Search Results - G (173 entries)

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G: Grams  (NHTSA3)

G-7: Group of 7 Nations  (BTS2)

GA: General Aviation  (FAA3)   (FAA17)   (FAA6)

GAA: General Aviation Activity  (FAA6)

GAAA: General Aviation Activity and Avionics  (FAA6)

GAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles  (FTA3)

GADO: General Aviation District Office  (FAA4)

Gage: See also Gauge.

Gage: A scale graduated in tenths of a foot which indicates the water level or river stage.  (TNDOT1)

Gaging Station: A structure used to measure the characteristics of a hydrographic feature.  (DOI3)

Gallon: (See also Barrel) A volumetric measure equal to 4 quarts (231 cubic inches) used to measure fuel oil. One barrel equals 42 gallons.  (DOE5)

Gantry: A frame structure raised on side supports so as to span over or around something.  (DOI4)

Gantry Crane: A crane hoisting machine mounted on a frame or structure spanning an intervening space. Used primarily in modern container handling ports.  (TNDOT1)

GAO: General Accounting Office  (FAA17)

Gap: Low point or opening between hills or mountains or in a ridge or mountain range.  (DOI4)

Garage: A space large enough to accommodate a car, with a door opening at least six feet wide and seven feet high. "Attached" means it is under part or all of the house or it shares part of a wall in common with the house. Not included are carports, barns, or buildings (not connected to the house) or storage space for golf carts or motorcycles.  (DOE5)

Garbage and Trash Collection: Establishments primarily engaged in collecting and transporting garbage, trash, and refuse, within a city, town, or other local area, including adjoining towns and suburban areas.  (BOC1)

Gas: (Except when designated as inert) Natural gas, other flammable gas, or gas which is toxic or corrosive.  (49CFR193)

Gas: A non-solid, non-liquid combustible energy source that includes natural gas, coke-oven gas, blast-furnace gas, and refinery gas.  (DOE5)

Gas Distribution Company: Company which obtains the major portion of its gas operating revenues from the operation of a retail gas distribution system, and which operates no transmission system other than incidental connections within its own system or to the system of another company.  (AGA1)

Gas Guzzler Tax: Originates from the 1978 Energy Tax Act (Public Law 95418). A new car purchaser is required to pay the tax if the car purchased has a combined city/highway fuel economy rating that is below the standard for that year. For model years 1986 and later, the standard is 22.5 mpg.  (DOE6)

Gasohol: (See also Fuel, Gasoline) A blend of finished motor gasoline (leaded or unleaded) and alcohol (generally ethanol but sometimes methanol) limited to 10 percent by volume of alcohol. Gasohol is included in finished leaded and unleaded motor gasoline.  (DOE3)

Gasoline: See also Fuel, Gasohol, Kerosene.

Gasoline: A complex mixture of relatively volatile hydrocarbons, with or without small quantities of additives, obtained by blending appropriate refinery streams to form a fuel suitable for use in spark ignition engines. Motor gasoline includes both leaded or unleaded grades of finished motor gasoline, blending components, and gasohol.  (DOE4)   (DOE5)

Gasoline Aviation/Gasoline Blending Components: Naphthas that will be used for blending or compounding into finished aviation gasoline (e.g., straight-run gasoline, alkylate, reformate, benzene, toluene, and xylene). Excludes oxygenates (alcohols, ethers), butane, and pentanes plus. Oxygenates are reported as other hydrocarbons, hydrogen, and oxygenates.  (DOE5)

Gate: A structure that may be swung, drawn or lowered to block an entrance or passageway.  (DOI3)

Gate Dam: A type of opening in a dam whereby the water passes over the top.  (TNDOT1)

Gate Hold Procedure: Procedures at selected airports to hold aircraft at the gate or other ground location whenever departure delays exceed or are anticipated to exceed 16 minutes. The sequence for departure will be maintained in accordance with initial call-up unless modified by flow control restrictions. Pilots should monitor the ground control and clearance delivery frequency for engine start/taxi advisories or new proposed start/taxi time if the delay changes.  (FAA4)

Gateway: In the context of travel activities, gateway refers to a major airport or seaport. Internationally, gateway can also mean the port where customs clearance takes place.  (USTTA1)

Gathering Line: A pipeline 219.1 mm (8 5/8 inches) or less nominal diameter that transports petroleum from a production facility.  (49CFR195)

GATT: General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade  (BTS2)

Gauge: See also Gage.

