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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Outcomes of Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research

Impact of Studies Funded: Final Report

This report assesses the impact of 18 pharmaceutical research studies by the Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research (COER) at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). For each project, both an overview and specific findings and key impacts are presented.

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Summary of Studies' Impact and Relevance in Today's Policy Environment
     Impact on Research
     Impact on Policies, Clinical Practice, and Health Care Outcomes
     Focus on Target Populations and Key Diseases and Conditions
     Relevance to Current Policy Issues
Key Impacts and Findings by Project
     Comparative Outcomes of Ambulatory Pharmaceutical Agents (Joseph Lau)
     Computer-based Prospective Drug Utilization Review (William Tierney)
     Improving Outcomes in Elderly NSAID Users (Wayne Ray)
     Outcomes Associated with Therapy for Otitis Media (Stephen Berman)
     Outcomes of Compliance with an AMI Practice Guideline (Stephen Soumerai)
     Outcomes of Pharmaceutical Therapy for HIV Disease (Richard Moore)
     Patient Outcomes Associated with Antidepressant Drugs (Judith Garrard)
     Patient Outcomes with Antibiotic Therapy for Lyme Disease (G. Thomas Strickland)
     Pharmaceutical Care and Pediatric Asthma Outcomes (Andreas Stergachis)
     Pharmaceutical Care: The Patient Role (Betty Chewning)
     Use of Record Linkage to Study Outcomes of Drug Therapy (Richard Platt)
     A Health Status Measure to Evaluate Drug Therapy for PCP (Albert Wu)
     Cognitive Impairment and Medication Appropriateness (Joseph Hanlon)
     Preference Assessment for Pharmaceutical Evaluation (Alan Garber)
     Pharmaceutical Cost, Use, and Outcome Among Insured Elderly (Laura Gardner)
     Statistical Methods for Quality-of-Life Outcome Research (Marcia Anne Testa)
     Community-based Pharmaceutical Care: A Controlled Trial (Morris Weinberger)
     Impact of Prospective Drug Use Review on Health Outcomes (Frank Ahern)

AHRQ Publication No. 02-R201
Current as of October 2001

Internet Citation:

Outcomes of Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research—Impact of Studies Funded: Final Report. AHRQ Publication No. 02-R201, October 2001. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Rockville, MD.


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