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  1. Recent Posts by Others on U.S. Army Materiel CommandSee All
    •  U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) Command Sgt. Maj. Darrin Bohn tours RDECOM facilities! Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) U.S. Army Research Laboratory CERDEC U.S. Army TARDEC Soldier Systems Center Natick Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) The U.S. Army U.S. Army Materiel Command
      1 · 12 hours ago
    •  Learn how Army chemist Brandon Bruey is keeping Soldiers protected from chemical agents. Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) U.S. Army Materiel Command The U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Ground
      411 · 15 hours ago
    •  Read about a 50-year journey to becoming a Watervliet Arsenal Face of Strength.
      18 hours ago
    •  Read about Dr. Harry Salem's 60 years of contributions to science. Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) U.S. Army Materiel Command The U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Ground
      2 · Tuesday at 11:14am
  2. While the incinerator can process much of the energetic waste that would have previously been subjected to open burning, some energetic waste material cannot be disposed of through incineration because it is incompatible with the grinding or incineration process used at the explosive waste incinerator.
  3. U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center, or TARDEC, with support from the Red River Army Depot, Program Manager MRAP, the Communication and Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center, known as CE...
    RDEC, and the System of Systems Integration, or SoSI, Directorate, completed the design, integration and production of the five prototype vehicles in a mere six months--reducing the normal prototyping time line by six-eight months in order to meet the aggressive schedule the Army set for CS 13 fielding.
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  4. Dr. Giuliano D'Andrea, who is the Foreign Science & Technology Science Advisor for Benét Laboratories, lived most of his youth in Italy. But when his father immigrated to Connecticut in 1952, Giuliano followed in 1956. His dad worked in a foundry, which was tough, backbreaking work, and he would sometimes bring Giuliano to the foundry and say, "This is what you will do if you don't stay in school."
  5. Did you know ... In 1987, General Louis C. Wagner, Jr., following the Packard Commission recommendations, saw most of AMC's PMs transferred to a newly created Army Acquisition Executive (AAE). Program Executive Officers (PEOs) were directed to report directly to the AAE, each given authority over PMs in a particular field. HQ, AMC and its MSCs provided advice and assistance to the PEOs. These changes impacted all AMC elements involved in materiel development and acquisition. General Wagner used Total Quality Management (TQM) to make AMC more efficient in the wake of these changes.
  6. Did you know ... The Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command unites all of the organizations that work to design, acquire, integrate, field and sustain Army aviation, missile and unmanned aircraft weapon systems.
  7. Today marks the eleventh anniversary of the tragic events which forever changed the lives of thousands of our fellow Americans. On behalf of everyone serving here on Redstone Arsenal, we salute the strength and courage of our first responders and the families who still grieve the loss of their loved ones.
    On September 11, 2001, the response of ordinary citizens, rescue workers, and our Armed Fo...
    rces was inspiring. We saw the strength and courage of office workers, airline passengers, firefighters and police officers. We saw families reach out to offer food, clothing and shelter. We witnessed doctors, nurses, and volunteers work around the clock to take care of the injured. We saw the American spirit in its truest form.
    Since that day, hundreds of thousands of our brave men and women have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in defense of our Nation. So we pause to remember the sacrifices of our Soldiers and Civilians and the family members who continue to give them strength. We also want to thank this outstanding community for its steadfast support of Redstone Arsenal and our Armed Forces at large.
    Nowhere in America is the cooperation between the community and the military stronger than here in the Huntsville / Madison area. No doubt the events of 9-11 made our bond even stronger. On this day, we stand shoulder to shoulder with you in paying tribute to our troops and their families, our civilian workforce, and the entire Tennessee Valley community. The American spirit is alive and well in Huntsville and Madison County.
    Gen. Dennis L. Via
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  8. "Obviously our Army depots help {keep equipment in its best possible condition} and they continue to be a critical part of the mission that we assign to our Soldiers," said McHugh. "There are not a lot of places in this country where you ha...
    ve the variety, depth of programs and skill set of workers who can do this kind of mission. I receive a lot of briefings in Washington, and we talk about various functions that depots perform. But there is no substitute for coming and seeing the people out there on the floor doing the hard work."
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  9. "Our Army depots ... continue to be a critical part of the mission that we assign to our Soldiers," said Secretary of the Army, the Honorable John McHugh during a Sept. 7 visit to Anniston Army Depot. "There are not a lot of places in this ...
    country where you have the variety, depth of programs and skill sets of workers that can do this kind of mission.”