GAWR: Gross Axle Weight Rating  (49CFR571)

GBF/DIME: Geographic Base File / Dual Independent Map Encoding  (BTS8)

GBL: Government Bill of Lading  (MARAD2)

GCA: Ground Controlled Approach  (FAA4)

GCIS: Grade Crossing Inventory System  (BTS7)

GCW: Gross Combination Weight  (TII2)   (TII1)

GCWR: Gross Combination Weight Rating  (49CFR383)   (TII2)   (TII1)

GDP: Gross Domestic Product  (BTS2)   (DOE3)   (FAA17)

Gear Bonger: Driver who grinds gears when shifting.  (ATA1)

Gear Jammer: One who constantly clashes the gears.  (ATA1)

Gear Ratio: The number of revolutions a driving gear requires to turn a driven gear one revolution. For a pair of gears, the ratio is found by dividing the number of teeth on the driven gear by the number of teeth on the driving gear.  (GSA2)

GEG: Spokane International Airport  (FAA11)

General Administration: All activities associated with the general administration of the transit system, including transit system development, injuries and damages, safety, personnel administration, legal services, insurance, data processing, finance and accounting, purchasing and stores, engineering, real estate management, office management and services, customer services, promotion, market research and planning.  (FTA1)

General and Administrative Expenses: Expenses of a general corporate nature and expenses incurred in performing activities which contribute to more than a single operating function such as general financial accounting activities, purchasing activities, representation at law, and other general operational administration not directly applicable to a particular function. Passenger service, aircraft and traffic servicing, and promotion and sales expenses are also included for certain small air carriers.  (BTS4)

General Average: A general loss voluntarily incurred to save all interest involved in a common maritime adventure from an impending peril including hull, cargo, and freight at risk.  (TNDOT1)

General Aviation: Movements of aircraft and helicopters belonging to: companies with an air taxi or air work license; an individual, a flying club or a company whose main objective is not to provide revenue passenger transport.  (ACI1)

General Aviation: All civil flying except that of air carriers.  (AIA1)

General Aviation: That portion of civil aviation which encompasses all facets of aviation except air carriers.  (DOE6)   (FAA2)   (FAA9)

General Aviation: All civil aviation activity except that of air carriers certificated in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Parts 121, 123, 127, and 135. The types of aircraft used in general aviation activities cover a wide spectrum from corporate multi-engine jet aircraft piloted by professional crews to amateur-built single engine piston acrobatic planes, balloons, and dirigibles.  (FAA14)

General Aviation Airport: Any airport which is used or to be used for public purposes, under the control of a public agency, the landing area of which is publicly owned.  (FAA2)

General Aviation District Office (GADO): A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) field office serving a designated geographical area and staffed with Flight Standards personnel who have the responsibility for serving the aviation industry and the general public on all matters relating to the certification and operation of general aviation aircraft.  (FAA4)

General Aviation Operations: Takeoffs and landings of all civil aircraft, except those classified as air carriers or air taxis.  (FAA13)   (FAA14)

General Cargo: General cargo consists of those products or commodities such as timber, structural steel, rolled newsprint, concrete forms, agricultural equipment that are not conducive to packaging or unitization. Break-bulk cargo (e.g., packaged products such as lubricants and cereal) are often regarded as a subdivision of general cargo.  (MARAD1)

General Cargo: The tonnes of cargo assessed at the General rate of tolls as defined in the St. Lawrence Seaway Tariff of Tolls.  (SLSDC1)

General Cargo Ship: (See also Boat, Motorboat) A ship configured to accommodate general, break-bulk, and containerized cargoes. Cargo handling operations are labor intensive and conducted with either ship's cranes or jib cranes onshore. These ships traditionally have numerous holds located on several decks, have smaller hatches than bulk carriers or containerships, and are usually equipped with a boom or crane positioned at each hatch cover.  (MARAD1)

General Export License: Authorization to export without specific documentary approval.  (TNDOT1)

