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United States Army Europe - USAREUR

United States Army Europe - USAREUR
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  1. Recent Posts by OthersSee All
    •  'Building Capabilities for an Uncertain Future' is the theme United States Army Europe - USAREUR and more than 40 European land force commanders discussed at Garrison Wiesbaden, Germany during the Conference of European Armies.
      221 · 5 hours ago
    •  'Building Capabilities for an Uncertain Future' is the theme United States Army Europe - USAREUR and more than 40 European land force commanders discussed at Garrison Wiesbaden, Germany during the Conference of European Armies. http://www.eur.army.mil/news/2012/10182012-cea.htm
      22 · 12 hours ago
    •  Racers covered in mud faced grueling obstacles to claim victory at Bamberg http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-860191
      1 · Yesterday at 9:59am
    •  Notice for some Mississippi Voters: http://www.armytimes.com/news/2012/10/ap-more-time-mississippi-military-voters-101712/ The Adjutant General Directorate (TAGD) United States Army Europe - USAREUR
      1 · Yesterday at 6:03am
    •  Leaders, How many of you are Mentors and/or are using the Army Career Tracker? Please "like" the new ACT Factbook page to stay current on training and updates! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Army-Career-Tracker/173761852715844?ref=ts&fref=ts
      Wednesday at 3:45pm
  2. USAREUR's 2012 Best Paralegal Competition wrapped up today. Give a big congratulations to the winners Staff Sgt. Andrew Hillberry from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 21st Theater Sustainment Command and Spc. Blair Berry from 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Battery, 10th Army Air & Missile Defense Command.
    Photo: USAREUR's 2012 Best Paralegal Competition wrapped up today. Give a big congratulations to the winners Staff Sgt. Andrew Hillberry from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 21st Theater Sustainment Command and Spc. Blair Berry from 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Battery, 10th Army Air & Missile Defense Command.
  3. How do conferences with senior leaders lead to the kind of training or Soldiers perform throughout Europe? Watch the video below to find out. Why do you think it's important to engage with our allies?
  4. The President of the Republic of Bulgaria visited the Joint Multinational Readiness Center at Hohenfels Training Area today to observe Bulgarian Special Forces training during exercise Saber Junction. Visit the Saber Junction homepage at www.eur.army.mil/SaberJunction for exercise details.
  5. Land forces commanders from 40 European nations, the U.S. and Canada concluded three days of talks today in Wiesbaden at the 20th annual Conference of European Armies. This year's theme was 'Building Capabilities for an Uncertain Future' and focused on how to work together to meet emerging threats.

    Photo: Land forces commanders from 40 European nations, the U.S. and Canada concluded three days of talks today in Wiesbaden at the 20th annual Conference of European Armies. This year's theme was 'Building Capabilities for an Uncertain Future' and focused on how to work together to meet emerging threats.

  6. Check out all the action at U.S. Army Europe's ongoing multinational Decisive Action Training Environment exercise, Saber Junction 2012, at USAREUR's exercise "micro-site." Get all the facts on the exercise, then be sure to click on the page's main image for an added look at the Department of Defense's Saber Junction slide show.
  7. Soldiers with the Slovenian Armed Forces and 2nd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment consolidate their position in the Grafenwoehr Training Area during Saber Junction Oct. 17. Check out more photos from the exercise here http://goo.gl/Qut7N
    Photo: Soldiers with the Slovenian Armed Forces and 2nd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment consolidate their position in the Grafenwoehr Training Area during Saber Junction Oct. 17. Check out more photos from the exercise here http://goo.gl/Qut7N
  8. Strong Soldiers, Strong Teams! The U.S. Army in Europe Soldiers stationed in U.S. Army at Vicenza, Italy braved snow-capped Alpine mountains during training with their Italian Army counterparts. What's the toughest training you've been through?
  9. More photos from the Maneuver Rights Area. Strykers from 1st Battalion, 2nd Cavalry Regiment continue to advance toward the Hohenfels Training Area.
    Photo: More photos from the Maneuver Rights Area. Strykers from 1st Battalion, 2nd Cavalry Regiment continue to advance toward the Hohenfels Training Area.
  10. Time to start looking for that perfect pumpkin! Do you know where your local patch is? American Army Wives of Germany has a good list going ...
    GPS for Pumpkin Patches? Please also add the closest Post :) Thanks Gals You Rock ♥
  11. After 7 years serving in Germany with The U.S. Army what would it be like to go home and experience the freedom you sacrificed so much to secure? The blog post below by Green Enough For Me gives us a glimpse at one family who is experiencing just that. Like and share if you support Soldiers and families enjoying the freedom they have sacrificed for!
  12. Retired Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth Preston held an open forum with Soldiers of the 172 Infantry Brigade, Blackhawks and other U.S. Army Garrison Grafenwoehr based units about a topic they are intimately familiar with; Transformation of The U.S. Army. For more on transformation of the Army in Europe, check out our dedicated web page at http://www.eur.army.mil/transformation.

