

Education is one of the greatest benefits of serving in the Armed Forces. As a servicemember, veteran, or family member, you have special opportunities that can help provide money for school, support, and ways to save both time and money.

Summary of Education Program Benefits

MGIB-SR Update

The benefit eligibility date for the MGIB-SR may be extend to include activation time plus 4 months. This will cause the delimiting date to also be extended and possible use of the MGIB-SR after separation from the Selected Reserve. This of course is dependent on the date in which the service member separates from the Selected Reserve. For addition information please go to

Reserve Education Assistance Program (REAP)

Authority – Chapter 1607 of title 10, United States Code Purpose – Provide educational assistance to members of the RC who are called or ordered to active service in response to a war or national emergency in recognition of their sacrifices Eligibility – At least 90 consecutive days of active service in support of a war or national emergency Education Entitlement – Upon completion of 90 consecutive days Duration of Benefit – As long as the member remains in the Selective Reserve or 10 years following separation for disability

Current monthly benefit level FY 2006: 90 days – 40% of the MGIB-AD benefit $413.60; one continuous year – 60% of the MGIB-AD benefit 620.40; two continuous years 80% of the MGIB-AD benefit $827.20 for 36 school months

Montgomery GI Bill – Active Duty (MGIB-AD)

Authority – Chapter 30 of title 38, United States Code Purpose – Provide educational assistance in order to assist in the readjustment to civilian life, to provide for vocational readjustment, and to restore educational opportunities that are lost due to military service Eligibility – Enlist in a regular component for at least two years, contribute $1,200. In addition, Reserve members who are mobilized and are eligible for the basic MGIB-AD benefit may increase their total 36-month benefit by up to $5,400 by making an additional $600 contribution. Education Entitlement – Upon completion of 2 years of service Duration of Benefit – 10 years following separation Current monthly benefit level FY 2006: Two-year benefit - $840; three-year benefit - $1034 for 36 school months

Programs may be combined for not more than 48 months total of education benefits. These programs are in addition to and may be combined with Federal tuition assistance programs, student loan repayment programs, and education assistance that may be available through the States to members of the National Guard.

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