Indian Affairs | IEED

Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED) 


IEED Main Photo - web sized

Welcome to the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development Web site. Here you will learn about the work our office is doing to help Indian communities gain economic self-sufficiency through the development of their energy and mineral resources, application of established business practices, and co-sponsorship of innovative training programs. 

The office is made up of five Divisions: 

Division of Energy and Mineral Development - Assists Tribes with the exploration, development, and management of their energy and mineral resources with the ultimate goal of creating jobs and sustainable tribal economies.

Division of Economic Development - Assists Tribes in creating an environment for economic progress through training, business planning, and expert consultation.

Division of Capital Investment - Manages the Indian Loan Guaranty Program to facilitate access to capital and loan financing for Indians.

Division of Workforce Development - Manages a wide variety of job placement and training programs to promote Indian employment opportunities.

Division of Indian Energy Policy Development  - Oversees the development and implementation of regulations governing energy and mineral development throughout Indian country.

Respecting Tradition...
          While on the Path to Prosperity




Memorandu of Understanding (MOU) between DOI BIA and USDA Rural Development for Implementing Agriculture Programs on Indian Lands

Download the MOU in PDF format  here

IRS Announces Tribal Economic Development Bonds Allocations,,id=213053,00.html

 Hydropower Workshop in Sitka, AK on August 23

On Thursday, August 23, 2012 from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., the U.S. Department of the Interior and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will hold a Joint Workshop on small and low impact hydropower development in connection with the National Hydropower Association’s Alaska Regional Meeting on August 21-23, 2012 in Sitka, Alaska at the Harrigan Centennial Hall, 330 Harbor Drive, Sitka, Alaska 99835.  The purpose of the workshop is to share information with prospective small hydropower developers, Alaska Native villages and corporations on tools the Commission has recently made available to assist with preparation of small hydropower project applications so that those interested in developing hydropower projects, including small communities, understand how to navigate the licensing process.  The workshop will include a discussion of opportunities to develop hydropower in small communities and Alaska Native villages that may have limited access to other power sources. 

The workshop may be viewed on-line using the FERC Small/Low-Impact Hydropower program website.

For more information, please contact Tanya Trujillo at 202-513-0583. 


The HEARTH Act – About to Become Law July 18, 2012

The House and Senate have now passed the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Home Ownership Act of 2012 (the HEARTH Act) and the President is expected to sign this important Indian self-determination legislation into law soon.

Based on the successful Navajo Leasing Act, the HEARTH Act will allow federally-recognized Indian tribes to develop and implement their own regulations governing many kinds of leasing on Indian lands.  Once the Secretary of the Interior approves a tribe’s regulatory system, that tribe will be authorized to process and finalize applicable leases without Bureau of Indian Affairs approval.

The HEARTH Act amends 25 U.S.C. §415, with the intention of shortening the amount of time it takes to finalize a typical surface lease of Indian lands for housing, government offices, educational facilities, recreational facilities, religious facilities, agriculture, and other economic development purposes, while at the same time promoting tribal self-governance.  It does not apply to the exploration, development or extraction of mineral resources, nor does it apply to the lease of individually owned Indian allotted land. Click here to view a copy of the HEARTH Act. 

Building Successful Native American  Businesses

IEED is hosting a “Building Successful Native American  Businesses” three day strategic retreat for top management teams.  If you are interested in attending or for more information, please contact Rebecca Naragon at (202) 208-4401.

  • Los Angeles:  September 9-11

Tribal Economic Development Bonds

The Department of Treasury released new guidelines for allocation of the $1.8 billion remaining in Tribal Economic Development Bonds (TEDB).  The TEDB program was established under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA), and provides Tribes with the authority to issue tax-exempt debt for a wider range of activities to spur job creation and promote economic growth in Indian country. Click here to view the IRS guidelines

Federal/Tribal 477 Administrative Flexibility Workgroup

Federal and tribal officials have established a work group to develop a reporting and auditing process that minimizes burdens placed on tribes while assuring that federal funds are spent towards their appropriated purpose.  Check back to the Division of Workforce Development website for updates on the work group's progress and information on where to provide comments and suggestions.  Comments or suggestions intended for the workgroup participants can be sent to  Any messages sent to this mailbox will be forwarded to all Federal and Tribal officials serving on the workgroup.

Tri-Agency 477 Tribal Leader Letter 9-30-11

Tri-Agency Letter to Committee on Appropriations 10-7-11

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding P.L. 102-477


Calendar of Events 


Tuesday    3:00pm Eastern
Federal/Tribal 477 Administrative Flexibility Workgroup Weekly Teleconference
The workgroup meets weekly via teleconference each Tuesday at 3pm Eastern Standard Time.  The public may access these workgroup calls in a listen-only mode by dialing 1-888-677-2617, passcode 4117419.  Additionally comments or suggestions intended for the workgroup participants can be sent to  Any messages sent to this mailbox will be forwarded to all Federal and Tribal officials serving on the workgroup.



 “Universal Commercial Codes: Bringing Business to Indian Country”
A Working Forum on Tribal Secured Transaction Laws, presented in partnershipwith the Federal Reserve Banks of Minneapolis and San Francisco:
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, November 13, 2012
  • Coushatta, Louisiana, January 15, 2013
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 21, 2013
In many Native communities, private business development may be hindered because federal laws and procedures governing matters such as lending, commerce, and property ownership are absent or insufficient. The Uniform Law Commission, key tribal representatives, the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED), and the Federal Reserve Banks of Minneapolis and San Francisco are collaborating to conduct one-day training sessions offering a comprehensive overview of secured transactions laws and guidance for tribal leaders who want to assess their community’s legal environment and devise a plan to implement commercial codes. 

Mission Statement

The Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED) was established within the Office of the Secretary, Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior to provide high-level support for the Department’s goal of serving tribal communities by providing access to energy resources and helping tribes stimulate job creation and economic development.

IEED focuses on increasing the economic vitality of American Indians and Alaska Natives. The Office is committed to achieving long-term goals of promoting Indian economic development, increasing tribal business knowledge, increasing jobs and businesses, increasing capital investment, and providing assistance for developing energy and mineral resources.