Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About Climate Change and Climate Data

If I have questions about climate change or climate data, who should I contact?
See the Climate Change and Climate Data FAQ page at the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC).

Questions on Feedback Mechanisms

If I have questions and/or comments about NOAA, how should I submit them?
Depending on where the data set, product, service, or other information was found within the Portal, please direct inquiries directly to one or more of the following major tab/section team email addresses:

For inquiries or comments of a more general nature, or for those focused on the Global Climate Dashboard or Past Weather sections, please direct questions to the following email address:

If I submit a question about the portal, when can I expect a reply?
You should receive a reply within one week, if not sooner, although the volume of email received will have some effect on the timeliness of our response.

Questions on Content

How can I publish my content on NOAA
Initially, the Portal is designed to serve only NOAA climate data and service information. Eventually, the Portal's scope will expand to include our many climate science and services partners. We will make a formal public announcement when we're ready to expand. NOAA personnel who wish to publish content in the Portal should direct their inquiries directly to one or more of the following major tab/section teams:

Mention which data set/product you have questions about, and provide your contact information so we can have the appropriate person contact you.

I have a question about how to interpret a data set/product. Who should I contact?
Depending on where the data set or product was found within the Portal, please direct inquiries directly to one or more of the following major tab/section teams:

Mention which data set/product you have questions about, and provide your contact information so we can have the appropriate person contact you.

Who decides which content is added to the portal?
Content is determined based on strict criteria (e.g., FGDC compliant metadata must be available for data sets), and by editorial review boards established within NOAA. Please note that this Portal prototype is only the beginning; we plan to add many more data sets and content types throughout the year.
Who is allowed to post content on the Portal?
Initially, the Portal's focus is primarily on NOAA's climate content. Eventually, content will expand to include our many partners. Select, cross-line office teams of NOAA personnel are responsible for the actual posting of content to the portal.
This is a very interesting data set/product. Can I get this data in a format of my choosing?
Depending on where the data set or product was found within the Portal, please direct inquiries directly to one or more of the following major tab/section teams:

Mention which data set/product you have questions about, and provide your contact information so we can have the appropriate person contact you.

This data set/product looks wrong or is out of date, who should I contact?
Depending on where the data set or product was found within the Portal, please direct inquiries directly to one or more of the following major tab/section teams:

Mention which data set/product you have questions about, and provide your contact information so we can have the appropriate person contact you.

Questions on Functionality

This link is broken, who should I contact?
Please contact the webmaster at
The web page is taking a long time to load, who should I contact?
Please contact the webmaster at
The webpage does not work on my browser. Which browser should I be using and what plug-ins do I need?
NOAA strives to be widely accessible to the public and is therefore compatible with multiple browsers on multiple platforms. See the Browser Recommendations page for details on supported browsers and required plug-ins.