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Thoughts on Japan and Libya

While Congress continues efforts to resolve budget differences, events overseas have captured Americans' attention.
My heart goes out to everyone affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. This horrific natural disaster has led to widespread loss of life and crippling uncertainty for those living in the most impacted areas. Our thoughts are with the people of Japan and Americans, as always, stand ready to help those in need.
In the Middle East, our attention has been drawn to the conflict in Libya. This week the United Nations Security Council authorized the establishment of a no-fly zone in Libya to respond to the growing level of violence by the Qaddafi government. Following adoption of the resolution, President Obama authorized U.S. military forces to participate in this international effort. I oppose this engagement of our military forces.

America has been at war in Iraq and Afghanistan for a decade. These wars have taken a heavy toll on our servicemembers, their families and our nation. We have spent nearly a trillion dollars of borrowed money and lost over 5,900 American servicemembers. Many more servicemen and women have suffered serious injuries.

Now, many of those who strongly supported these wars are seeking deep cuts in domestic spending on job creation efforts, veterans programs, health care, transportation, and education. These are misguided priorities. Congress must exercise its authority to end our engagement in Libya and bring our troops home safely from Afghanistan and Iraq.

Tammy Baldwin
Your Member of Congress