General Freight Carrier: A carrier which handles a wide variety of commodities.  (ATA2)

General Freight Carrier: Trucking company engaged in shipping packaged, boxed, and palletized goods that can be transported in standard, enclosed tractor-trailers, generally 40 to 48 feet in length.  (BOC2)

General Utility, Stage I Airport: This type of airport serves all small airplanes. Precision approach operations are not usually anticipated. This airport is designed for airplanes in Airport Reference Code B-II.  (FAA12)

General Utility, Stage II Airport: This type of airport serves large airplanes in Aircraft Approach Category A and B and usually has the capability for precision approach operations. This airport is normally designed for Airport Reference Code B-III.  (FAA12)

General Warehousing and Storage: Establishments primarily engaged in the warehousing and storage of a general line of goods.  (BOC1)

Geo Map: The digitized map markings associated with the Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR-9) Radar System.  (FAA4)

Geographical Information System (GIS): A system of hardware, software, and data for collecting, storing, analyzing, and disseminating information about areas of the Earth. For Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) purposes, Geographical Information System (GIS) is defined as a highway network (spatial data which graphically represents the geometry of the highways, an electronic map) and its geographically referenced component attributes (HPMS section data, bridge data, and other data including socioeconomic data) that are integrated through GIS technology to perform analyses. From this, GIS can display attributes and analyze results electronically in map form.  (FHWA2)

GES: General Estimates System  (NHTSA5)

Gigawatt (GW): (See also Electricity, Kilowatt, Megawatt) One billion watts or one thousand megawatts.  (DOE5)

Gigawatt Electric (GWE): One billion watts of electric capacity.  (DOE5)

Gigawatt Hour (GWH): One billion watthours.  (DOE5)

GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out

GIS: Geographical Information Systems  (BTS2)   (MARAD4)

Glad Hands: Air hose brake system connections between tractor and trailer.  (ATA1)

Glidepath: A descent profile determined for vertical guidance during a final approach.  (FAA4)

Glider: A heavier-than-air aircraft, that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of the air against its lifting surfaces and whose free flight does not depend principally on an engine.  (14CFR1)

Glideslope: (See also Instrument Landing System, Intercept Glideslope Altitude, Localizer, Middle Marker, Outer Marker) Provides vertical guidance for aircraft during approach and landing. The glideslope/glidepath is based on the following: 1) Electronic components emitting signals which provide vertical guidance by reference to airborne instruments during instrument approaches such as Instrument Landing System (ILS)/Microwave Landing System (MLS), or 2) Visual ground aids, such as Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI), which provide vertical guidance for a Visual Flight Rules (VFR) approach or for the visual portion of an instrument approach and landing or 3) Used by Air Traffic Control (ATC) to inform an aircraft making a Precision Approach Radar (PAR) approach of its vertical position (elevation) relative to the descent profile.  (FAA4)

Global Positioning System (GPS): A space base radio positioning, navigation, and time transfer system being developed by the Department of Defense. When fully deployed, the system is intended to provide highly accurate position and velocity information, and precise time, on a continuous global basis, to an unlimited number of properly equipped users. The system will be unaffected by weather, and will provide a worldwide common grid reference system. The Global Positioning System (GPS) concept is predicated upon accurate and continuous knowledge of the spatial position of each satellite in the system with respect to time and distance from a transmitting satellite to the user. The GPS receiver automatically selects appropriate signals from the satellites in view and translates these into a three-dimensional position, velocity, and time. Predictable system accuracy for civil users is projected to be 100 meters horizontally. Performance standards and certification criteria have not yet been established.  (FAA4)

GLONASS: Global Orbiting Navigational Satellite System  (FAA17)

GM: General Motors  (BTS2)

GMCC: General NAS Maintenance Control Center  (FAA19)

GMIS: Grants Management Information System  (FHWA12)

GNAS: General NAS  (FAA19)

GNP: Gross National Product  (BTS8)

GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System  (FAA17)   (FAA7)

Go Ahead: Proceed with your message. Not to be used for any other purpose.  (FAA4)

