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2002 Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study
(2002 White Book)
     (updated May 21, 2004)

The 2002 Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study (2002 White Book) is a snapshot of the PNW region conditions as of June 30, 2003, with the exception of BPA's direct service industrial (DSI) power sales contract obligations that were updated September 9, 2003. Load, contract and resource estimates were provided by BPA and PNW Federal agency, public agency, cooperative, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and investor-owned utility customers through their annual Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee (PNUCC) data submittals for 2002 as well as direct submittals to BPA. BPA compiled these projections to present the PNW regional and Federal system load and resource capabilities for the 10-year study horizon, operating years (OY) 2004 through 2013. BPA publishes the White Book to help plan for adequate, efficient, and reliable long-term load service for both the Federal system and the region. The 2002 White Book updates the 2001 White Book and consists of three documents:

Summary Document

(electronic version posted here on March 19, 2004)

To request a printed copy of the Summary document, please contact the BPA Public Information Center and ask for the 2002 Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study (DOE/BP-3550). The electronic version of the Summary document consists of 16 separate PDF files. For those who wish to download all 16 files, they have been compressed into a single (self-extracting) archive (.EXE file, 9.7 MB). [Note: After this archive has been downloaded to a folder on a local drive, it can be decompressed (opened) by double-clicking on the file. A .ZIP version of the archive is also available for those who cannot download .EXE files and have decompression software such as WinZip. This package of files has a total decompressed file size of about 10 MB.]   Each PDF file can be viewed/downloaded individually by clicking on the links below.  [Note: Parts 5 - 14 (Sections 7 and 8) contain pages that were scanned from paper copies, which is why their file sizes per page are so much larger than the other parts.]

  1. Front cover (PDF, 1 page, 285 kb)
  2. November 14, 2003 Memorandum (PDF, 6 pages, 174 kb)
  3. Table of Contents, Acknowledgements (PDF, 6 pages, 182 kb)
  4. Sections 1 - 6 (PDF, 53 pages, 545 kb)
  5. Section 7, Exhibit 1 (PDF, 6 pages, 282 kb)
  6. Section 7, Exhibits 2 - 4 (PDF, 6 pages, 685 kb)
  7. Section 7, Exhibits 5 - 7 (PDF, 6 pages, 703 kb)
  8. Section 7, Exhibits 8 - 12 (PDF, 7 pages, 1350 kb)
  9. Section 7, Exhibits 13 - 17 (PDF, 5 pages, 1304 kb)
  10. Section 8, Exhibit 18 (PDF, 6 pages, 250 kb)
  11. Section 8, Exhibits 19 - 21 (PDF, 6 pages, 562 kb)
  12. Section 8, Exhibits 22 - 24 (PDF, 6 pages, 595 kb)
  13. Section 8, Exhibits 25 - 29 (PDF, 7 pages, 1470 kb)
  14. Section 8, Exhibits 30 - 34 (PDF, 5 pages, 1381 kb)
  15. Sections 9 & 10 (PDF, 12 pages, 169 kb)
  16. Back cover (PDF, 1 page, 14 kb)

Technical Appendix - Volume 1
Energy Analysis
     (posted on May 21, 2004)

Volume 1 of the Technical Appendix consists of 9 separate PDF files. For those who wish to download all 9 files, they have been compressed into a single (self-extracting) archive (.EXE file, 5 MB). [Note: After this archive has been downloaded to a folder on a local drive, it can be decompressed (opened) by double-clicking on the file. A .ZIP version of the archive is also available for those who cannot download .EXE files and have decompression software such as WinZip. This package of files has a total decompressed file size of about 5.2 MB.]   Each PDF file can be viewed/downloaded individually by clicking on the links below.

Part 1:  Front cover pages / Acknowledgements (PDF, 4 pages, 419 kb)
Part 2:  Table of Contents (PDF, 2 pages, 65 kb)
Annual Energy Analysis for OY 2004 - 2013
Part 3:  Sections 1 and 2 (PDF, 6 pages, 168 kb)
Part 4:  Section 3, Tables A1 - A12 (PDF, 27 pages, 975 kb)
Part 5:  Section 3, Tables A13 - A26 (PDF, 33 pages, 1117 kb)
Monthly Energy Analysis for OY 2004, 2008, 2013
Part 6:  Sections 4 - 7 (PDF, 20 pages, 334 kb)
Part 7:  Section 8, Tables A1 - A12 (PDF, 55 pages, 1047 kb)
Part 8:  Section 8, Tables A13 - A26 (PDF, 71 pages, 1207 kb)
Part 9:  Back cover page (PDF, 1 page, 13 kb)

Technical Appendix - Volume 2
Capacity Analysis
     (posted on May 21, 2004)

Volume 2 of the Technical Appendix consists of 6 separate PDF files. For those who wish to download all 6 files, they have been compressed into a single (self-extracting) archive (.EXE file, 2.9 MB). [Note: After this archive has been downloaded to a folder on a local drive, it can be decompressed (opened) by double-clicking on the file. A .ZIP version of the archive is also available for those who cannot download .EXE files and have decompression software such as WinZip. This package of files has a total decompressed file size of about 3.0 MB.]   Each PDF file can be viewed/downloaded individually by clicking on the links below.

Part 1:  Front cover pages / Acknowledgements (PDF, 4 pages, 423 kb)
Part 2:  Table of Contents (PDF, 2 pages, 64 kb)
Monthly Capacity Analysis for OY 2004, 2008, 2013
Part 3:  Sections 9 - 12 (PDF, 20 pages, 329 kb)
Part 4:  Section 13, Tables A1 - A12 (PDF, 55 pages, 1037 kb)
Part 5:  Section 13, Tables A13 - A26 (PDF, 71 pages, 1193 kb)
Part 6:  Back cover (PDF, 1 page, 13 kb)

Content provided by:  Timothy Misley, 503-230-3942, tcmisley@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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