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Note on future regional statistical releases

On November 26, 2012 the 2009-2011 estimates of Personal Income and Employment for all local areas - including counties, metropolitan areas, micropolitan areas, and BEA economic areas, will be released 11 months after the end of the reference year. This represents a five month acceleration of the release of the complete set of local area estimates. As a result, the release of the advance estimates of Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas (formerly released in August of each year) will be discontinued. The County Compensation by industry statistics (formerly released in December) will be incorporated into the November 26 release as part of the accelerated schedule. For further information please contact the staff of the Regional Income Division at (202) 606-5360, or reis@bea.gov.

The primary data source for the advance estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Metropolitan Area (formerly released in September of each year) was the advance estimates of Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas. With the August release discontinued, GDP by Metropolitan Area will now incorporate estimates from the November release of Local Area Personal Income. This will result in a later release (February of the following year) of GDP by Metropolitan Area estimates and is expected to result in smaller revisions for subsequent releases. For further information please contact the GDP by Metropolitan Area staff at (202) 606-5341, or gdpbymetro@bea.gov.