Go Around: (See also Missed Approach) Instructions for a pilot to abandon his approach to landing. Additional instructions may follow. Unless otherwise advised by Air Traffic Control (ATC), a Visual Flight Rules (VFR) aircraft or an aircraft conducting visual approach should overfly the runway while climbing to traffic pattern altitude and enter the traffic pattern via the crosswind leg. A pilot on an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plan making an instrument approach should execute the published missed approach procedure or proceed as instructed by ATC.  (FAA4)

Go Well Over: A term applied in making a crossing meaning to go well over near the shore on the opposite side before turning out to either shape the shore or pass an easy distance off before coming up on the next set of marks.  (TNDOT1)

Goat 'N' Shoat Man: Driver of a livestock carrier.  (ATA1)

Good Condition Classification: No corrective maintenance is needed at time of inspection. Facility is serving the purpose for which it was constructed.  (DOI2)

Goods: See also Cargo, Commodity, Freight, Product.

GOV: Government - Owned Vehicle  (GSA2)

Government Aid Cargo: The tonnes of cargo assessed at the Government aid rate of tolls as defined in the St. Lawrence Seaway Tariff of Tolls.  (SLSDC1)

Government Fleet Vehicle: Includes vehicles owned by all federal General Services Administration (GSA), state, county, city, and metro units of government, including toll road operations.  (DOE6)

Government Leased Vehicle: A vehicle obtained by an executive agency by contract or other source for a period of 60 continuous days or more.  (GSA2)

Government Light: A colloquial term applied to an aid to navigation maintained by the Coast Guard.  (TNDOT1)

Government Owned Contractor Operated Vehicle: A vehicle that is owned or leased by the Federal Government but used by a contractor under a cost reimbursement contract with a Federal agency.  (GSA2)

Government Owned Vehicle: A vehicle that is owned by the Federal Government.  (GSA2)

Government Transportation Expenditures: Expenditures are the final actual costs for capital goods and operating services covered by the government transportation program.  (BTS3)

Government Transportation Revenue: The transportation revenue estimates contained in this report consist of those funds identified as government transportation-related user charges, taxes or fees in the various data sources. Therefore, general revenue is not included.  (BTS3)

Governor: A device which limits the speed of an engine. A governor is also a part on an automatic transmission which signals internal transmission components to shift to a higher gear.  (GSA2)

GPGS: Government Purchases of Goods and Services  (BTS3)

GPMR: Gallons Per Mile Ratio  (DOE4)

GPRA: Government Performance and Results Act  (NHTSA5)   (NHTSA6)

GPS: General Pavement Studies  (FHWA7)

GPS: Global Positioning System  (BTS8)   (FAA4)   (FAA17)   (FAA6)   (FAA19)

GPWS: Ground Proximity Warning System  (FAA6)

Grab One: To shift into a lower gear as a means of gaining power when driving uphill.  (ATA1)

Gradability: The ability of a vehicle to negotiate a given grade at a specified Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR) or Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR). It is the measure of the starting and grade climbing ability of a vehicle, and is expressed in percent grade, (1 percent is a rise of 1 foot in a horizontal distance of 100 feet).  (GSA2)

GRADE: Graphical Airspace Design Environment  (FAA17)

Grade Crossings: (See also At Grade, Highway-Rail Crossing, Rail-Highway Grade Crossing) An intersection of highway roads, railroad tracks, or dedicated transit rail tracks that run either parallel or across mixed traffic situations with motor vehicles, light rail, commuter rail, heavy rail, trolleybus or pedestrian traffic. Collisions at grade crossings involving transit vehicles apply only to light rail, commuter rail, heavy rail or trolleybus.  (FTA1)

Gradually Pull Down: To swing slowly to a new course on a mark further downstream.  (TNDOT1)

Gradually Pull Down Shape of Bend: Term used in crossings meaning to keep well out until tow is well down, then alter course to follow the shore shape of the bend.  (TNDOT1)

Gradually Pull Down Shore: Term used in crossings meaning, when well over, to gradually swing the vessel's head downstream along the shore.  (TNDOT1)

Grain Body: Low side, open top truck body designed to transport dry fluid commodities.  (ATA1)

Grain Cargo: The tonnes of cargo assessed at the Food or Feed Grains rate of tolls as defined in the St. Lawrence Seaway Tariff of Tolls.  (SLSDC1)

Grandma: See Creeper Gear.