    Photos from Secretary of the Army John McHugh’s visit to Anniston Army Depot are now posted on the AMC Flickr page.
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  10. AMC’s weekly news wrap up, the Eye on AMC is available! Read it here: http://go.usa.gov/RAS
  11. Its been said of Red River employees: "They will truly do whatever it takes to make sure our Soldiers have what they need." Now that's the spirit of AMC! HOOAH!
    Photo: Its been said of Red River employees: "They will truly do whatever it takes to make sure our Soldiers have what they need." Now that's the spirit of AMC! HOOAH!
  12. Have you seen is Kiowa Warrior in flight?
    For our Photo Friday feature, we highlight the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior. The Kiowa performs primarily reconnaissance, security, command and control, target acquisition/designation, and defensive air combat missions. Do we have any Kiowa fans in our audience?
    Photo: For our Photo Friday feature, we highlight the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior. The Kiowa performs primarily reconnaissance, security, command and control, target acquisition/designation, and defensive air combat missions. Do we have any Kiowa fans in our audience?
  13. Blue Force Tracking 2 is integrated with a next-generation force-tracking system called Joint Battle Command - Platform, also known as JBC-P, which uses next-generation mapping technology, chat and messaging capability along with an improved user graphical interface to provide combat-relevant position-location information to units on the move by placing icons over a digital map display.
  14. As DARCOM, and then later in 1984 as AMC once again, the organization focused much of its energies throughout the '80s on the military systems that to this day are still known as the Army's Big 5. These systems remain at the core of the Army's military strategy and are prominent in the arsenals of both the U.S. military and its allies.
  15. Don't forget that the AMC Band/Arsenal Brass will be performing at the AMC Parade Field from 11:45 to 12:45 today! For those of you who can't make the performance here's a link so you can listen to this world class band!
  16. Did you know … GEN. Donald R. Keith, AMC commander from 1981-1984, received an honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from the University of Akron in 1982.
  17. Have you had the opportunity to catch a performance by the U.S. Army Materiel Command Band?
    More of Arsenal Brass. From front to back: SSG Lawrence Henry, SFC Alan Herold, SPC Jordan Roberts, SGT Andrew Dykes
    Photo: More of Arsenal Brass. From front to back: SSG Lawrence Henry, SFC Alan Herold, SPC Jordan Roberts, SGT Andrew Dykes
  18. AMC Commanding General, Gen. Dennis L. Via, visited the Red River Army Depot, Texarkana, TX. Sep. 6. RRAD was originally established in 1941 as an ammunition storage depot. It sits on more than 14,000 acres of land and has most than 1,186 buildings that can accommodate repair/overhaul of electronic systems, heavy tanks, wheeled vehicles and artillery.
  19. Currently fielded mask styles, including the M40 series and M45, are designed to fit 95 percent of head sizes. Newer masks, including the Joint Service General Purpose Mask (M50) and M53 series, are designed to fit 98 percent.
  20. On 7 September the AMC Band/Arsenal Brass will be performing at the AMC Parade Field from 11:45 to 12:45, to provide entertainment for those of you that would like to listen to some great music while you eat your lunch, or those that just prefer to go listen to great music. Come out and enjoy the show.
    Photo: On 7 September the AMC Band/Arsenal Brass will be performing at the AMC Parade Field from 11:45 to 12:45, to provide entertainment for those of you that would like to listen to some great music while you eat your lunch, or those that just prefer to go listen to great music.  Come out and enjoy the show.
  21. Take time to visit the Facebook page for the 401st Army Field Support Brigade!
    We are the face of Army Material Command to the field. We provide our customers, the Soldier, Sailor, Airman and Marine with the tools and resources necessary to complete their mission successfully.
    Page: 412 like this
  22. A Shingo Silver Medallion for operational excellence was presented to members of Tobyhanna Army Depot's Communications Systems Directorate's Communications Security Division at 10 a.m. Sept. 5 during an outside ceremony. It was the depot’s ...
    seventh Shingo Award but the first by an entire enterprise. Front row, from left, Ronald Cappellini, director of Communications Systems (CS) Directorate; Christopher Manning, project director communications security, Program Executive Office, Command, Control and Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T); Anthony Rubin, CS Directorate's Communications Security Division chief; A.D. Barksdale, director, Lean Six Sigma Deployment, CECOM; Lorraine Henry-Hunt, CS Directorate's deputy
    director. Back Row, from left, Frank Zardecki, Tobyhanna Army Depot deputy commander; Shaun Barker, director of Operations and Assessment, Shingo Prize Office; William Sverapa, deputy program executive officer for (PEO C3T), Col. Gerhard P.R. Schröter, depot commander and Sgt. Maj. Kelvin Spencer,
    depot sergeant major.
