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Submission Requirements for Shipstead-Luce Act Concept Review

PLEASE NOTE: If your project has already been approved in concept, please see submission requirements for permit review.

Submit the following at the District Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) Permit Service Center (1100 4th Street, SW, 2nd floor, 202 442-4589) no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled Commission meeting.The DCRA Permit Service Center will assign a case number and forward the complete submission file to the Commission. For complete information regarding the DCRA submission process, including obtaining signatures and paying fees, contact the DCRA directly.

A complete Concept Review submission includes:

Concept Application (available at DCRA), a one-page form with spaces for name, address and phone numbers for the owner of the property and the agent. Information must be complete and legible. (Include area and zip codes.) The applicants listed will receive copies of Commission recommendation upon completion of the review process.

Comprehensive Photographs of the property (two sets), including the area of proposed work, view from the street and the public alley (if applicable), and contextual photos with adjacent structures clearly identified. Photos can be of any size and format, except Polaroid shots, which do not meet archival requirements.

Architectural Drawings, four complete sets of accurate and scaled drawings including, but not limited to:

  • site plan, indicating footprint of adjacent or neighboring structures, significant features, fence lines, major trees or plantings and property lines

  • complete floor plans and elevations showing existing conditions

  • complete floor plans and elevations showing proposed work

  • section drawings, contour plans and landscape plans as required depending on the scope of the work

  • drawings of full facade indicating awnings and signs (if applicable)

  • drawings indicating location and style of fence (if applicable)

  • additional perspective or three-dimensional renderings may be included for illustrative purposes

  • drawings of full facade indicating exterior mechanical equipment

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Last Modified: March 26, 2010