Grants: A federal financial assistance award making payment in cash or in kind for a specified purpose. The federal government is not expected to have substantial involvement with the state or local government or other recipient while the contemplated activity is being performed. The term "grants-in-aid" is commonly restricted to grants to states and local governments.  (BTS3)

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway Freight Transportation: Establishments primarily engaged in the transportation of freight on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway, either between U.S. ports or between U.S. and Canadian ports.  (BOC1)

Great River Environmental Action Team: A multi-agency planning group organized to develop a resource management plan for the Upper Mississippi River. Operates under the auspices of the Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission.  (TNDOT1)

Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR): The value specified by the vehicle manufacturer as the load carrying capacity of a single axle system, as measured at the tire-ground interfaces.  (49CFR571)

Gross Combination Weight (GCW): The maximum allowable fully laden weight of a tractor and its trailer(s).  (ATA2)

Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR): The value specified by the manufacturer as the loaded weight of a combination (articulated) vehicle. In the absence of a value specified by the manufacturer, GCWR will be determined by adding the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of the power unit and the total weight of the towed unit and any load thereon.  (49CFR383)   (49CFR390)   (49CFR571)   (GSA2)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): The total value of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States. As long as the labor and property are located in the United States, the supplier (that is, the workers and, for property, the owners) may be either U.S. residents or residents of foreign countries.  (DOE3)

Gross Head: A dam's maximum allowed vertical distance between the upstream's surface water (headwater) forebay elevation and the downstream's surface water (tailwater) elevation at the tail-race for reaction wheel dams or the elevation of the jet at impulse wheel dams during specified operation and water conditions.  (DOE5)

Gross Horsepower: The power of a basis engine at a specified revolution per mile (RPM) without alternator, water pumps, fan, etc. Gross horsepower is the figure commonly given as the horsepower rating of an engine.  (GSA2)

Gross National Product (GNP): A measure of monetary value of the goods and services becoming available to the nation from economic activity. Total value at market prices of all goods and services produced by the nation's economy. Calculated quarterly by the Department of Commerce, the Gross National Product is the broadest available measure of the level of economic activity.  (DOE6)

Gross Registered Tonnage (GR): The capacity of a vessel in cubic feet of the spaces within the hull and of the enclosed spaces above the main deck available for cargo, stores, and crew, divided by 100.  (TNDOT1)

Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT): The gross registered tonnage of a vessel according to the country of registry.  (SLSDC1)

Gross Ton Mile: The number of tons behind the locomotive (cars and contents, company service equipment, and cabooses) times the distance moved in road freight trains.  (AAR1)

Gross Tonnage: The gross tonnage of a vessel is the internal cubic capacity of all spaces in and on the vessel which is permanently enclosed, with the exception of certain permissible exemptions. It is expressed in tons of 100 cubic feet.  (USCG4)

Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW): The maximum allowable weight in pounds or tons that a truck is designed to carry.  (ATA2)

Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW): The weight of the empty vehicle plus the maximum anticipated load weight.  (DOE6)

Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR): The maximum loaded weight in pounds of a single vehicle. Vehicle manufacturers specify the maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) on the vehicle certification label.  (49CFR383)   (49CFR390)   (49CFR571)   (GSA2)

Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR): The maximum rated capacity of a vehicle, including the weight of the base vehicle, all added equipment, driver and passengers, and all cargo loaded into or on the vehicle. Actual weight may be less than or greater than GVWR.  (NHTSA1)   (NHTSA2)   (NHTSA3)

Gross Weight: (See also Net Weight) Entire weight of goods, packing, and container, ready for shipment.  (TNDOT1)

Gross Weight/Mass: The weight of a packaging plus the weight of its contents.  (49CFR171)

Ground: The flat horizontal surface on which the tires of a motor vehicle rest.  (49CFR399)

