Abrams Gym hosts the Fort Hood Suicide Prevention Resiliency Day festival on September 10, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.

III Corps and Fort Hood's photo.

The Fort Hood Exchange will close most of its facilities Sunday at 6 p.m. for an Employee Appreciation Day party. The III Corps Express on T.J. Mills Boulevard will remain open, as will Jimmy Johns, Popeyes, Pizza Hut and Dominos for normal business hours.

Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center and its primary care clinics will modify hours in observance of the Labor Day weekend.

All clinics will be closed Monday, Sept. 7. The Emergency Department, Labor and Delivery, and inpatient services will remain open for beneficiaries requiring care. Beneficiaries with urgent care needs should report to CRDAMC Emergency Department.

Bennett and TMC-12 will be closed on Friday, Sept. 4. All other clinics will maintain normal operating hours. ...Beneficiaries may call the Patient Appointment Service at (254) 288-8888 to schedule appointments.

Darnall and all its clinics will resume normal operating hours on Tuesday, Sept. 8.

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III Corps and Fort Hood were shocked and saddened to learn this morning of the untimely passing of Mr. Ron Taylor, Fort Hood Good Neighbor and president of the Association of the United States Army's 4th Region. Taylor retired from the Army as a sergeant 1st class in 1999.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with Ron's family and loved ones today," said Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland, III Corps and Fort Hood commander. "Ron was always a good neighbor to Fort Hood in every sense of the word and a good friend to and supporter of our Soldiers and their families. He will be missed."

III Corps and Fort Hood's photo.

III Corps cases colors ahead of Middle East deployment
by Nick Conner, Sentinel News Editor
September 3, 2015

The III Corps command team rolled and stowed the unit’s iconic colors and battlefield streamers in front of corps headquarters Monday, signaling the beginning of their mission in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

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SMA updates Soldiers on promotions, NCOES
by Sgt. Garett Hernandez, 1st Cav. Div. Public Affairs
September 3, 2015

“Will we be able to roll up our sleeves on the new Army Combat Uniform?”

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1-62 ADA cases colors
by Staff Sgt. Kimberly Lessmeister, 69th ADA Bde. Public Affairs
September 3, 2015

In preparation for their upcoming deployment to Southwest Asia, the command team of 1st Battalion, 62nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, cased the battalion colors on Cameron Field Wednesday.

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III Corps Soldiers deploy, begin Operation Inherent Resolve
by Nick Conner, Sentinel News Editor
September 3, 2015

Approximately 130 Soldiers from III Corps Headquarters departed Robert Gray Army Airfield Saturday, beginning a year-long deployment to the U.S. Army Central Command’s area of responsibility.


Family and friends packed Abrams Physical Fitness Center for farewells during a deployment ceremony prior to their airfield bus ride.

For Spc. Robert Holgate, a mechanic with Company A, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, this deployment is a first. He ensured his wife, Jennifer, had two deployment essentials; power of attorney and a solid support system with Family and friends.

“We made sure that we have taken care of everything financially,” he said. “Whatever I can do, she can now do. I can focus on my job.”

Strong support systems are what Glenda Lopez, hopes everyone creates. As the Co. A Family readiness group leader, she encourages everyone to find others that can relate to the stress of having a Soldier deployed.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s on post or off; find a club, find a gym buddy,” laughed Lopez. “I found that you get to talk to people. If you are worrying, you get that support. Never stay in the house.”

The wife of Capt. Jose Hernandez, Co. A commander, Glenda said this deployment makes five for her Family. She knows that the struggle to say goodbye eases over time and things do get better. She also takes comfort in technology; using internet video chat to stay connected to her husband.

“I get to see him,” she said. “I know he’s physically okay, and that helps.”

As the headquarters element for Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve, III Corps Soldiers will be responsible for military efforts against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Iraq and Syria.

The III Corps command cased the unit’s colors Monday during a retreat ceremony. Remaining III Corps Soldiers are scheduled to deploy over the next several days.


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Soldiers should use caution on roads during new school year
by Robert Miele, Executive Director, USAOTC
September 3, 2015

Parents and kids around Central Texas have begun the new school year.

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Marriage enrichment opportunities strengthen relationships
by Chap. (Lt. Col.) Joseph Hammiel, First Army Div. West Chaplain
September 3, 2015

Do you remember this scene from the movie “Bruce Almighty” starring Jim Carrey (as Bruce) and Jennifer Aniston (as Grace)?

