VAP : Continuous Baseline Microphysical Retrieval (MICROBASE)

Instrument Categories
Cloud Properties

This sample quicklook plot shows averaged liquid water content for May 9, 2006, at the SGP site.
This sample quicklook plot shows averaged liquid water content for May 9, 2006, at the SGP site.

MICROBASE is a baseline retrieval of cloud microphysical properties. It uses a combination of observations from the 35-GHz millimeter wavelength cloud radar, ceilometer, micropulse lidar, microwave radiometer, and balloon-borne radiosonde soundings in order to produce instantaneous vertical profiles of cloud liquid water content (LWC), cloud ice water content (IWC), liquid cloud particle effective radius (LIQRE), and ice cloud particle effective radius (ICERE). Before the observations gathered from these remote and passive sensors are processed by MICROBASE, they are first processed by the following VAPs:

Reasonable assumptions for location, particle distribution, and cloud type were developed in order to produce a continuous time series of vertical profiles for these important cloud microphysical properties at each fixed ARM site. The MICROBASE principal investigator product files contain data at 10-second time intervals and 45-meter height intervals consisting of 512 vertical levels.

One of the primary purposes of this product is to provide the required microphysical values for input to the Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) and Radiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate (RIPBE) products in order to generate estimates of atmospheric radiative heating rates.

More information about MICROBASE can be found in the technical report.

Output Products

  • microbasepi : Continuous Baseline Microphysical Retrieval, Profile-Instantaneous
  • microbasepi2 : Continuous Baseline Microphysical Retrieval, Profile-Instantaneous, with QC flags
  • microbasepiavg : Continuous Baseline Microphysical Retrieval, Profile-averaged

Primary Measurements

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant.


  • North Slope Alaska (NSA)
    • Central Facility, Barrow AK (C1)
  • Southern Great Plains (SGP)
    • Central Facility, Lamont, OK (C1)
  • Tropical Western Pacific (TWP)
    • Central Facility, Darwin, Australia (C3)
    • Central Facility, Manus I., PNG (C1)
    • Central Facility, Nauru Island (C2)


Maureen Dunn
(631) 344-5427

Michael Jensen
(631) 344-7021