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Representative Scott Rigell - Washington, DC

Representative Scott Rigell
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Representative Scott RigellSee All
    • Gretchen Mary Sullivan Timmons
      Rep Rigell, Are we sending our taxpayer (borrowed) money to Egypt and Libya? Can we do anything to stop that? Or let us know how it is in our best interest to fund them. Thanks so much. From Norfolk....
      7 hours ago
    • There is absolutely no way that Romney is capable of being President of the United States when it comes to international affairs. If he showed his inexcusable knowledge during his trips during the Olympics his has shown his true colors during the tragic events in Benghazi. As an independent voter, I cannot vote for any Republican in this election. I feel in many ways you are trying to compromise, but your are still tied to the Republican party which is so far from the American public. Dr. Susan Burgess
      11 hours ago
    • Scott please put something to the floor authorizing immediate military action in Libya after they killed our Ambassador yesterday, which was 9-11 oddly (note sarcasm there).
      18 hours ago
    • Donald Wayne Keimig
       This is a slap in the face to the nearly 3,000 sailors who were released on the Navy's Enlisted Retention Board from last year. Myself included.
      Tuesday at 7:27pm
    • Inviting all to come along to the Virginia Celtic Gathering and Highland Games Oct 5 and 6 in Williamsburg and Lanexa. Enjoy a day of Celtic pleasure, great food, vendors, and music. Sign up for the four person tug of war, watch men in kilts throw huge poles, and dance the night away!! Celts and Celtic Curious alike are welcome!! for more information
      Monday at 2:58pm
  2. On this somber day each year, we gather with family and friends, neighbors and colleagues, to remember and honor our fellow Americans who lost their lives that day. On this eleventh anniversary of 9/11, and on this date for every year that God gives to us, we remember with conviction what our country stands for and what our men and women in uniform fight for each day. May God grant us wisdom and favor in the days ahead, and may He forever bless the United States of America.
  3. Earlier this summer, Congress passed and the President signed the Sequestration Transparency Act. This legislation gave the President, our Commander-in-Chief, and his team 30 days to submit to Congress a detailed plan of how the looming automatic defense cuts would affect our national security, our men and women in uniform, and our local economy. That deadline was last Thursday, and there is sti...
    ll no plan from the White House, despite warnings from his own cabinet and our military leaders that allowing these cuts would cause “irreversible damage” and “unacceptable risk.”

    The House has passed several pieces of legislation, including my amendment, to avert sequestration (these defense budget cuts) and restore certainty in the defense community for one year. In the next week, the House will once again consider legislation to stop the cuts. But the House cannot fix this by itself. We need the leadership of our Commander-in-Chief and the partnership of the Senate to come together and do what is right for this country. We still have time to do the right thing, but that time is running short. Now that Congress is back in session, it is my hope that real, immediate progress will be made in our efforts to protect this nation.
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  4. As far as supporting good legislation goes, 'No Budget, No Pay' is a NO BRAINER! This common sense legislation keeps Congress accountable to the American people and has the support of two bi-partisan groups: the Fix Congress Now Caucus and the No Labels organization. 'Like' and 'Share' if you support this idea!
  5. It was a true honor to spend time with ADM John C. Harvey, Jr., Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, last night!
    Photo: It was a true honor to spend time with ADM John C. Harvey, Jr., Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, last night!
  6. We’re looking for more great scenic photos from around our district to put up on our Facebook page. If you’ve got a pic to share, please send it to with a description of the scene including location and your name!
  7. I am looking forward to joining the John Fredericks Show at 7:40 this morning! John's show can now be heard across Hampton Roads, in Richmond, and in the nation's capital. Congratulations, John, on your success!
  8. The United States is now officially $16 trillion in debt. Share this post if you agree with former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Navy Adm. Mike Mullen that our debt is the “single biggest threat to our national security.”
  9. Today the President will visit our region’s own Norfolk State University! We welcome him to our beautiful region and look forward to hearing his remarks to the next generation of Americans. I hope when he is there the President addresses three critical issues for Virginians: 1) the status of opening up Virginia’s coastal energy so we can unleash the job creating potential of our energy resources...
    ; 2) his plan to stop the defense cuts or ‘sequestration’ that threaten our national security and men and women in uniform; and 3) his plan to reduce our expenses and bring our revenues in line with this reduced spending so that we may balance our national budget. 'Like' and share if you agree, or tell us what else you’d like to hear from the President today.
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  10. The White House’s ‘moratorium’ on energy exploration is irreconcilable with the will of Virginians. As a Commonwealth, we want to put people back to work, and we want the opportunity to leverage the wind, oil, and natural gas we have sitting right off our beautiful coast. Let’s ensure that by next Labor Day, more Americans are back to work and better off than they are for this year’s holiday. We can, we must, and we will continue to press for expanding the energy sector. And we’ll do it responsibly. We’re Americans, we can do this! Like and share if you agree!
  11. The flooding along the Gulf reminds us of the devastation that can be caused by one of our region’s most treasured assets: water. Flooding remains a deep concern for our friends and neighbors in Norfolk, and it has the full attention of my office. We remain committed to working with state and local authorities to mitigate flood risk however we can.
  12. I was honored to accept Del. Purkey's invitation to attend last night's grand opening of the Virginia Beach Tennis & Country Club Indoor Facility. What a beautiful space! I applaud the vision and entrepreneurial spirit of Dr. and Mrs. Shiflet in leading this effort for our community.
    Photo: I was honored to accept Del. Purkey's invitation to attend last night's grand opening of the Virginia Beach Tennis & Country Club Indoor Facility.  What a beautiful space!  I applaud the vision and entrepreneurial spirit of Dr. and Mrs. Shiflet in leading this effort for our community.
  13. My parents and my two aunts depend on Medicare. Like so many others in their generation, they planned their retirements around this promise that the government made to them, and this is a promise we must keep. Please take a moment to read the most recent Rigell Report to learn more.
  14. Today our country lost a treasured piece of history with the passing of Neil Armstrong. As the son of a NASA engineer, I have lived my life admiring our astronauts and all those who work to bring America into the next frontier. Teri and I send our sincere condolences to Mr. Armstrong's loved ones and friends mourning today, and we join a grateful nation in celebrating his remarkable life.

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