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69th ADA hosts Women’s Equality Day celebration

by Staff Sgt. Kimberly Lessmeister, 69th ADA Bde. Public Affairs
September 3, 2015


Every year the Army celebrates the day in 1920 when Congress ratified the 19th Amendment, giving American women the right to vote.

This year, 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade hosted a post-wide Women’s Equality Day celebration Aug. 26, at the Phantom Warrior Center on Fort Hood.

The brigade’s equal opportunity advisor, Sgt. 1st Class Nacy Turner, said that she and the equal opportunity leaders in the unit got together and put together an event to recognize women across the world, she said.

“It means a lot to me to know that I can bring my Soldiers together to actually come together as one to put together an observance, regardless of what observance it is,” Turner said.

As attendees entered the building, they were met by Soldiers dressed as protesters of the 1920’s holding signs and shouting for equality for women. The performance was only the first of the event. The second performance was a dance performed by two 69th ADA Bde. Soldiers.

Jeanette Ide, a former member of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, read the Presidential Proclamation for Women’s Equality Day, and shared stories from her time in service.

While serving in San Antonio in the medical corps, she met her husband, she said.

She was soon separated from her husband and sent to work in a hospital in San Francisco where she later found out she was pregnant, she said.

“Fourteen days later, ladies, I was out,” Ide explained. “I had no choice in the matter.”

That changed in the 1970’s when the Department of Defense changed its policy to reflect that women who became pregnant could remain in the military.

“So that’s quite a difference from my time to your time,” Ide said. “We’ve come a long way.”

Col. Federica King, the director of the Central Technical Support Facility on Fort Hood, also spoke at the event.

King said that the passing of the 19th Amendment meant so much more than female citizens being allowed to vote; it meant they had a voice.

“It meant our opinions, our contributions mattered,” she said. “It meant that women now had a foothold to seek new opportunities and gain equality in other areas of life.”

She spoke about women who made differences in the past, including Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, and Gen. Ann Dunwoody, the first female four-star general in the U.S. Army.

“The women pioneers of today are securing equality for the women of tomorrow,” King said.


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SMA Dailey visits Greywolf troopers

by Sgt. Brandon Banzhaf, 3rd BCT, 1st Cav. Div. Public Affairs
September 3, 2015


1st Cavalry Division troopers had a special guest visit their training Aug. 27 – all the way from the Pentagon.

Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel Dailey visited the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cav. Div., to meet with Soldiers, ask them about their wellbeing and

leadership and answer any questions about the future of the Army.

“For the sergeant major of the Army to visit the Greywolf Brigade today was an honor and speaks to the professionalism and character of the Soldiers in our formations,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Trevor Walker, command sergeant major of the 3rd BCT. “It’s important for our senior

leaders to visit the Soldiers to keep a finger on the pulse of those who make our fighting force what it is.”

Walker accompanied Dailey through the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment motor pool, where the unit had set up a series of training lanes.

Troopers focused on various weapon systems including the M4 carbine and the M2 .50 caliber machine gun.

“It’s important to do these things,” Dailey said. “When you practice calling for fire or do weapons proficiency training, sometimes it seems repetitive but those are the things that fight and win wars.”

Dailey was able to observe some of the training, meet Soldiers and test their noncommissioned officers.

“When was the last time (your leader) checked your room?” Daily asked.

“A day ago, sergeant major – he came yesterday,” said Pvt. Jose Pleitesmejia, a wheeled vehicle mechanic with the 2-7 Cav.

In addition, he had the opportunity to see Soldiers with the 2nd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery train scouts from the 6th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment and the 2-7 Cav.

“Even when you’re downsizing the military, there is opportunity,” Dailey said. “The opportunity is that we have time to train and ready those Soldiers in the individual critical tasks that are necessary for them to fight and win on the battlefield.”

His visit with the units left Dailey with a good impression.

“I am impressed,” he said. “It’s about noncommissioned officers providing great leadership to their Soldiers every day. When you have leaders doing just that, leading through competence, character and commitment, you know they are a part of a great organization.”


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III Corps cased their colors Monday at the flagpole in front of the headquarters building. Get the full story in Thursday's Fort Hood Sentinel!


Cowboys fans - the USO is looking for you!

Want to announce the winner for this commenting game....

Charles Smith did call in and answered the cowboy ques...tion with ease!

He is the recipient of two tickets I tomorrow nights Cowboy Game in Dallas!!!

