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Congressman Mark S. Critz - Johnstown, PA

Congressman Mark S. Critz
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  • Government Official
    ** Comments that have profanity, personal attacks or other inappropriate, off-topic, or political comments will be removed. Please remember that this is an official page for policy discussion only.**
  1. As we brace for potentially historic weather conditions over the next 72 hours, it is important to think about how best to prepare for extended periods of time without power and access to essential goods and services. Remember that your fa...
    mily may not be together when disaster strikes so it is important to identify a plan of action during periods without power and communication.

    If you are aware of any elderly or others who may be unable to access prescriptions and or essential goods and services during disaster conditions, I would ask that you consider their well being and plan accordingly. If you are aware of anyone that may be in need of shelter during a natural disaster, please contact the American Red Cross at 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767).

    Earlier today, the President signed an emergency declaration for Pennsylvania, ordering federal aid to assist state and local first responders dealing with Hurricane Sandy. This declaration allows the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to coordinate all disaster relief efforts and to provide appropriate assistance to supplement state and local response efforts. Additionally, the National Guard Bureau is currently assisting Pennsylvania’s Joint Emergency Operations Center as well as the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA).

    For more information on how to prepare for a natural disaster please visit or contact your local emergency management planning agency at:

    Allegheny County: (412) 473-2550
    Armstrong County: (724) 548-3431
    Cambria County: (814) 472-2050
    Fayette County: (724) 430-1277
    Greene County: (724) 627-5387
    Indiana County: (724) 349-9300
    Somerset County: (814) 445-1515 or (814) 445-1516
    Washington County: (724) 228-6911
    Westmoreland County: (724) 600-7301

    As always, in the event of an actual emergency call 911. Being prepared for the worst possible outcome will save lives. Be prepared and be safe.
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  3. This week, a new report from the Project on Student Debt at The Institute for College Access & Success (TICAS) found that students who borrowed for college and earned bachelor’s degrees in 2011 graduated with an average $26,600 in student l...
    oan debt, up from $25,250 in 2010.

    This is a clear indication that more work needs to be done to address college costs, and making college more affordable is one of the most important things we can do to invest in our nation’s future. Higher education is still the likeliest route to employment and good wages, and we cannot allow the fear of high-debt after graduation to stop some students from getting a college education.

    Instead of working to make college affordable, the House Republican budget, authored by House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI), slashes vital investments in higher education and makes it more expensive for millions of American students. The Ryan-Republican budget cuts more than 400,000 students from the Pell Grant program and allows interest rates on need-based student loans to double for more than 7.5 million low and middle income students.

    While we must address our nation’s economic challenges, the Ryan-Republican budget cuts the very education programs that allow millions of American students the opportunity to go to college and earn a higher education. The Ryan-Republican budget views these programs as a drain on our nation’s spending; I believe that investing in our students is critical to our nation’s economic recovery and future competiveness.

    For more information, please visit:
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  4. While overall violent crime has decreased across the country, there has been an alarming rise in the number of police officers killed in the line of duty. In 2011, 72 officers were killed by perpetrators, a 25 percent increase from the pre...
    vious year and a 75 percent increase from 2008. Our law enforcement officials work tirelessly and selflessly to keep our communities safe, and we must do all that we can to ensure their own personal safety.

    With that said, I'm pleased to announce that communities throughout the 12th Congressional District will receive federal grants for the purchase of bulletproof vests for law enforcement personnel. These grants are being provided by the U.S. Department of Justice under the Bulletproof Vest Partnership program.

    To see the list of awarded Counties and communities, please visit my website:
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  5. Through the efforts of local residents, we successfully fought the U.S. Postal Service’s plan to close 35 area post offices. But because Congress refuses to act to help solve the Postal Service’s fiscal problems, they are being forced to reduce hours at 13,000 post offices across the nation.

    In the coming weeks and months, the U.S. Postal Service will be sending local residents a letter and su...
    rvey explaining the POSTPlan process. This process seeks to reduce hours at 13,000 nationwide post offices, including hours at 129 post offices in Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District. The POSTPlan will survey local residents and solicit community input to help determine the best course of action for providing postal services to our local communities. The results of this survey will help to determine future post office hours of operations, and it’s crucial that residents respond to the questions to help show the importance of post offices in our rural communities.

    I encourage residents to contact my Johnstown office with any questions or concerns that you may have at 814-535-2642 or 1-800-289-2642.

    Please visit my website for additional information regarding this matter:
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  6. Senator Specter will be remembered for a lot of things: a prosecutor and legal expert, an independent-minded legislator, a champion for cancer and other medical research, and a fixture in Pennsylvania and U.S. politics for over three decades. We are a better Commonwealth and nation because of his service and I hope it is a comfort to his wife, Joan, and to their entire family that so many grieve their loss and are praying for them during this sad time.
  7. Thanks to all of the many students, parents, military schools and ROTC folks for making last night's All-Academy Night a success. We had a great showing with a total of 106 in attendance.

    I encourage all high school students who are interested in attending one of our Military Academies or ROTC programs to please contact my office at 1-800-289-2642 for more details.
    Photo: Thanks to all of the many students, parents, military schools and ROTC folks for making last night's All-Academy Night a success.  We had a great showing with a total of 106 in attendance. 

I encourage all high school students who are interested in attending one of our Military Academies or ROTC programs to please contact my office at 1-800-289-2642 for more details.
  8. On Thursday, October 11, 2012, I will be hosting an information session at the Johnstown-Downtown Holiday Inn from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. for high school students interested in attending one of our nation’s military academies or Reserve Officers'...
    Training Corps (ROTC) programs. The event will feature information sessions and short presentations from each Military Academy/ROTC representative. The event is free and all high school students and their parents are encouraged to attend.

    Please visit my website for further information:
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Earlier in November

Earlier in October

Earlier in 2012