The mission of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) is to advance our knowledge and understanding of the universe through research and education in astronomy and astrophysics.

The CfA is a collaboration of HCO and SAO. Some CfA staff are also in the Harvard Department of Astronomy.

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Press Releases
September 11, 2012Planets Can Form in the Galactic CenterAt first glance, the center of the Milky Way seems like a very inhospitable place to try to form a planet. Stars crowd each other as they whiz through space like cars on a rush-hour freeway. Read More...
Weekly Science Updates
September 07, 2012How Sweet It IsAstronomers have detected about 180 molecules in interstellar space, from simple ones like carbon monoxide (one atom of carbon and one of oxygen) to complex species like buckminsterfullerene (sixty atoms of carbon) or anthracene (fourteen atoms of carbon and ten of hydrogen). Read More...
Other News and Features
September 14, 2012Fall Public Events Schedule Now OnlineObservatory Night lectures will take place on the third Thursday of the month from September through November. This popular public program offers astronomy talks on a variety of timely topics. Read More...
CfA Research

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