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2000 Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study
(2000 White Book)
     (updated May 1, 2002)

The 2000 White Book is a snap shot of the Federal system conditions as of October 1, 2001 and all other conditions as of December 31, 2000. The publication schedule for this document was delayed, pending execution of the 2001 power sales contracts to provide BPA with more accurate load and obligation estimates over the study period. BPA staff incorporated utility information provided for the 2001 rate case and the 2000 PNUCC data submittals to arrive at projections of regional and Federal system loads and resources for the 10-year study horizon, operating years (OY) 2002 through 2011. The 2000 White Book consists of a Summary Document and a Technical Appendix (see below)

Summary Document

(posted on April 19, 2002)
(Part 4 updated on April 23, 2002 - see note below)

Printed copies of the Summary document (DOE/BP-3392) can be obtained from BPA's Public Information Center, 1-800-622-4520. The electronic version of the Summary posted here consists of 10 separate PDF files. For those who wish to download all 10 files, they have been compressed into a single (self-extracting) archive (.EXE file, 5.9 MB, updated on April 30, 2002 to include the updated Part 4 below) . [Note: After this archive has been downloaded to a folder on a local drive, it can be decompressed (opened) by double-clicking on the file. This package of files has a total decompressed file size of about 6 MB.]   Each PDF file can be viewed/downloaded individually by clicking on the links below. [Note: Parts 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 contain pages that were scanned from paper copies, which is why their file sizes per page are so much larger than the other parts.]

Part 1:  Front cover (PDF, 1 page, 276 kb)
Part 2:  March 15, 2002 Memorandum (PDF, 5 pages, 52 kb)
Part 3:  Table of Contents, Acknowledgements (PDF, 5 pages, 26 kb)
Part 4:  Sections 1 - 5 (PDF, 28 pages, 188 kb)
   [Note: Part 4 was updated on April 23, 2002 to reduce printing errors for some printers.]
Part 5:  Section 6, Exhibits 1 - 7 (PDF, 18 pages, 967 kb)
Part 6:  Section 6, Exhibits 8 - 17 (PDF, 12 pages, 1,734 kb)
Part 7:  Section 7, Exhibits 18 - 24 (PDF, 18 pages, 797 kb)
Part 8:  Section 7, Exhibits 25 - 34 (PDF, 12 pages, 1,890 kb)
Part 9:  Sections 8 and 9 (PDF, 11 pages, 47 kb)
Part 10:  Back cover (PDF, 1 page, 68 kb)

Technical Appendix

(posted on May 1, 2002)

The Technical Appendix consists of 11 separate PDF files. For those who wish to download all 11 files, they have been compressed into a single (self-extracting) archive (.EXE file, 6.7 MB) . [Note: After this archive has been downloaded to a folder on a local drive, it can be decompressed (opened) by double-clicking on the file. This package of files has a total decompressed file size of about 7.0 MB.]   Each PDF file can be viewed/downloaded individually by clicking on the links below.

Part 1:  Front cover / Acknowledgements (PDF, 2 pages, 304 kb)

Part 2:  Table of Contents (PDF, 3 pages, 15 kb)

Annual Energy Analysis for OY 2002 - 2011
Part 3:  Sections 1 and 2 (PDF, 4 pages, 140 kb)
Part 4:  Section 3, Tables A1 - A12 (PDF, 26 pages, 953 kb)
Part 5:  Section 3, Tables A13 - A25 (PDF, 29 pages, 999 kb)

Monthly Energy Analysis for OY 2002, 2006, 2011
Part 6:  Sections 4 - 7 (PDF, 16 pages, 300 kb)
Part 7:  Section 8, Tables A1 - A12 (PDF, 54 pages, 1022 kb)
Part 8:  Section 8, Tables A13 - A25 (PDF, 59 pages, 1052 kb)

Monthly Capacity Analysis for OY 2002, 2006, 2011
Part 9:  Sections 9 - 12 (PDF, 16 pages, 295 kb)
Part 10:  Section 13, Tables A1 - A12 (PDF, 54 pages, 1005 kb)
Part 11:  Section 13, Tables A13 - A25 (PDF, 59 pages, 1044 kb)


Content provided by:  Timothy Misley, 503-230-3942, tcmisley@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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