October 12, 2012 (The Editor’s Desk is updated each business day.)

Import and export prices up again in September 2012

1-month percent change in the Import and Export Price Indexes, September 2011–September 2012
Month All imports All exports

Sep 2011

-0.1 0.5

Oct 2011

-0.4 -2.0

Nov 2011

0.7 0.1

Dec 2011

0.0 -0.5

Jan 2012

0.0 0.3

Feb 2012

0.0 0.5

Mar 2012

1.4 0.8

Apr 2012

-0.1 0.4

May 2012

-1.5 -0.5

Jun 2012

-2.3 -1.7

Jul 2012

-0.7 0.4

Aug 2012

1.1 1.0

Sep 2012

1.1 0.8

These data are featured in the TED article, Import and export prices up again in September 2012.


12-month percent change in the Import and Export Price Indexes, September 2011–September 2012
Month All imports All exports

Sep 2011

12.7 9.4

Oct 2011

11.1 6.3

Nov 2011

10.1 4.8

Dec 2011

8.5 3.6

Jan 2012

6.9 2.6

Feb 2012

5.1 1.8

Mar 2012

3.5 1.1

Apr 2012

0.8 0.7

May 2012

-0.8 -0.2

Jun 2012

-2.5 -2.1

Jul 2012

-3.3 -1.3

Aug 2012

-1.9 -0.8

Sep 2012

-0.6 -0.5

These data are featured in the TED article, Import and export prices up again in September 2012.


Of interest

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