Internship Opportunities

The Congressional Internship Program in Congressman Cassidy's office is an excellent opportunity to learn about the federal government and public policy issues while spending a summer or semester dedicated to public service. Internships are available in both Congressman Cassidy's Baton Rouge office and Washington office.

In the Washington office, interns work closely with staff on a variety of legislative projects. Responsibilities can include conducting legislative research, responding to constituent requests, attending Congressional Committee hearings, conducting tours of the U.S. Capitol and performing general office duties.

Interns in the Baton Rouge office will have the opportunity to conduct research for constituent casework requests, assist with Congressional events, help staff Congressman Cassidy at community functions and perform general office duties.

Congressman Cassidy asks that all interns be responsible and possess a mature, professional manner. Interns should take initiative and be well-organized and efficient.

Internships are unpaid and are offered throughout the year. Our office will be happy to work with you if you are requesting credit for your internship through your school or university.

If you are interested in an internship in the Washington office, please fax a cover letter and one-page resume to (202) 225-7313 or email at For the Baton Rouge office, please fax a cover letter and one-page resume to (225)929-7688.