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"Our administration has made education a high priority..."


-- President Clinton
August 7, 1999

The mission of the education department at the Clinton Presidential Library and Museum is to advance the understanding of twentieth century United States history, the institution of the Presidency and the American political system as a whole through the study of the life, career and presidential administration of William J. Clinton.

School Group Tour Reservations

Please call 501-370-5050 to reserve a timeslot. It is advisable to refer interpretive tours page on this site before you call, this page contains specific information about non-tour days, tour times, composition, numbers, etc.

We book all our tours in advance in order to schedule the proper number of guides. We recommend you call for reservations at least two months prior to the desired date of your visit.

The Clinton Foundation has received funds to assist public schools by defraying the cost of bringing children to visit the Clinton Library who would otherwise not have the opportunity to do so. These funds are limited and will be awarded to those schools demonstrating a need. For information about this aid, please contact Kathleen Pate at 501-244-2704 or clinton.education@nara.gov.

School Groups (grades K-12) with reservations are admitted to the library free of charge. 

What is considered a school group?

School groups eligible for free admission consist of students whose attendance on this field trip is associated directly with a recognized bona fide school (public, private or home). If this isn't a regular class-organized trip the rule of thumb for the free tour is the group wanting to visit must not be able to exist without a school. Examples of non-class trips which are considered school groups include but are not limited to the Honor Society, the Library Club, the Journalism Club, TRIO programs, the Student Council, the AP History Club.

Examples of non-school groups include but are not limited to Boys' and Girls' Clubs, 4H, church youth groups, Girl and Boy Scouts, day care centers and summer camps.


What does the Clinton Library offer school groups?

We offer 75 minute docent guided tours, Monday through Friday on a reservation basis for Grades 4 through 12.

In addition, special exhibit related tours are available. (click here to learn more)

If your group is unable to come during the week we do offer a self-guided option on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. This option also requires a reservation so please call 501-370-5050.


How many people can we bring? What is the cost?

Cost for the students is free. We ask you bring one adult teacher or chaperone per every ten students and that number is also admitted free (we do round up).  Adults over the 10:1 ratio up to the maximum allowable will be charged a $5 admission, which is $2 off our regular adult admission.  We ask that you limit your total number of adults to no more than one for every five students as we have found that excessive numbers of adults make the groups too large for the spaces within the museum and adversely affect the quality of the students' experience. If you bring adults over the 5:1 ratio they will be asked to pay full price ($7) and to explore the museum on their own while the group is with the guide. The number of permitted adults is adjustable if you have students with special needs who require a caregiver's assistance or additional supervision.

Example: You have 32 students on your field trip roster. As requested you are also bringing FOUR teachers/chaperones and all get in free. In addition you have SIX parents who want to join you. When you get here four of the six are permitted entry at the group rate of $5.00 and to accompany the group on its tour. Two are asked to pay $7.00 and tour the library on their own. They may not be happy.

Example: You are bringing 45 students to the library. You are asked to have FIVE teachers/chaperones along who will be admitted free along with the students. In addition, you also bring an additional FIVE adults who will be admitted at $5.00 each and be permitted to accompany the tour. You know if you bring adults above this number they will be asked to pay full price ($7.00) and look at the exhibits on their own, so you limit the number allowed on the field trip.

Minimum Number of students per timeslot: 20 (If you have 20 or fewer students please call us about the possibility of a self-guided option).

Maximum Number of students per timeslot: 60 (If you have more than 60 you will need to schedule more than one timeslot).