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Application Instructions

Native American Title VI Grants - How to Submit a NEW Application

The availability of funds for Title VI grants is reported through Program Announcements published in the Federal Register. The Office for American Indian, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian Programs (OAIANNHP) administers three grant programs and publishes an announcement that includes all three programs.

These announcements describe applicant eligibility, application requirements, sample funding amounts, deadlines for submission of the application and the expected date of the awards. These awards are made for a three-year project period to reduce the paperwork burden on grantees.

The Three Programs are:

Part A Indian Program - Grants are made to eligible tribal organizations to pay all of the costs for delivery of supportive services and nutrition services for older individuals who are Indians. (See Program Announcement for Part A);

Part B Native Hawaiian Program - Grants are made to elegible public and nonprofit private organizations to pay all of the costs for the delivery of supportive services and nutrition services to older Native Hawaiians. (See Program Announcement for Part B); and

Part C Native American Caregiver Support Program - Grants are made to tribal organizations with applications approved under parts A and B, to pay for the support services for the caregivers. (See Program Announcement for Part C)

Should program changes occur within the 3 year funding period, a revised application must be submitted to OAIANNHP for approval prior to making the changes.

Last Modified: 6/29/2011 1:57:32 PM