Morning!! Lets see who is listening out there. USO Fort Hood is looking for Active Duty Dallas Cowboys DIE HARD-FAITHFUL fans who don't have ANY plans for Thursday night. If this is YOU, please comment below. This will be a quick run, so, let's hear from all y'all out there. (SPOUSES, if your Soldier fits this description, get them on here NOW) Here we go!!!!!

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III Corps cased their colors today at the flagpole in front of the headquarters building. The corps is headed to Southwest Asia. To conclude the ceremony, Retreat was played and the United States flag was lowered to close out the duty day. III Corps' last duty day on Fort Hood came to an end until they come back home.

'III Corps Command Sgt. Maj. Alonzo Smith reaches for the III Corps colors as Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland, III Corps and Fort Hood commanding general, waits to assist him to case the corps colors for their deployment to Southwest Asia. III Corps held a  casing ceremony Aug. 31 at the flagpole in front of III Corps and Fort Hood Headquarters. (photo by Todd Pruden, Sentinel Editor)'
'The III Corps color guard stands at attention following the casing of the III Corps colors. (photo by Todd Pruden, Sentinel Editor)'
'A separate color guard, consisting of Soldiers with the 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade prepares to fold the U.S. flag, following retreat, which was included in III Corps' color casing ceremony Aug. 31 at the flagpole in front of the III Corps and Fort Hood Headquarters. (photo by Todd Pruden, Sentinel Editor)'

Help Army Emergency Relief better serve you by taking their survey.

Army Emergency Relief Headquarters's photo.

Help AER better understand Soldier and Family needs and expectations. Spend about 4 minutes to Help Us Help You!


There is a Newcomers Orientation every Wednesday at Club Hood, with free on-site child care and lunch.

Fort Hood Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation's photo.

1. Sgt. 1st Class Michael Mitchell hugs his son, Daniel, 10, one final time before deploying, Aug. 29. The elder Mitchell, a chemical specialist with III Corps, is part of the first flight of Fort Hood Soldiers departing to serve as the headquarters for Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve. 2. Spc. Brandon Browning, an intelligence analyst with Company B, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, III Corps, receives instructions Aug. 29 before departing Fort Hood, Texas. 3. Waiting to say goodbye, Amelia Sears wears her support for her father, Maj. Nelson Sears, a staff officer with III Corps. More than 130 Soldiers from Fort Hood, Texas departed Aug. 29 for a year-long deployment. (Photos by Nick Conner, Sentinel News Editor)

III Corps and Fort Hood's photo.
III Corps and Fort Hood's photo.
III Corps and Fort Hood's photo.

GATE ACCESS CHANGES SEPT. 1: Beginning today, all non-DoD ID cardholders will be required to report to the Visitor Welcome Center and be included on the installation access pass in order to be allowed access to the installation. This includes the driver and all passengers, except children 17 years or younger who may be vouched for by another adult occupant.

Also, all non-DoD ID cardholders who walk onto post or ride a bicycle will also be required to obtain a pass from the V...isitor Welcome Center.

All unescorted visitors and all passengers will proceed to the Visitors Welcome Center for a security screening. All vehicle occupants’ names will be included on an installation visitors pass.
Security personnel will verify all occupants’ identifications with the names on the visitor pass at Installation Access Control Points prior to allowing installation access.

Those who require frequent unescorted access to Fort Hood but do not have a DoD ID card, such as teachers, non-CAC contractors, spouses of DoD civilian employees and bank or credit union employees, will need to obtain an installation pass.

To avoid significant inconvenience, the appropriate effort must be made to receive an installation pass before Tuesday.

Installation passes will vary in length. For example: teachers will have a pass for the length of the school year, non-CAC contractors’ passes will be issued for one year or less dependent on the service provided, spouses of DoD civilian employees will be issued passes for the duration of their spouses’ CAC card and bank or credit union employees will receive one-year passes.

DoD identification cardholders (Soldiers, registered Family members, retirees and DoD civilians) will no longer need to possess DoD decals on their vehicles in order to gain access to the installation.

DoD ID cardholders will be allowed to proceed directly to installation access points and present their DoD ID cards to security personnel.

During this transitional period, which will end on Monday, DoD ID cardholders may present their state-issued driver’s license as a form of identification as previously permitted.

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For the 50-plus Soldiers who prepare and serve food for more than 500 diners on an average day at the West Fort Hood Consolidated Dining Facility, earning the post’s top honors for large-category DFAC was a team effort. “We worked hard for it,” said Pfc. Kaylab Moran, a culinary specialist with 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade. “We all had a hand in it, even the people back in the kitchen – we all played a part.”