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09/23/2012 Preserving Welfare to Work Requirements
In 1996, a Republican-controlled Congress worked with a Democratic President to reform a welfare system that was failing the American people. At the time, 65 percent of recipient families were dependent on welfare for eight years or more. Those who o...
09/16/2012 A Dangerous World
If there is anything the past week has reminded us it is that we still live in a very dangerous world. Eleven years after the attacks of September 11, 2001, we saw American embassies and consulates under siege and were shocked by the cold blooded mur...
09/09/2012 $16,000,000,000,000.00
On Tuesday the national debt reached an ominous marker, exceeding $16 trillion for the first time in our nation’s history. That is $50,950 for every man, woman, and child in the United States. It is hard to comprehend exactly the size of a trillion. ...
09/02/2012 Honoring the American Worker
Labor Day is a wonderful holiday. It provides us a chance to celebrate all that summer had to offer while looking forward to fall. If we are lucky, it gives us a chance to spend time with our family and friends, cook out, and celebrate the start of f...
08/26/2012 Government Watchdog Warns of Inaction on Fiscal Cliff
This week, a nonpartisan government watchdog issued a report warning of the serious consequences if the nation plunges over the “fiscal cliff.” According to the Congressional Budget Office, unemployment would skyrocket to 9.1 percent and remain above...
08/05/2012 House votes to prevent tax hike, implement fundamental tax reform
Almost as many people gave up looking for work all together in the month of July as were able to find a job. In total, 23 million Americans are struggling to find work. If ever there was a time to change course in our economic policy, the time is now...
07/29/2012 Government Red Tape Hinders Private Sector Job Creation
If the past few years are any indicator, Fridays are reserved for bad news from the federal government. This Friday held true with a report from the Commerce Department that economic growth had slowed to an anemic 1.5 percent in the second quarter. W...
07/22/2012 Sponsoring Professional Athletes Not an Efficient Use of Taxpayer Dollars
For every dollar the federal government spends today, forty cents is borrowed. That is a burden we place on our children and grandchildren, asking them to pay tomorrow for our mistakes today. That alone, if for no other reason, should give us pause a...
07/15/2012 Replacing Misguided Health Care Law Begins with Repeal
Last week, the House voted on a bipartisan basis to repeal President Obama’s misguided health care law. I voted in favor of repealing the law for five reasons. First, it increases the cost of care. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office found t...
07/08/2012 The Private Sector is Not Doing Fine
The U.S. economy created just 80,000 jobs in the month of June, fewer than expected and far lower than the number needed to accommodate population growth much less begin reducing unemployment. The unemployment rate, as calculated by the Department of...
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