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    Photo: A Shingo Silver Medallion for operational excellence was presented to members of Tobyhanna Army Depot's Communications Systems Directorate's Communications Security Division at 10 a.m. Sept. 5 during an outside ceremony. It was the depot’s seventh Shingo Award but the first by an entire enterprise. Front row, from left, Ronald Cappellini, director of Communications Systems (CS) Directorate; Christopher Manning, project director communications security, Program Executive Office, Command, Control and Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T); Anthony Rubin, CS Directorate's Communications Security Division chief; A.D. Barksdale, director, Lean Six Sigma Deployment, CECOM; Lorraine Henry-Hunt, CS Directorate's deputy
director. Back Row, from left, Frank Zardecki, Tobyhanna Army Depot deputy commander; Shaun Barker, director of Operations and Assessment, Shingo Prize Office; William Sverapa, deputy program executive officer for (PEO C3T), Col. Gerhard P.R. Schröter, depot commander and Sgt. Maj. Kelvin Spencer,
depot sergeant major.
  23. "You have a tremendous reputation for what you do here," AMC CG, Gen. Dennis L Via told Corpus Christi Army Depot leaders during his Sept. 5 visit. " It's a single point for aviation sustainment for the Army. You do that in a first-class way every day."
  24. GEN Dennis L. Via, Commander of Army Materiel Command discusses Black Hawk recapitalization with Corpus Christi Army Depot Commander COL Christopher B. Carlile during his first visit to CCAD. CCAD is breaking records in recapitalizing Black Hawks this year.
    Photo: GEN Dennis L. Via, Commander of Army Materiel Command discusses Black Hawk recapitalization with Corpus Christi Army Depot Commander COL Christopher B. Carlile during his first visit to CCAD. CCAD is breaking records in recapitalizing Black Hawks this year.
  25. AMC Commanding General, Gen. Dennis L. Via, visited the Radford Army Ammunition Plant, Radford, Va. Aug. 29. RFAAP is five factories in one producing nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, medium-caliber ammunition, solvent-based propellants, and solvent less propellants. RFAAP facilities occupy roughly 7,000 acres in two locations, with more than 2,500 buildings providing more than 3 million square feet of covered area.
  26. "We used multiple laser sources in a single, untuned, flow-through hollow cylindrical cell, like a straw, filled with the gas and equipped with a small microphone in the center of the cell. Each laser modulated at a different frequency, which caused the gas to heat."
  27. GEN Dennis L. Via visited with Madison, Alabama Mayor Paul Finley at his office.
    For more photos please visit AMC's Flickr page at http://www.flickr.com/photos/armymaterielcommand/sets/72157631406922518/
    Photo: GEN Dennis L. Via visited with Madison, Alabama Mayor Paul Finley at his office. 
For more photos please visit AMC's Flickr page at http://www.flickr.com/photos/armymaterielcommand/sets/72157631406922518/
  28. Did you know ... The Joint Munitions and Lethality Life Cycle Management Command is a lifecycle management command that manages research, development, production, storage, distribution and demilitarization of all conventional ammunition and the personnel, organizations, infrastructure and processes required for effective lifecycle management of conventional ammunition within DoD used by the Joint Soldier.
  29. What are your plans for Labor Day Weekend? If you are in the Huntsville, Alabama area on Sunday then stop by Stoner Field Park at 1330 to see the U.S. Army Materiel Command Band Concert Ensemble as they play at Caribbean in the Park.
  30. Photos from GEN Via's visit to Martinsville, VA are posted to Flickr!
  31. Did you know ... After serving in Vietnam and recognizing the need for immediate support while on the field, GEN. John R. Deane Jr. established logistic and maintenance commands on he field. The Army Field Support Brigades continue today as hallmarks of AMC.
  32. Did you know...The mission of the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency is to protect, safely store and destroy aging chemical weapons while working toward the effective recovery, treatment and ultimate elimination of the nation’s chemical warfare materiel.
  33. "Realize your potential and what you can become....It doesn't matter where you start in life, there is nothing that you cannot achieve if you set your goals, work very hard and continue to press forward," Gen. Via told students in his hometown of Martinsville, Va. today.
  34. Photos from AMC's Org Day are now posted on Flickr!

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