Dec 14, 2010


Brady Applauds House Officer Selections 

Washington, DC (December 15, 2010): House Administration Chairman Robert A. Brady applauded incoming Speaker John Boehner’s recent decision to nominate Wilson (Bill) Livingood as House Sergeant at Arms and Daniel J. Strodel as Chief Administrative Officer:

“Speaker-designate Boehner and his transition team have made a wise decision in retaining Bill Livingood and Dan Strodel,” said Brady. “The Office of the Sergeant at Arms plays a vital role in the safety and security of the Capitol Complex and the Chief Administrative Officer plays a crucial part in the effective and efficient operation of the House. The House will benefit greatly from the continuity that will be provided,” Brady added.

“Throughout their careers, these distinguished gentlemen have displayed unparalleled professionalism and exceptional service to this institution, without regard to the party in control, said Brady”. “Their service to the House and the American people has transcended partisanship and I am pleased that they will be serving in their current positions during the 112th Congress.”

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