 Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study (DOE/BP-3812).

Electronic (PDF) versions of the 2007 White Book Summary Document and Volumes 1 & 2 of the Technical Appendix are available below.  If you have any problems viewing a document within your web browser, click on the link to the document with your right mouse button and select "Save Target As" to download a copy to a local drive.


Content provided by:  Timothy Misley, 503-230-3942, tcmisley@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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