  13. US Army Europe hosts its first ever 'Women's Forum' today in Heidelberg. The event provided a forum for Soldiers, Officers, DA civilians, and family members to identify issues, reinforce standards, and foster education across USAREUR.
    Photo: US Army Europe hosts its first ever 'Women's Forum' today in Heidelberg. The event provided a forum for Soldiers, Officers, DA civilians, and family members to identify issues, reinforce standards, and foster education across USAREUR.
  14. GEN Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, took time recently to talk about leadership and character. You can watch a video of his remarks here: http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/leadership/video.htm
  15. We're just a few followers away from 10,000 on Twitter! To keep up with the latest throughout The U.S. Army in Europe and subscribe to our lists of Army units and garrisons in Europe, follow @USArmyEurope on Twitter!
  16. U.S. Army Europe is featured in the October issue of Association of the United States Army's ARMY Magazine. The article looks at a day in the life of The U.S. Army in Europe: "On any given day, USAREUR soldiers support seven combatant comma...
    nds across the world as America seeks to prevent conflicts, shape the global environment with our international partners and win any contemporary fight."

    Link to the article: http://www.eur.army.mil/pdf/a-day-in-the-life-of-usareur.pdf

    Link to the entire magazine: http://www.ausa.org/publications/armymagazine/archive/2012/10/Pages/default.aspx
    See More
    Photo: U.S. Army Europe is featured in the October issue of Association of the United States Army's ARMY Magazine. The article looks at a day in the life of The U.S. Army in Europe: "On any given day, USAREUR soldiers support seven combatant commands across the world as America seeks to prevent conflicts, shape the global environment with our international partners and win any contemporary fight." 

Link to the article: http://www.eur.army.mil/pdf/a-day-in-the-life-of-usareur.pdf

Link to the entire magazine: http://www.ausa.org/publications/armymagazine/archive/2012/10/Pages/default.aspx
  17. (Department of Defense has officially released this information) On 29 September 2012, The Rock lost one of its most dedicated, fearless, and loved NCOs. SFC Daniel T. Metcalfe was killed while engaging enemies of the United States of America. He was a veteran of OIF I, OEF VI, OEF VIII, and OEF XIII with The Rock. We will honor you forever “Danny Boy.”
    Photo: (Department of Defense has officially released this information) On 29 September 2012, The Rock lost one of its most dedicated, fearless, and loved NCOs.  SFC Daniel T. Metcalfe was killed while engaging enemies of the United States of America.  He was a veteran of OIF I, OEF VI, OEF VIII, and OEF XIII with The Rock.  We will honor you forever “Danny Boy.”
  18. Breaking: The U.S. Army Europe's 170th Infantry Brigade Combat Team is deactivating and casing it's colors at USAG Baumholder in Germany.
    Photo: Breaking: The U.S. Army Europe's 170th Infantry Brigade Combat Team is deactivating and casing it's colors at USAG Baumholder in Germany.
  19. Happening now: U.S. and European Soldiers are training side-by-side at 7th U.S. Army JMTC's Grafenwoehr Training Area on a massive scale! Exercise Saber Junction 2012 will see the use of jets, helicopters, Main Battle Tanks, Infantry Fighti...
    ng Vehicles, Stryker Combat Vehicles, and more than 200 wheeled vehicles and 90 tracked vehicles. It involves 18 European countries, plus the The U.S. Army's 2d Cavalry Regiment and spans the month of October. LIKE and SHARE the Saber Junction page to show your support!
    See More
  20. As we get ready to enjoy the long weekend, please remember those who won't be taking the holiday off. The brave men and women like the paratroopers of The 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team who will be serving in harm's way every day until they redeploy home. Like and share to show your support!
  21. "Re-up, you're crazy!"

