Measurement : Backscatter depolarization ratio

The ratio of cross polarized to co-polarized elastic backscatter.



The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

  • ARM Instruments
    • HSRL : High Spectral Resolution Lidar
    • RL : Raman Lidar
  • Field Campaign Instruments
    • HSRL : High Spectral Resolution Lidar
    • MIRAI : JAMSTEC Research Vessel Mirai
    • MPL-AIR : Micropulse Lidar- Airborne
    • HSRL-AIR : NASA Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar
    • PDLIDAR : Polarization Diversity Lidar
    • RLPROF : Raman LIDAR Vertical Profiles
    • RL : Raman Lidar

Value-Added Products

  • RLPROF : Raman LIDAR Vertical Profiles (Process)
    • 10RLPROFBE1NEWS : Raman LIDAR (RL): Best-estimate state of the atmospheric profiles from Raman Lidar
    • 10RLPROFBE1TURN : Raman LIDAR (RL): Best-estimate state of the atmos. profiles from RL & AERI+GOES retrievals
    • 2RLPROFDEP1TURN : 2-minute Raman Lidar: aerosol depolarization profiles and single layer cloud optical depths
    • 2RLPROFASR1FERR : 2-minute Raman Lidar: aerosol scattering ratio and backscattering coefficient profiles, from first Ferrare algorithm
    • 10RLPROFDEP1TURN : 10-minute Raman Lidar: aerosol depolarization profiles and single layer cloud optical depths from first Turner algorithm