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Finding aids at the Clinton Presidential Library contain a detailed description of the collection including the total number of pages or photos and length of video and audio recordings. Finding aids also include background information of the collection’s topic and details on the record type (ex: email, memorandum, briefing book, Betacam video, audio cassette etc).

Finding aids describe collections at the box and folder level, and include a folder title list and information about the arrangement of the collection.

Only looking for audio visual collections? Look at the audio visual finding aids.

Index is organized alphabetically by title and/or subject. Links direct to Finding Aid Description Index.

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Advisory Board on Race
Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets
Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy
Affirmative Action
Albright, Madeleine
Al-Jawary, Khalid
Area 51
Arms Trafficking
Arnold, Richard Sheppard (1936 – 2004)
Asian Economic Crisis
Aspin, Les
Baer, Don
Barbier, Carl J.
Beebe, Mike
Berger, Samuel
Blair, Tony
Blinken, Anthony (“Tony”)
Blue Ribbon Schools
Blumenthal, Jacqueline Jordan
Boorstin, Robert O.
Born, Brooksley
Bout (or Butt), Viktor
Boys Nation and Girls Nation
Brokaw, Tom
Brooks, Kendra
Brostrom, Mary
Bryan, John Shelby
Buckley Jr., William F.
California Institute of Technology (CALTECH)
Cameron, James
Camp David
Camp Van Dorn
Capshaw, Kate
Cardoso, President Fernando Henrique
CBS Radio Interview
Central Intelligence Agency
Chang, Caroline
Charren, Peggy
Chautauqua, New York
Christopher, Warren
Civil Liberties Act of 1988
Climate Change
Clinton Administration History Project
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Cohen, Michael
Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry
Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the U.S. Intelligence Community
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Communication Conspiracy
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA)
Conference on Culture and Diplomacy
Council of Environmental Quality
Council on Sustainable Development
Cowan, Geoffrey
Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP)
Curiel, Carolyn
Cutler, Lynn
Davids, Paul
Department of Energy
Diamond, Henry
Direct Selling Association
Domestic Policy Council
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Druyan, Ann
Duffey, Joseph
Edley, Christopher
Edmonds, Terry
Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce)
Eng, Matthew
Executive Order 12875
Executive Order 13083
Executive Order 13095
Executive Order 13111
Executive Order 13132
Fair Housing
Farewell Address
Farmer, James L. Jr.
Firmage, Joseph
Five Point Plan to Revitalize Base Closure Communities
Flemming, Stanley
Footlik, Jay
Fountain, Frank
Forum 2000
Franco, President Itamar
Friedman, Stephen
Gaines, Ernest J.
Galbraith, Marie (Bootsie)
Gays in the Military
Genack, Rabbi Menachem
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Gingrich, Newt
Glastris, Paul
Gore, Albert
Gore for President
Government Performance and Results Act
Govoha, Beth Medrash
Graham, Rev. Billy
Greer, Steven
Greenspan, Alan
Hall, James Benito
Halter, Bill
Hamman, Helen
Hawking, Stephen
Health Care
Health Care Interdepartmental Working Group
Health Security Act Series
Hermann, Robert
Hogan, Lyn
Holbrooke, Richard
Hotel Okura
Houston, Jean
Huckabee, Mike
Hultin, Jerry
Ibarra, Mickey
Inman, Bobby Ray
Intelligence - ND006
Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP)
International Broadcasting
Jennings, Chris
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Kagan, Elena
Kelly, Chris
Kemble, Robert Penn (1941 – 2005)
Kennedy Center Honors
Kennedy Peace Memorial
Khatami, Mohammad
Khobar Towers
Knee Injury
Kraemer, Sven
Kusnet, David
Landmark for Peace Memorial
Labor & Health and Human Services Bill
Labor-Management Partnerships
Laird, Melvin
Lake, Anthony
Lewis, Meriwether
Lieberman, Evelyn
Little, Cheryl Ada Elizabeth
MacLaine, Shirley
Magaziner, Ira
Major, John
Mandela, Nelson
Mars Millennium Project
Marshall Islands
Marzook, Mousa Mohammed Abu
McClendon, Sarah
McCown, Gaynor
Melley, Brendan
Metzel, Jamie
Military Construction Appropriations Act of 1997
Millennium Evening
Millennium Matinee
Milosevic, Slobodan
Morse, Eric
Moynihan, Mark Francis
Myles, Raymond
National Medal of Arts and Humanities Ceremony
National Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)
National Security Council
Native Americans
Natural Disasters
Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant
New Square
Nixon, Richard M.
North Amercian Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
North Korea
Northern Mariana Islands
Oath of Office
Olympic Park Bombing
Orzulak, Paul
Oval Office
Palestinian Liberation Organization
People to People International
Pote, Harold W.
Pouland, John C.
Prayer Breakfast
Press Briefings
Press Releases
Press Release Subject File
President Clinton’s Birthday
President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
President's Interagency Council on Women
Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 68
Presidential Diary
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Presidential Scheduling
Presidential Trips
Prince, Jonathan
Princess Margaret of England
Proposition 209
Public Opinion Polling
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Radio Marti
Rasco, Carol
Redbook Magazine Awards
Reed, Bruce
Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994
Rice, Lois D.
Rice, Cynthia
Rice, Susan
Rich, Marc
Ring Around Serbia
Robb, Charles S., Senator
Robertson, Charlie
Rockefeller, Laurance
Rosshirt, Thomas
Roswell, New Mexico
Rotherham, Andrew
Rubin, Robert
Russert, Timothy J.
Sagan, Carl
Sanford, Stefanie
Sawers, John
School-to-Work Opportunities Act
Schnur, John
Schwalier, Terry
Science and Technology Medal Ceremony
Science Fiction (Sci-Fi) Channel
Seals, Daniel
Sewell, David
Shamir, Ruby
Shearer, Brooke
Shesol, Jeff
Shipley, David
Shuman, Stanley
Simon, Carly
Situation Room
“Slaughter: An American Atrocity”
Smith, Ortrie D.
Soderberg, Nancy
Sonnenberg, Maurice
Sotomayor, Sonia
Speech Preparation
Spielberg, Steven
Spiritual Advisors
St. Patrick’s Day
State Dinners
Steinberg, Donald
Summers, Larry
Supreme Court
Tamagni, Jordan
Tanden, Neera
Tenet, George
Thatcher, Margaret
Thurman, Sandra
Tuskegee Syphilis Study Ceremony, The
Ungar, Sanford J. "Sandy”
United Nations
United States Information Agency (USIA)
United States Wrestling Team
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO)
Ventura, Jesse
Vera, Frank
Voice of America
Waldman, Michael
Ward, Jennifer
Warnath, Stephen
Weiss, Lowell
Welfare Reform
When Cosmic Cultures Meet
White House Fellows
White House Renovations
White House Transition
Winfield House
Winfrey, Oprah
Wolf, Mike
Woolsey, James
World Cup
Yeltsin, Boris
Younger, James Lynwood Jr.
Youngstown, Ohio
2000 Millennium Plots
2000 Presidential Election Recount in Florida
9/11 Commission Report

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