Measurement : Shortwave broadband direct downwelling irradiance

Radiant energy, across the wavelength range of 0.4 and 4 {mu}m, that is transferred directly from the sun to the receiver.



The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

Value-Added Products

  • ARMBE : ARM Best Estimate Data Products (Process)
  • SWFLUXANAL : Shortwave Flux Analysis (Process)
    • 1SWFANALBRS1LONG : Short Wave Flux Analysis: 1-min resolution on BRS data, Long algorithm
    • 15SWFANALBRS1LONG : Short Wave Flux Analysis: 15-min resolution on BRS data, Long algorithm
    • 1SWFANALSIRS1LONG : Short Wave Flux Analysis: 1-min resolution on SIRS data, Long algorithm
    • 15SWFANALSIRS1LONG : Short Wave Flux Analysis: 15-min resolution on SIRS data, Long algorithm
    • 1SWFANALSIROS1LONG : Short Wave Flux Analysis: 1-min resolution on SIROS data, Long algorithm
    • 1SWFANALSKYRAD1LONG : Short Wave Flux Analysis: 1-min resolution on SKYAD data, Long algorithm
    • 15SWFANALSIROS1LONG : Short Wave Flux Analysis: 15-min resolution on SIROS data, Long algorithm
    • 15SWFANALSKYRAD1LONG : Short Wave Flux Analysis: 15-min resolution on SKYRAD data, Long algorithm
  • QCRAD : Data Quality Assessment for ARM Radiation Data (Process)
    • QCRADBRS1LONG : Surface Radiation Measurement (BRS input) QC testing, incl. climatologically configurable limits
    • QCRAD1LONG : Surface Radiation Measurement Quality Control testing, including climatologically configurable limits
    • QCRADBEFLUX1LONG : Surface Radiation Measurement (BEFLUX input) QC testing, incl. climatologically configurable limits


  • NOAARAD : NOAA/ESRL/GMD Radiometers Datastreams
    • NOAARADBRW : High resolution surface radiation data in netcdf format from Barrow