U.S. Department of Commerce

Jobs @ Census

Regional Office Employment Opportunities

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Map of United States of America Highlight and access New York Regional Office Highlight and access Philadelphia Regional Office Highlight and access Chicago Regional Office Highlight and access Boston Regional Office Highlight Los Angeles Regional Office.  Access Los Angeles Regional Office Highlight Denver Regional Office.  Access Denver Regional Office blank Highlight and access Los Angeles Regional Office Highlight and access New York Regional Office blank HIghlight and access Philadelphia Regional Office blank Highlight and access Boston Regional Office Highlight and access Boston Regional Office Highlight and Access Detroit Regional Office blank Highlight and access Charlotte Regional Office Highlight and Access Atlanta Regional Office Highlight Dallas Regional Office.  Access Dallas Regional Office blank Highlight Kansas City Regional Office.  Access Kansas City Regional Office Highlight of Seattle Region.  Access Seattle Regional Office Highlight and access Seattle Regional Office

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The Regional Offices are responsible for hiring and supervising the field workers that collect census information from residents in every part of our country. Every ten years the Census Bureau conducts a census involving every household in the country. During this time we need thousands of temporary census takers and office workers to assist in that process. During the rest of the decade the Regional Offices conduct other surveys and need a much small number of field workers on a more regular basis. These workers conduct surveys with residents on a variety of topics using a laptop computer, or in some cases paper and pencil. In each of the Regional Offices a staff of supervisors called Survey Statisticians, manage the field workers. There are a number of other support positions in the Regional Offices including payroll and personnel staff, geographers, and census information specialists. To find out more about these Regional Office positions, you can click on the map above for the Regional Office that serves your area.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Human Resources Division | (301) 763-3371 |  Last Revised: August 28, 2012