Measurement : Surface skin temperature

The radiative surface skin temperature, from an IR thermometer measuring the narrowband radiating temperature of the ground surface in its field of view.

Radiometric, Surface Properties


The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

  • ARM Instruments
    • IRT : Infrared Thermometer
    • MFRIRT : Multifilter Radiometer and Infrared Thermometer
  • External Instruments
    • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses
    • ECMWF : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Model Data
    • MOLTS : Model Output Location Time Series
    • NOAACRN : NOAA Climate Reference Network
  • Field Campaign Instruments
    • ARA-DIMONA : Airborne Research Australia Dimona Aircraft Laser Altimeter and Fluxes
    • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses
    • ECMWF : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Model Data
    • MIRAI : JAMSTEC Research Vessel Mirai
    • SOAR : Shipboard Oceanographic and Atmospheric Radiation

Value-Added Products

  • RIPBE : Radiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate (Process)
    • RIPBE1MCFARLANE : Radiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate profiles derived with first McFarlane algorithm


  • NOAACRN : NOAA Climate Reference Network Datastreams
    • 60NOAACRN : NOAA Climate Reference Network data-precipitation and temperature
  • IRT : Infrared Thermometer Datastreams
    • IRT10M : Infrared Thermometer: Ground surface temperature averaged 60-sec at 10-meter height
    • IRT25M : Infrared Thermometer: Ground surface temperature, averaged 60-second at 25-meter height
  • ECMWF : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Model Data Datastreams
    • ECMWFSURF : ECMWF: surface measurement, entire coverage
  • MOLTS : Model Output Location Time Series Datastreams
    • MOLTSEDASSFCCLASS0 : Model Output Loc. Time Ser. (MOLTS): EDAS meteor. analy., basic surface, params, stations
    • MOLTSEDASSFCCLASS1 : Model Output Loc. Time Ser. (MOLTS): EDAS meteor. analy., enhanced surface, params, stations
  • MFRIRT : Multifilter Radiometer and Infrared Thermometer Datastreams
    • MFRIRT25M : Infrared Thermometer (MFRIRT): upwelling radiance, instantaneous 20-sec at 25-meter height
  • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses Datastreams
    • ECMWFSFCE : ECMWF: near-surface and surface variables (extra), entire coverage, 1-hr avg