Ground Controlled Approach (GCA): (See also Airport Surveillance Radar, Precision Approach Radar) A radar approach system operated from the ground by air traffic control personnel transmitting instructions to the pilot by radio. The approach may be conducted with airport surveillance radar (ASR) only or with both surveillance and precision approach radar (PAR). Usage of the term "GCA" by pilots is discouraged except when referring to a Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) facility. Pilots should specifically request a "PAR" approach when a precision radar approach is desired or request an "ASR" or "surveillance" approach when a nonprecision radar approach is desired.  (FAA4)

Ground Delay: The amount of delay attributed to Air Traffic Control (ATC), encountered prior to departure, usually associated with a Controlled Departure Time (CDT) program.  (FAA4)

Ground Property, Equipment and Other: The total cost of ground property and equipment and land.  (BTS4)

Ground Speed: The speed of an aircraft relative to the surface of the earth.  (FAA4)

Ground Stop: Normally, the last initiative to be utilized; this method mandates that the terminal facility will not allow any departures to enter the Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) airspace until further notified.  (FAA4)

Ground Surface: The land surface of the earth, both exposed and underwater.  (DOI4)

Ground Visibility: Prevailing horizontal visibility near the earth's surface as reported by the United States National Weather Service or an accredited observer.  (14CFR1)

Grounding: Running aground of a vessel, striking or pounding on rocks, reefs, or shoals; stranding.  (USCG2)

Group II Railroad: Railroads, excluding Class I, with an annual accumulation of over 400,000 employee hours worked.  (FRA3)

GRR: Kent County International Airport  (FAA11)

GRT: Gross Registered Tonnage  (FHWA12)

GRT: Group Rapid Transit  (TRB1)

GS: Glide Slope  (14CFR1)   (FAA6)

GSA: General Services Administration  (GSA1)

GSN: Saipan International Airport  (FAA11)

GSO: Piedmont Triad International Airport  (FAA11)

GSP: Greenville-Spartanburg, SC Airport  (FAA11)

GTBA: Gasoline-Grade Tertiary Butyl Alcohol  (DOE7)

GTR: Government Transportation Request  (MTMC1)

GTS: Ground Transportation Services  (MTMC1)

Guard Rail: A strong fence or barrier to prevent vehicles from leaving the roadway, or for people's safety.  (DOI4)

Guard Wall: The river wall of a lock which prevents boats from being drawn into the dam.  (TNDOT1)

GUI: Graphic User Interface

Guide Wall: (See also Lead Wall) The extension of the inner lock wall on the upper and lower side of the lock chamber to assist navigators in guiding vessels or tows into the lock chamber. It is usually 600 feet in length, although some are now 1,200 feet long.  (TNDOT1)

Guideway: In transit systems, a track or other riding surface (including supporting structure) that supports and physically guides transit vehicles specifically designed to travel exclusively on it.  (TRB1)

Gulf of Mexico and Its Inlets: The waters from the mean high water mark of the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and its inlets open to the sea (excluding rivers, tidal marshes, lakes, and canals) seaward to include the territorial sea and Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) to a depth of 15 feet, as measured from the mean low water.  (49CFR195)

Gum Ball Machine: Rotating warning light on top of an emergency vehicle.  (ATA1)

GVGI: Generic Visual Slope Indicator  (FAA12)

GVW: Gross Vehicle Weight  (MTMC1)   (TII2)   (TII1)

GVWR: Gross Vehicle Weight Rating  (ATA2)   (NHTSA2)   (NHTSA3)   (NHTSA4)   (TII2)   (TII1)

GW: Gigawatt  (DOE7)

GWDS: Graphic Weather Display System  (FAA19)

GWE: Gigawatt - Electric  (DOE7)

GWH: Gigawatt Hour  (DOE7)

Gypsy: 1) An independent truck operator who drives his own truck and secures freight wherever he can. 2) One who trip leases to authorized carriers.  (ATA1)

Gyrodyne: A rotorcraft whose rotors are normally engine driven for takeoff, hovering, and landing, and for forward flight through part of its speed range, and whose means of propulsion, consisting usually of conventional propellers, is independent of the rotor system.  (14CFR1)

Gyroplane: (See also Helicopter) A rotorcraft whose rotors are not engine driven, except for initial starting, but are made to rotate by action of the air when the rotorcraft is moving; and whose means of propulsion, consisting usually of conventional propellers, is independent of the rotor system.  (14CFR1)

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