    More than 80 Soldiers stayed Army Strong by reenlisting with The U.S. Army at a ceremony in U.S. Army Garrison Grafenwoehr this week! What made you enlist or reenlist?
  22. Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling presented the Legion of Merit to Norwegian Army Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Per Sverre Opedal at the Norway Army Summit yesterday in Olso. Opedal is being honored for his many contributions to Norway’s defense and international security mission, and has been a champion of cooperation between the Norwegian and U.S. Armies.
  23. Strong Soldiers, Strong Teams! Now 15,000 strong on Facebook! Thanks for your support!
  24. Our strong Soldiers make up the strong teams of The U.S. Army in Europe. One great example of that strength was on display over the weekend as a Task Force 1-2 "Black Scarves" Soldier showed great courage in the face of danger. Click on the picture for the full story!
    On Sunday, 31 Sept 2012, our SSG Smith (Venom Company) had a tremendous showing of courage and selfless service by assisting his German neighbors.

    On the night of Sunday, 31 SEP 2012, in the town of Kulmain, Germany, a barn where 15 cows w...
    ...ere being held for the night caught fire. SSG Smith's wife saw the flames and notified SSG Smith. SSG Smith went on foot to the Kulmain Fire Station near his home to inform the fire fighters of the fire. The fire fighters were preparing to move when he arrived, and he led them to the barn about 500m away. When he arrived, SSG Smith saw the owner of the barn attempting to get his cattle out and to safety. SSG Smith immediately ran to assist the owner, and repeatedly (at least five times) entered the burning barn to get all the cows out and to safety. SSG Smith, with the owner of the barn and four other citizens led all the cows to a local school yard where they could be held as the firefighters fought the flames. Once the blaze was extinguished, SSG Smith returned to the barn to assist with the cleanup of the barn and the surrounding area.

    This is "what right looks like" and demonstrates the compassion and caring nature of our Soldiers in the German community.
    See More
    Photo: On Sunday, 31 Sept 2012, our SSG Smith (Venom Company) had a tremendous showing of courage and selfless service by assisting his German neighbors.

On the night of Sunday, 31 SEP 2012, in the town of Kulmain, Germany, a barn where 15 cows w...ere being held for the night caught fire. SSG Smith's wife saw the flames and notified SSG Smith. SSG Smith went on foot to the Kulmain Fire Station near his home to inform the fire fighters of the fire. The fire fighters were preparing to move when he arrived, and he led them to the barn about 500m away. When he arrived, SSG Smith saw the owner of the barn attempting to get his cattle out and to safety. SSG Smith immediately ran to assist the owner, and repeatedly (at least five times) entered the burning barn to get all the cows out and to safety. SSG Smith, with the owner of the barn and four other citizens led all the cows to a local school yard where they could be held as the firefighters fought the flames. Once the blaze was extinguished, SSG Smith returned to the barn to assist with the cleanup of the barn and the surrounding area.

This is "what right looks like" and demonstrates the compassion and caring nature of our Soldiers in the German community.
  25. Did you see your Soldier on NBC's Today Show?
    NBC News personality Lester Holt waves to the assembled crowd of troops following the live broadcast of The Today Show from Kabul.
    Photo: NBC News personality Lester Holt waves to the assembled crowd of troops following the live broadcast of The Today Show from Kabul.